Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Maia Makalii's Blog (6)

Sandy Hook reference in "Dark Knight" Batman Movie

And this was in a preview for "Dark Knight":

Let's send some light and love, prayers for the victims and their families:

The victims are 12 girls, eight boys…


Added by Maia Makalii on December 16, 2012 at 7:49pm — 10 Comments

How to tell the difference between voice to skull and multi-dimensional communication

Hi, All I was following Greg Gile's messages and they started getting contradictory and the tone was very condescending from the "GFL" (as they claimed to be). The new age sites were starting to reject his messages from their websites as it became more and more obvious they were not of the light.  Finally, "they" admitted they were not GFL. Some people say he was a victim of "voice to skull" technology. The messengers claimed to not be of the cabal or illuminati, but claimed to be…


Added by Maia Makalii on October 5, 2012 at 3:05am — 1 Comment

Gates arrest

Kerry Cassidy of called Microsoft to see if gates was arrested their pr department neither confirmed nor denied. If it was false, I would think that they would say right away that it was false.

Added by Maia Makalii on March 7, 2012 at 9:13pm — No Comments

Has anyone ever tried this?

Or does anyone want to try this and report back if it works?


Whenever you get a letter from the IRS demanding that you pay amount: $XXXXX.XX, then this is what you should know: 

The IRS usually always sends you the check to pay your bill if you believe it or not. The perforated remittance that is attached to the letter is the just need to turn it into one. 

Since there is no real money (Gold/Silver) to "lawfully" pay a…


Added by Maia Makalii on March 4, 2012 at 5:12pm — 1 Comment

SETI discovers ET signal on Friday

Three interesting articles on photo of ISS passing by the moon, energy coming from a nearby galaxy, and then the third article says an ET signal wad discovered on Friday

Added by Maia Makalii on January 8, 2012 at 4:49pm — 5 Comments

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