Why is it that our battery technology cant keep up? I'm 27 years old and other than lithium ion batteries (that still cant keep up with our need for power) there hasn't been a significant jump in portable electricity generating in my whole life. Why is this? A longer lasting more significant power source would revolutionize the world. Can you imagine a cell phone that only needed to be recharged once a month or perhaps never? If you have played fallout 3 could you possible tell me that you…
Added by bo6us on November 17, 2008 at 2:30pm —
i started listening to them last night, today was the second time. so far im pretty impressed. no headache or upset stomach but i think i can "feel" the frequencies. pretty cool stuff and right off the bat i feel like my subconscious was effected. my dreams have been much more vivid and out there, well compared to normal anyway. anyone else using these?
Added by bo6us on November 13, 2008 at 2:19am —