The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Mon, 20 Feb 2012
To pay them to just hang out and write code. I read in the news this morning that some video game developers started a $400,000 pledge drive to fund their new video game. In just 24 hours, they had collected more than they needed: They got 1.4 MILLION! For a video game!! Truth isn't wanted anymore: only fun fiction that keeps people from having to deal with the real world.
So, let me end your suspense: The answer to the question in the title is "yes". The world is ending in 2012. That is, the final implementation of the fascist, totalitarian New World Order will be accomplished this year and you will be in that "New World" that the global elite have designed for you, and planned to implement for a very long time now. Oh, indeed, similar New World Order's have been staged in the past on smaller scales, but this time it's global because they are all in on it together! Former New World Order's didn't really fail, even if they ostensibly fell; they just passed the torch around for millennia, spreading the disease, growing the sickness in society, until finally, now, with global communication and incredible weapons of destruction in their hands, they are ready to finalize the Faustian bargain that you, the people, signed with your blood.
That's what 2012 is all about. It's not about some grand and glorious transformation or ascension to another existence! It's not about being 'raptured' to heaven at the right hand of Jesus because you helped to 'initiate the Eschaton'! It's not about 'Starseeds' being taken aboard spacecraft and getting airlifted to some other planet of the '5th dimension'. Pure and simple, prophecy is coming true, just not the way you all thought. It is the end of your world as human beings, your reduction to pure slave-hood, your children turned over to be sex toys or cannon fodder for psychopaths, and there's nothing you can do about it now.
Well, certainly nothing that is comfortable. And that's the problem. You just wanted to be comfortable. You just wanted to have your life and live it too! A house, enough food, toys, holidays, a couple of kids, growing old with someone, maybe. But no upsets! No hard choices! No upsetting the apple-cart just because something is right or true or just. You just wanted peace, and in exchange for peace, you sold your soul. And, as V said in the movie, V for Vendetta, "where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others... but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror."
But, not to worry! Such a state of affairs - of such widespread suffering and discontent - cannot last! Indeed, not! It can get worse as it generally does time and again throughout history. You will only have to suffer the totalitarian New World Order for about two years then you can look forward to 1) The sudden descent of an Ice Age that will kill billions OR 2) cometary swarm bombardment that will kill billions OR both.
On the other hand, maybe neither will happen and the masses of people will rise up against their oppressors and their oppressors will respond, in true psychopathic fashion, but killing billions in a nuclear war.
Take your pick. Frankly, I like the Ice Age option.
Of course, you might argue none of these options will come true; that they are mere speculation and can be conveniently dismissed. Even a cursory view of the current world situation shows that the world we are leaving our children will be virtually unlivable. To wit:
1) We cannot possibly meet our energy needs in the next 50 years with any currently available electric generation system. Today, our energy systems barely manage to provide the needed energy for the 7 billion people currently on the planet. Many are left, literally, in the dark; and those who do have access to energy know well how tenuous those energy systems are as even a slight increase in demand from inclement weather can bring the system to a halt. Yet our population continues to increase, which will lead inevitably to greater demands for energy. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that by 2046 the world population will have increased to 9 billion.
2) Widespread agriculture has stripped virtually all existing arable land of vital nutrients and has all but completely obliterated the top soil. While those in industrial nations have an illusion of plenty, supported by a trip to the grocery store to see the well-stocked shelves, the majority of the food there consists of some form of simple carbohydrates that are grown in large quantities with the help of petrochemicals in the form of fuel and fertilizer. On average, there are two weeks supply of food on supermarket shelves. A change in weather, either from alleged "global warming" or the more likely coming ice age, and/or a downturn in the availability of fossil fuels will put an end to current agricultural practices, leading to mass starvation.
3) Widespread use of antibiotics has led to new bacteria that produce an enzyme that disables antibiotics. These new 'super bugs' have already caused relatively small scale pandemics. Each year, new 'super bugs' are discovered (or created) that prove more difficult to combat. Combined with modern transportation, it is only a matter of time before one or more of these 'super bugs' causes a worldwide pandemic that will completely overwhelm the ability of public health systems to respond.
These are merely a few highlights of what await our children in the world we are leaving them. None of these are dire predictions based on worst-case scenarios. Rather, they are rational, even conservative projections into the future based on current trends that show no sign of changing. In other words, these are closer to best-case scenarios, assuming that nothing unexpected happens in the next 50 years.
Is there any hope? For most of humanity, no. Sorry. The time to have activated anything based on hope is long past. You should have done it back when Kennedy was murdered. There was a small chance then. But your silent acceptance of that gargantuan lie (and all the lies since) is what spoke your permission to be enslaved most eloquently.
Certainly, there are some few who will survive but only those who have managed to re-activate their Ice Age physiology and mentality.
>>> It continues here:
Whatever it takes to awaken the general population. It took 10-14-08 for me. Regardless of what brad Johnson and blossom do. I still thank them for doing it because it lead me to truth. No, I don't agree with what either of them say to the T per say but they woke me up. Even if it was shit with a little bit of truth in there.
Glad to see by all the comments that we realize what this article is all about.
Remember that you have a choice, if you think you are powerless, you already lost.
If I ask you guys what reality would you prefer, chances are, you would like a better world as well as around 7 billion people in this planet. So, how do we get there? overnight? I believe it's a process and I think like Gerd said, there is a lot going on that the media doesn't report.
Remember that the change start within...
PT - that site is one of my 20+ sources ;-)
SIMMY - glad u like it ;-)
Thanks Nonya and PT!
p.s.: That newsblok site looks very good.
totally agree with you both, nonya and paT. Got nothing more to add ;-)
GERD - agreed! Everyone is sick of the madness, but how many of them are doing everything possible to NOT be a part of that madness? Thats part of the problem. So many people are sick of what is going on in the US, yet.....they religously pay their taxes on April 15. People want the GMOs and Monsanto stopped, yet.....they continue to buy from stores that are cheaper and offering such items. People want the lies stopped yet, many people have actually stopped lying to each other. This is where people have got to be part of the solution in the smallest of ways yet, will make a big impact.....ripple effect :-)
SIMMY - its good that you posted it anyway. Maybe some people need to be awakened to the creep that she is and her website that is puppeted by George Soros. Im glad you posted this as it points out eye openeing and truthful facts as to what is going on here on earth and also helps shed the light of truth on yet another scam artist ;-) Thanks for posting
you all might be right, that there is some truth in the article (especially regarding destruction of the earth). But there is much more going on behind the scenes and someting is brewing at the moment. Nearly every person I talk to wants to stop the madness, but they don't know how. So I guess the critical mass is building up faster and faster and solutions are starting to emerge and believe me, this will speed up more and more. I feel it :-). Don't let em bring you down :D. Just a cheer up from my side...
PT - stay away from SOTT!!! It is completely infiltrated. There is not one source of info I can recommend that you shouldn't cross reference any info collected. I dont have one source of news. I have about 20 -25 and then I cross reference as far as I can to get the threads of truth. May I suggest you look into There you will find a wealth of info and can usually be cross referenced in the main steam media like huffingtonpost or the drudge report, etc. Laura Knight Jadzyck is a crook and a scam artist. I would like nothing more than for everyone to stop going to that site so she is forced to shut it down. She is the lowest of life forms.
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