Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Ashtar Galactic Command News and Links

Greetings all ,
Just wanted to share the Ashtar Command here in the United States.
As many of you know we are really getting amped up Spiritually and Cosmically now as our Planet the Sun and all within our Solar System start to align for what is coming for Humanity.
The lifting of all illusions that Man has created in this lifetime .

The Ashtar Command is here representing many Planetary Worlds of Love and Christ Consciousness.

You are Guardians of the Light Love In Action Here Now.

As Brothers and Sisters we all come to Earth now to assist in this Divine Plan and no one is leftout .

So I want to share our website information on the Ning Ashtar Command USA Global site and with an open heart and arms those that come in Unconditional Love and Spiritual Oneness are welcome to join us.

We are all connected like a large Rainbow here and whats beautiful is how many Lightworker sites have been created.

As Lightworkers on varied mission our numbers will only increase between now and 2012.

To connect to the Ashtar Command Ning Social Network site .

Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always

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Comment by Vishnu on August 7, 2020 at 1:56pm
Thanks for inviting me on this platform.
Love and light to you.

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