We are Twin Flames and we are here on Earth to provide humanity with a grounded simplistic approach to enlightenment and the inner processes of the human spirit. Our work responds to the urgent need of our times: the awakening and transformation of consciousness.
This timely book has been created to assist you in the art of emotional alchemy. Learning how to sustain and value your emotional vibration in these times is key, the book Value Your Vibration is a simple grounded approach in how to do just that.
Created By Twin Flames Erica and Dwaine and their 5th dimensional community, Value Your Vibration is a must read.
Purchase the E-book... save money and a tree...
Thank You For Voting To Support This MovementThe time is NOW to take back our INTERNAL world. It is from within each of us, that we will come to the realization of our unlimited power, unlimited resources, and unlimited capacity to love unconditionally; to be creative, to serve, and to support the Higher Good arising in mass consciousness. We are here to assist in humanities evolution to our infinite potential, to live our highest visions, dreams, and purposes.
As Twin Flames and Emotional Alchemists, we offer a wide variety of services to assist in making our spiritual journey with much greater ease.
Prepare NOW by going to
http://www.harmonicutopia.comto begin your journey in personal transformation today.
We have courses, personal on-line sessions, and speaking engagements available for people ready to transform their lives.
Our Online Hypnotherapy course is an advanced training taught in a fun and easy to learn manner. With more than 20 years experience in personal transformation, Erica and Dwaine have combined their knowledge to create a new advanced hypnotherapy training that integrates mind, body and soul; leaving people empowered and free. You will laugh a lot, you will cry, you will heal, you will learn, and you will always remember the freedom of this life awakening experience to pass on to others. Now...imagine a career where you get paid to help people relax, awaken, heal, reduce anxiety and be their best. It is time for you to earn what you are truly worth as a healer, light worker and practitioner. Click below and join us in our next course.
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I hope you're having a great day! Normally I send friend requests, but for some reason on this site my Add as Friend link is not working. On my page there are blog posts that explain how to evolve consciousness and achieve new psychic states - such as overcoming all emotional pain forever - a psychic state called Immunity.
"Happy Birthday!"

Hey HarmonicUtopia :):):) Lovely friend.Welcome Home to Lightworkers. A beautiful placefor open-minded people of Love & Light. Namaste and Enjoy .
On behalf of the Administraion Team, welcome to Saviors Of Earth. We hope you enjoy your stay here at SoE. The following link will take you to the new member area.
The link takes you to the Terms Of Service governing membership here at SOE along with a word upfront from the administration team. Please familiarise yourself with these rules as all members are governed by them. You will also find a link redirecting you to the A-Z index to help further navigate through the content here at SOE.
This welcome message along with the starting point for new members is under construction.
If you have any comments to improve our service to new members please let us know by posting a suggestion in the following discussion group;
To add a suggestion click on the +add discussion tab just above (to the right) of the discussion group name.
On behalf of the administration team,
I hope you are having a wonderful time here in Edmonton. Have you been to see our river valley pyramids...Muttart Conservatory yet? There are 4 pyramids, to go and browse through, as well as beautiful grounds where you can go for picnics, etc. Will you be here for long, or are you just passing through on your way to somewhere else? No matter, enjoy yourselves!
Peace and light to you,
Helloo!...Welcome to SoE!...have fun here!...share your knowledges with others...thank you for joining us!