Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Greetings, I have just returned from the live Abraham Hicks workshop in Denver today. This leading edge workshop blew me away as always. I am not sure where to start. Here is their homepage link so you can check out further should you want to learn more or attend a live event which will change your life forever.the link is Abraham says there is first the thought then the vibration and then manifestation. So what you see now is past vibration which is now manifested but is only the jumping off place.This so called reality we see is past tense. What you are now thinking and vibrating is what you are creating.The vortex is real time and the way you access the vortex is by FEELING GOOD.Its all in how you feels that creates your experiences. What you are thinking makes you feel good or bad that is how you tell if you are in alignment with who you are. Feel the JOY of alignment.Resistance is what keeps you from the vortex which is where your source self is awaiting for you.The vortex is where all your desires have manifested vibrationaly but resistance is what keeps you from what you want.Give your attention to what feels good.You release resistance through meditation,sleeping thinking better thoughts.Ignite your inner knowing.Translate reality through the feeling of appreciation you dont see it you Feel it.Be HAPPY NOW where you.You are where you are and where you are is really really good. Expect things you want to be.Give your attention to what feels good.Chronic thoughts become beliefs.Time space reality gets better and better.The earth is expanding along with you.There is no ending comming there is no global warming or 2012 disasters comming.Dooms day people are always spreding fear because they are out of the vortex and are not in touch with Source.As we all see people spread doomsday end of the world type fears only they never happen.Abraham says to pratice feeling higher vibrating thoughts.Appreciation of everyone and everything for tis the way Source sees it.When you push against what you do not want you include it into your vibration.There is no such thing as no in this vibration univese.Law of Attraction always matches you up with how your feeling/vibrating.Are you a problem solver or a soultion seeker for when you focus on a problem law of attration brings more of the same to you.One thing that will change your reality is a book of positive aspects.MAke a list every day of people things, places and write down all the things you appreciate about them and in 2 weeks you will see more of what you are thinking about in your life.Be true to yourself and do not listen to others you are not here to make others happy you are here to make your self happy.You have nothing to offer anyone if you are not inalignment with Source.Well this is alot of info so think about it and Abraham is free on u-tube and ABraham is the leading edge of thought Abraham has the answers to any question you may have nevr has anyone been able to answer all my questions.This is the time of remembering that you are GOD or SOURCE in a physical body and that you can be or do or have anything you desire for you are all creators creating all different things no two people are the same.We came here for the contrast and the JOYFUL ride on the stream.LIFE IS SUPPOSE TO BE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Comment by Besimi on September 14, 2010 at 11:53pm
'' LIFE IS SUPPOSE TO BE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! ''
...Yes ! Joshua ....thnx precious friend. Namaste.
Comment by Lydia on September 14, 2010 at 7:31pm
Makes sense .......THANK YOU for Sharing Joshua !

Comment by Joshua Temple on September 14, 2010 at 7:28pm
One thing Abraham says is that awakening is not a desire for everyone.We need to ALLOW others to be for the so called pain we see is because our prespective is not how Source sees it. To wish peace for the whole world is to make others see things our way.We must allow others to be and do as they will if we are to find alignment.No one needs saving everyone is SOURCE. The way you help others is by only seeing things in the eyes of Source.You have nothing to offer if you are not aligned.Everything is perfect the way it is it is only your preception that makes you feel bad. When you see someone suffering it is your out of alignment that lets you see such things for really they are not suffering its just YOU seeing it that way, When i get the recording I will post more.We all all selfishly focused and what everyone wants is to feel good and people try to control outer conditions to feel good but it does not work as Lwa Of Attraction brings you more of what you are observing and feeling.Its always a match.The only thing you need to do is just be happy whee you ane and be eager for more.Nothing else matters but you aligning with you.
Comment by Lydia on September 14, 2010 at 2:06pm
Hi Joshua ~ just saw this in my e-mail today and it kind of rang a bell with the Manifestations that Abraham was sharing with You so I would like to Add it here ~ Love and Blessings !
May We All Manifest Heaven on Earth ~ Yay ....... :)
What's on your hot list?
"The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want."

