Airliner Atrocity is Another Illuminati False Flag
July 19, 2014

(Note: Updates in Bold) Dispersing the media fog: There is only one power on earth who routinely perpetrates senseless acts of terror: The Illuminati-Jewish banking cartel that runs Kiev, NATO and the West.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
False flag: You commit an atrocity and blame your enemies. In this case, the Kiev-based junta shot down the plane and blamed the Donetsk separatists and their Russian backers.
The reaction of the Western mass media is the "tell." Just as they blamed Osama bin Laden within an half-hour of the 9-11 false flag, the Illuminati Jewish mass media pins the blame on the Russian-backed separatists without any evidence whatever. Echoes of 9-11, they call this shootdown "an act of terror."
You have to ask, "who benefits" from such a crime? What possible benefit could the Russians or their allies derive from this atrocity?
The Ukrainians on the other hand are backed by the US-based Illuminati Jewish NeoCons who are anxious to increase tensions and provoke war with Russia. Their ultimate goal is to unseat Putin. This heinous crime must be seen in the context of the sinking of the Maine or the Lusitania as an attempted casus belli. Obama called it a "wakeup call for Europe." CNN "experts" say the Russians did it; militias don't have the skills. (No proof is necessary, just like Assad's "chemical attack" on his own people. This is what the Illuminati-Jewish-dominated West has descended to: Commit an atrocity and blame the "enemy," i.e. the nation that refuses to surrender.)
Just as we never learned what really happened to MH-370, I predict we will never have closure on MH-17 because the Illuminati and their agents never own up to their heinous crimes. Already, the media coverage is mostly about the crash scene when the only question of relevance is, who shot down the plane? I have not heard one suggestion in the mass media that Kiev might have been culpable.
Here are articles which support the False Flag view:
Was Ukraine's Ministry of Interior behind the Downing of Malaysian Airlines MH17?
The Ukrainians says the separatist militias do not have the BUK system. A report from an ex-pat Spanish air traffic controller in Kiev said the plane was diverted over the conflicted area and taken down by order of the Nazi-run Ukrainian Interior ministry which is in charge of pacifying the Eastern region.
'Smoking gun' intercepts in the MH17 shootdown
The Ukrainian Secret Service released a reported phone conversation in which Russian separatists admit shooting down the plane by mistake. The Russians debunk this as a fraud. They say the conversation was concocted before the plane was hit. See also: "Busted: Tape made before Shootdown"
Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 Downed Over Warzone Ukraine. Who Was... Russia and the fighters operating in eastern Ukraine have nothing to gain by downing a civilian airliner, but absolutely everything to lose - thus pointing the finger in another direction - that of NATO and their proxy regime in Kiev. Malaysian Plane Crash: Lies and Sinister Political Agenda by the West
The Russian Defense Ministry has said that when a Malaysian Airlines plane was apparently shot down over Ukraine, a Ukrainian Buk anti-aircraft missile battery was operational in the region
Kiev Refuses to Release Controller Instructions to MH-17 Pilots
A simple search at reveals that MH17 was in fact diverted 200 kilometers north from the usual flight path taken by Malaysia Airlines in the previous days - and plunged right in the middle of a war zone. Why? What sort of communication did MH17 receive from Kiev air control tower?
Kiev has been mute about it. Yet the answer would be simple, had Kiev released the Air Traffic Control recording of the tower talking to flight MH17; Malaysia did it after flight MH370 disappeared forever.
It won't happen; SBU security confiscated it. So much for getting an undoctored explanation on why MH17 was off its path, and what the pilots saw and said before the explosion.
The Russian Defense Ministry, for its part, has confirmed that a Kiev-controlled Buk anti-aircraft missile battery was operational near the MH17's crash. Kiev has deployed several batteries of Buk surface-to-air missile systems with at least 27 launchers; these are all perfectly capable of bringing down jets flying at 33,000 ft.
Russia Slams US for implicating Rebels
On Saturday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said the US administration sought to pin the blame on separatists and Russia without waiting for the results of an investigation.
"The statements of representatives of the US administration are evidence of a deep political aberration of Washington's perception of what is going on in Ukraine," he told Russian news agencies.
Where the World Sees Tragedy, NATO Sees a "Game Changing" Opportunity
The cynicism is breath-taking.
The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in a statement titled, "The Downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17: Russia in the Dock," provides a self-incriminating indictment as to the motives Kiev and its NATO backers had in carrying out the attack on MH17 and subsequently framing Russia for it. RUSI's statement claims (emphasis added):
A Game Change: Within days, however, the real debate will shift from one about producing the right evidence and culprits, to more about what can be saved from the rapidly-deteriorating relations between Russia and the West.
The tragedy will stain Russia's relations with the world for years to come. Nations determined to keep on good terms with Russia - such as China or Vietnam which relies on Russian weapon supplies and wishes these to continue - will keep quiet. And there will always be some plausible deniability, giving other countries enough room for manoeuvre to avoid accusing Russia directly for this disaster. But the culprits for the crime will be pursued by international investigators and tribunals. And many Russian officials will be added to the 'wanted' lists of police forces around the world. The story will linger, and won't be pretty for Russian diplomats.
Given the fact that the majority of the victims are European citizens, it is also getting increasingly difficult to see how France would be able to deliver the Mistral ships which Russia ordered for its navy, or how Britain could continue shielding Russia from financial sanctions. And, given the fact that scores of US citizens were also killed on the MH17 flight means that the US Congress will demand greater sanctions on Russia, making any improvement in relations with Washington highly unlikely.
Russia Asks Kiev to Answer Ten Simple Questions
6. Why did Ukrainian air traffic controllers allow the plane to deviate from the regular route to the north, towards "the anti-terrorist operation zone"?
Related - Another summary of evidence by Nick Kollerstrom points to Ukrainian... ----------- Russian Expert says Damage Confirms MH-17 shot down by Ukrainian Mi... ---- First Comment from James Perloff:
Just in case they don't get a war against Russia over MH17, perhaps the Western media should trot out the following tried-and-tested headlines this week as "breaking news":
If one false flag doesn't suffice, why not use the shotgun approach?
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