Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Golden_Angel_K's Blog (271)


Let It Begin With You

No matter where you work, chances are there's room for improvement. Let change begin with you. No matter what your position is, you can be the catalyst for positive change in your workplace.

Let your employer or supervisor know that you'd be interested in organizing teams to enhance the work environment. Most employers will be open to this because it doesn't cost them anything. Talk about what changes… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 21, 2010 at 9:00pm — 1 Comment


Outlining Your Intentions

The universe is aware of both the concrete goals we actively pursue and the nebulous dreams we have not yet begun to refine. Neither our struggles nor the daydreams that inspire us are beyond the range of universal perception. Yet to manifest our aspirations, we not only need to know what it is we generally wish to achieve; we also need to clearly articulate these aims to ourselves and the universe. When we… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 21, 2010 at 9:00pm — No Comments


The Passenger

It’s easy to go through this fast-paced world feeling as if you are

being dragged through your weeks on the back of a wild horse. Many of us

go from one thing to another until we end up back at home in the

evening with just enough time to wind down and go to sleep, waking up

the next morning to begin the wild ride once more. While this can be

exhilarating for certain periods of time, a…

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 21, 2010 at 9:00pm — 1 Comment


Growing Pains

It can be very challenging to maintain a positive attitude and a measure of faith when you are in the midst of difficult times. This is partly because we tend to think that if the universe loves us we will experience that love in the form of positive circumstances. However, we are like children, and the universe is our wise mother who knows what our souls need to thrive better than we do. Just as a young child does not… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 16, 2010 at 9:00am — No Comments


Attitude Follows Perspective

We all have days when we are faced with chores, errands, or responsibilities that we don’t want to do. At times like these, it’s easy to get into a bad mood and stay in one as we tackle these tasks. However, given the fact that our bad mood will not change the fact that we have to do these things, and will most likely make things worse, we could also try to shift our attitude. Many wise people have pointed… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 16, 2010 at 9:00am — No Comments


Joy Always

It is the everyday aspects of our lives that bring us the most joy, even if at first it may seem natural to expect our feelings of happiness to come from the larger events in our lives. By noticing how small things can fill our days with delight, we are more likely to experience the wonder of living. Once we take the time to look around and witness the beauty, kindness, and laughter that envelop us, what may seem like the… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 16, 2010 at 9:00am — No Comments


Staying Open And Fluid

Most of us understand that when we judge someone, or someone judges us, it is a negative emotional experience. As a result, we naturally want to avoid being judgmental, but this gets confusing when we feel we have to suppress thoughts that could actually be offering us guidance. For example, we may meet someone new and suppress a negative feeling about them, thinking that we don’t want to fall into the trap of being judgmental. Later, though, it may turn out… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 16, 2010 at 9:00am — No Comments


Fresh Mind

There is a lot of information available to us at this time in history, more than ever before, and it travels quickly. We are able to learn in the blink of an eye about something that happened halfway around the world, and it’s natural for us to want to know what’s going on. However, it’s also fair to say that we don’t want to become so caught up in one way of looking at events that we lose perspective. Often, the news comes… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 16, 2010 at 9:00am — 8 Comments


Taking Another Look

When we meet someone for the first time, we often create a defining image in our minds of who that person is. We may also determine whether or not that someone is worth getting to know. Sometimes when an initial interaction is particularly uncomfortable or challenging, we can decide to close our hearts to this new acquaintance entirely. But being too quick to judge can cause us to lose out on a potentially wonderful, enriching relationship. First impressions don’t… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 12, 2010 at 2:00pm — No Comments


Disapproving Faces

It is not necessarily a pleasant experience, but there will be times in our lives when we come across people who do not like us. As we know, like attracts like, so usually when they don’t like us it is because they are not like us. Rather than taking it personally, we can let them be who they are, accepting that each of us is allowed to have different perspectives and opinions. When we give others that… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 12, 2010 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments


Interesting People Everywhere

It’s easy to forget sometimes that everyone has a story to tell if we take the time to listen. We are so accustomed to hearing the stories of people in the news that we sometimes lose track of the fact that the random stranger on the bus also has a fascinating story about where they came from and how they got to be where they are. The sheer variety of paths taken in this world, from farmers to CEOs to homeless people to world travelers, is indicative of… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 12, 2010 at 1:44pm — 5 Comments


When we fall in love with someone or make a new friend, we sometimes see that person in a glowing light. Their good qualities dominate the foreground of our perception and their negative qualities. They just don’t seem to have any. This temporary state of grace is commonly known as putting someone on a pedestal. Often times we put spiritual leaders and our gurus on pedestals. We have all done this to someone at one time or another, and as long… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 8, 2010 at 12:24pm — 1 Comment


Keeping Our Minds Supple

A lot of people feel threatened if they feel they are being asked to question their cherished beliefs or their perception of reality. Yet questioning is what keeps our minds supple and strong. Simply settling on one way of seeing things and refusing to be open to other possibilities makes the mind rigid and generally creates a restrictive and uncomfortable atmosphere. We all know someone who refuses to budge on one or more issues, and we may have our own… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 8, 2010 at 12:21pm — 10 Comments


Common Courtesy

We often feel that we don’t have the time or energy to extend ourselves to others with the small gestures that compose what we call common courtesy. It sometimes seems that this kind of social awareness belongs to the past, to smaller towns and slower times. Yet, when someone extends this kind of courtesy to us, we always feel touched. Someone who lends a helping hand when we are struggling with our groceries makes an impression because many people just walk right by.… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 8, 2010 at 12:21pm — 2 Comments


Being Happy for Others

We all want to be the kind of people who are happy for others when they

experience success or a cause for celebration in their lives, but it

isn’t always easy. Sometimes powerful, dark feelings come up at times

when decorum dictates that we should be feeling the opposite. Instead of

reaching out and celebrating for our loved one, we may feel the rising

up of our own pain. This pain may… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 8, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments


"Knowing others is Wisdom; Knowing the Self is Enlightenment"

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 5, 2010 at 11:56am — 2 Comments


I see a rainbow up high in the sky

I make a wish and release it to fly

To wing its way to the colours above

To rise high like on the wings of a dove


I see rain drops falling softly down

Falling from an Angel’s crown

I feel refreshed as the rain soaks through

A feeling of a sudden awakening don’t you


I watch the sun rise into the sky

Warming the earth as it rise’s so high

Then slowly it sinks back to the… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 5, 2010 at 11:55am — No Comments


Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or I can be thankful that the grass is getting watered for free.

Today I can waste time fretting and worrying about what everyone else is doing, and have no power over or I can focus my energies on making my world a better place, which I have supreme power over.

Today I can feel sad that I don't have more money or I can be glad that my finances encourage me to attract even… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 5, 2010 at 11:54am — No Comments


Still yourself in a silent place

And listen for the footsteps of your inner voice

It is shouting in vain and crying alone

Unheard through this world full of noise

There’ve been so many voices that have called

And you’ve followed through their doors

But they only led to hurt and empty rooms

And you were not sure which voice was yours

So they tugged on your sleeves, said you only live… Continue

Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 2, 2010 at 11:30am — 2 Comments


The way to heal the world is with the power of love. When we love our inner self we love the world.


Added by Golden_Angel_K on August 2, 2010 at 11:30am — No Comments

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