Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

"11 breaths for humanity on 1/11/11 at 11:11 am Your Local Time"

Subject: 11 breaths for humanity on 1/11/11 at 11:11 am Your Local Time

Message from the Facebook Group :

To each and every person who is attending the 11 Breaths for Humanity tomorrow…. Let’s do it!!!! Let’s sound a wave that WILL be heard around that world.

If you happen to miss the 11:11 wave in your local time zone, don’t’ stress or worry. You can ride any another wave at anytime during the day just by jumping in when the clock strikes 11 past the hour and If you enjoy the ride, feel free to ride as many waves as you want during the day since this event will travel around that world every hour on the hour when the clock strikes 11:11 in each time zone.

Breath + Intent + Sound = Magic.

World visionary, Gregg Braden predicts it will only take less than 8,000 (The square root of 1 percent of the world’s population) to transcend our current level of consciousness. If you haven’t done so already, PLEASE invite all your friends and family. You can do so through face book.

Share your wave. Let’s have some fun with this. If you receive any visions or experiences during the event please share it with us on the event wall. You can post to the event wall at on the facebookThere is plenty of research out there about the profound effects of Breath Work, Intent and Sound Healing, so we won’t get into all that today, but thought two videos were worth of sharing.

A message from water:


David Icke: Sound = Form. In the beginning there was Word and the word was SOUND.


The potential exists to change the world…. Let’s do it. Let’s sound a wave that cannot be ignored. Let’s sound wave of love – 11 breaths for humanity on 1/11/11 at 11:11 am Your Local Time

PS… if you are not on my friends list, please ADD ME. I really want to connect with other like minds.

I will not be able to send any additional reminders or communication regarding this event. It seems that facebook has a size limit on events. After your guest list reaches 5000 they suspend your ability to communicate with your guests. Regrettably, In order to send this reminder tonight, I had to delete some of the pending invites. So you will not receive any further reminders. Much love and gratitude to all.

Blessings Jewels




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Comment by Lydia on January 11, 2011 at 9:28pm

Yes...You can Simone :)))

As A matter of Fact  I believe we can do it anytime .....Sending Love and Healing to Mother Earth and each Other xox

SoE Visitors



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