Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Michele Lee's Blog (2)

Positive decisions become a destiny

I'm not talking about the destiny in the sense of where we are. "This is my destiny." thinking will trap you to the same thought pattern everyday of your life until you see destiny differently. There is always a future destiny that awaits us all if we could just see. Each positive decision to alter your destiny's past gets you one step closer to that destiny we all so fervently desire for our lives.

Take each decision that brought you to this present destiny and change the…

Added by Michele Lee on January 18, 2010 at 10:59pm — No Comments


Take a bold and positive step this coming year, we have the greatest nation on earth, stand up and declare we cherish Freedom.

We in America have to understand this word to stand up to tyranny on a scale we haven't had too since the civil war times. For years we have allowed our government to legislate our freedoms away. The challenge before us is a great one as many of us have come to our senses, we need to unite in a way that is kin to rebellion on a peaceful scale. I do not…

Added by Michele Lee on December 25, 2009 at 1:53pm — No Comments

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