Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Greetings, I have just returned from the live Abraham Hicks workshop in Denver today. This leading edge workshop blew me away as always. I am not sure where to start. Here is their homepage link so you can check out further should you want to learn more or attend a live event which will change your life forever.the link is Abraham says there is first the thought then the vibration and then manifestation. So what you see now is past vibration which is now manifested but is only the jumping off place.This so called reality we see is past tense. What you are now thinking and vibrating is what you are creating.The vortex is real time and the way you access the vortex is by FEELING GOOD.Its all in how you feels that creates your experiences. What you are thinking makes you feel good or bad that is how you tell if you are in alignment with who you are. Feel the JOY of alignment.Resistance is what keeps you from the vortex which is where your source self is awaiting for you.The vortex is where all your desires have manifested vibrationaly but resistance is what keeps you from what you want.Give your attention to what feels good.You release resistance through meditation,sleeping thinking better thoughts.Ignite your inner knowing.Translate reality through the feeling of appreciation you dont see it you Feel it.Be HAPPY NOW where you.You are where you are and where you are is really really good. Expect things you want to be.Give your attention to what feels good.Chronic thoughts become beliefs.Time space reality gets better and better.The earth is expanding along with you.There is no ending comming there is no global warming or 2012 disasters comming.Dooms day people are always spreding fear because they are out of the vortex and are not in touch with Source.As we all see people spread doomsday end of the world type fears only they never happen.Abraham says to pratice feeling higher vibrating thoughts.Appreciation of everyone and everything for tis the way Source sees it.When you push against what you do not want you include it into your vibration.There is no such thing as no in this vibration univese.Law of Attraction always matches you up with how your feeling/vibrating.Are you a problem solver or a soultion seeker for when you focus on a problem law of attration brings more of the same to you.One thing that will change your reality is a book of positive aspects.MAke a list every day of people things, places and write down all the things you appreciate about them and in 2 weeks you will see more of what you are thinking about in your life.Be true to yourself and do not listen to others you are not here to make others happy you are here to make your self happy.You have nothing to offer anyone if you are not inalignment with Source.Well this is alot of info so think about it and Abraham is free on u-tube and ABraham is the leading edge of thought Abraham has the answers to any question you may have nevr has anyone been able to answer all my questions.This is the time of remembering that you are GOD or SOURCE in a physical body and that you can be or do or have anything you desire for you are all creators creating all different things no two people are the same.We came here for the contrast and the JOYFUL ride on the stream.LIFE IS SUPPOSE TO BE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Comment by Lydia on September 12, 2010 at 10:19pm
That Is GREAT Thanks For Sharing I truly Learn a lot from this and every other share I read but Truly There are Times when I have doubts about It Joshua from my past experience.
HOWEVER...I think what maybe Happens Is That there Must be some Unconsious Beliefs That sabotage
somehow What We Want....But Great Share ~ Maybe it is Time to FOCUS ONLY On Things WE WANT !!! :)))

Comment by Joshua Temple on September 12, 2010 at 9:00pm
Abraham says we dont have fun when there is resistance to what is.Your emotions are your guide to the thoughts you are thinking.hen you think thoughts that are not in vibration to who you are you feel bad.However we came here to earth for the contrast you know what you dont want so step one is you ask for what you do want even if you dont speak the words.Step two Source becomes it and step3 you then allow it.Abraham said most people suffer from AS IS ITIS you see waht is and you beat the drum of what was or what is and keep yourself apart from what you have become.We came here to expand and to expand the all.Dont worry Abraham says that when you croak you will instantly become the vibrational match to what you have become.Abraham says there is no daeth only life you do not die you become counciu.The closest thing to death is the life you now live because you continue to push against what you do not want.Where your attention goes your energy flows.Your thoughts become your beliefs and your beliefs become your experience. What are you expecting?????????? What are you FEELING????????????
Comment by Lydia on September 12, 2010 at 11:27am
Yes I soo Agree...LIFE IS SUPPOSE TO BE FUN !!!! Sooo Why are We NOT Having much fun now a days?
These are Great POINTS Joshua ~ Thanks for Sharing all This as I could FEEL the Energy in Your words as IF I was At this Work Shop too ~ So That IS GREAT !!!
My Hope IS That the Energy of THOSE WHO Fully Understand this concept Of Creating Our Reality Will Be Getting SOOO Strong and Intense That This Will Give the PUSH For The Rest Of THE WORLD and HUMANITY ~ TO FEEL GOOD AGAIN !!! ;0)
After ALL Isnt THAT What We ALL WANT ???

Love and Blessings Dear Friend for Sharing this with Us ~ Keep Adding anything else you might think of still from the workshop as Every little bit helps for The Collective Consciousness To BE UP~LIFTED
Soo We Can ALL FLY HIGH And JUST BE In Love With LOVE and LIFE !!! :))))
Bless You !!! :)))

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