-- Ben Stein

A Hot List is basically a to-do list with one key difference: it only includes topics or tasks that really matter to you, those that genuinely affect your quality of life. You know -- the ones you never get around to! The ones that will make your life your own!

Keep a prioritised Hot List handy to remind you to claim 5 to 15 minutes to focus on and write about what counts in your life. Even 5 minutes is better than nothing. Start small and the momentum will build.

"You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage -- pleasantly, smilingly, nonapologetically -- to say 'no' to other things. And the way you do that is by having a bigger 'yes' burning inside."

-- Stephen Covey

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P.S. Feel the inner urge to help others with your own personal growth workshops? We’ll show you how! Help others as you help yourself!

The Inner Journey is brought to you by John & Patrice Robson of We invite you to take the awareness and consciousness journey to know & grow yourself.
Comment by Cyboriell on September 13, 2010 at 2:11am
Wow... you are really inspired, your words are giving the energy you got being with Abraham ,very very uplifting ,thank you LOve and light
Comment by Lydia on September 12, 2010 at 11:56pm
Comment by Lydia on September 12, 2010 at 10:58pm
I actually have the edited one but I saw the original too I think. The secret IS to feel GOOD no matter What :)))
Comment by Joshua Temple on September 12, 2010 at 10:54pm
Yes the book you got is amazing as they all are.The movie the secret do you have the original with Ester Hicks or the edited one??? Abraham says the edited movie the secret is still the secret because they removed the answers.
Comment by Lydia on September 12, 2010 at 10:48pm
LOL.....Yes I can see why You would Be Flying High ~ Abraham Ester and Jerry are Great ~ I Love them too.

I have the book Ask and it is given....I have the Movie/book The Secet now there is a new book Called The Power I just got it few day ago
I Hope will get it soon SO I can Manifest the Life I dream About ~ Thanks Joshua for sharing All This ~
Much appreciate it !!!
Comment by Joshua Temple on September 12, 2010 at 10:40pm
Abraham has just put out a new $ DVD set called ASK AND IT IS GIVEN AN introdution to the Teachings Of Abraham Hicks 2010 Just out this month.It is amazing and also reveals the secret behind the secret. These teachings are the most advanced teachings I have found and the DVDs are well woth buting and listening to day after day and each time you listen you feel better and better and get it on a new level its like you never heard it the times before. You can buy DVDs on Amazon or from their website. I have bought all LAw Of Attraction DVDs all 12 and each one is a jewel and each one speaks directly to YOU its like it was made just for you.I but 1-2 at a time each month. its amazing as The Law Of Attraction is the same for everone physical or non physical.What you vibrate you attract.Also note say someone says something to you like i dont trust them well then what theyare also saying is you cannot trust them.Your beliefs you wear on your sleeves for all to see.There is no right or wrong awakening is not for everyone.Some have chosen to remain seperated and they are happy.What you preceve is their suffering but it is you who is suffering not them. We did not come here to be the same.All experiences are valid.All humans want things for one reason and that is to make them feel better. So why not seek JOY--LOVE---Happiness--Appreciation of all things. You are source energy you created your body and you came here for the ride.You did not come to do something or save anyone you just came as an extension of Source to EXPAND. You are a mutidemential being you are living many lives all at the same time on many different levels.There is no time no past no future only NOW.Its goes so deep and is so amzing.You are alive and look at all the beauty in the world you are AMAZING each and every one of you no matter where you are.There is no right or wrong.Do what FEELS right for you and you will flourish just like you intended when you came here.Wellbeing is our natural state of being its hard work to feel bad.We came here and we were taught by parents churches schools and goverment to do what made others feel good and so we listend to others instead of listening to our inner guidence system which is how something makes you feel.Its your EMOTIONS.Abraham calls it your EGS emotional guidence system. all this stuff Abraham says goes on and on and it really works.I am still flying hight feeling so amazily good from being with in the vortex.Thats what the dvds do they are recorded live law of attaction workshops so even listening to them on dvd you get pulled into the vortex anbd aligned with Source.I so appreciate Abraham and ESter and Jerry and I so appreciate YOU all I love you all.

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