Saviors of Earth is a Free of Charge Website,and a Free & Happy place to Be. - (as long as You bring Your Love & Understanding here with You ) :) , ....but by being part of this community, you must agree to the following: As a member of Saviors of Earth you will agree to keep all your opinions, perspectives and dialogues to that of respectability,cause any breach of for mentioned agreements may result in membership loss or deletion of posts without prior warning :) . This is because we want to keep some Sanity here . Please type ''Yes'' into the box below to accept these terms. Your request to join SoE will be denied or prolonged until You agree. Do you wanna accept these terms,Dear :) ?
Hello! The Nameless Ones would like me.To type this message.To anyone who comes across it.Message as follows:Its okay t-
o be.A little selfish at times.Don't worry about the negative.It will appear once.
In a blue moon.Or in moderation for anyone.Trying to hold onto.A positive and
unconditional loving.Way of life and reaction.For no reason but to smile back.
Please let negative thoughts.Pass through your mind.Don't hold onto them an-
d dwell.Just let them go and say to them in passing,"I unconditionaly love you
for no reason!"This concludes this comment/message.Thank you for your atte-
ntion.I/we hoped you enjoyed.Reading it and there's more to come.In the fores-
eeable future.Goodbye from cyberspace signed a messenger of,"The Nameles-
s Ones!"
Hello! All that's invisible will be made visible.By the year 2012.According to your measurement of time.One ET worlds sci-fi.Is ano-
ther ET worlds science fact.Seek out technologies that.Provide for your physc-
ial needs.Free of charge so.That you can speed up.Your spiritual evolution and
expand your openmindedness.Beyond the infinites of infinity.Know that your a c-
ell.That together with the rest of creation.Makes up what you consider.A One In-
finite creator.We've spoken and it is done.Thanks to the typing skills of Richard L! Goodbye from cyberspace signed,"The Nameless Ones!
Much Unconditional Love, Light and Healing Happiness,
Feb 4, 2009
This is my email:
I AM looking forward chatting with you!
Apr 22, 2009
o be.A little selfish at times.Don't worry about the negative.It will appear once.
In a blue moon.Or in moderation for anyone.Trying to hold onto.A positive and
unconditional loving.Way of life and reaction.For no reason but to smile back.
Please let negative thoughts.Pass through your mind.Don't hold onto them an-
d dwell.Just let them go and say to them in passing,"I unconditionaly love you
for no reason!"This concludes this comment/message.Thank you for your atte-
ntion.I/we hoped you enjoyed.Reading it and there's more to come.In the fores-
eeable future.Goodbye from cyberspace signed a messenger of,"The Nameles-
s Ones!"
Apr 24, 2009
ther ET worlds science fact.Seek out technologies that.Provide for your physc-
ial needs.Free of charge so.That you can speed up.Your spiritual evolution and
expand your openmindedness.Beyond the infinites of infinity.Know that your a c-
ell.That together with the rest of creation.Makes up what you consider.A One In-
finite creator.We've spoken and it is done.Thanks to the typing skills of Richard L! Goodbye from cyberspace signed,"The Nameless Ones!
May 7, 2009
Maricel Piercey
Peace & Joy,
Jun 16, 2009
Love and light to you
Jul 16, 2009
DivineThoughts the Love Goddess
Jul 29, 2009
Andres Zoran Ivanovic
Aug 8, 2009
sally kniffen
Aug 10, 2009
Jördən Harris
Sep 13, 2009
Jason Edward Premo
Sep 24, 2009
Oct 26, 2009

Thanks for the birthday message!!! much appreciated ☺ Best wishes and take care my dear...Nov 3, 2009
Cyril :o)
Nov 6, 2009
charles barber
Nov 12, 2009
Dec 8, 2009
Wishing you a wonderful week!!
Dec 15, 2009
Blue Bird
Dec 28, 2009
Dec 29, 2009
Nathan Zafran
Jan 9, 2010
Jan 20, 2010
Feb 13, 2010
Feb 24, 2010
Feb 24, 2010
Alex of New Human New Earth

So glad to know you,Alex
Mar 9, 2010
Mar 13, 2010
Thanks for the mail you sent to me on Extraterrestrials. Take care Richard. Namaste
Apr 3, 2010
Free Spirit
Apr 7, 2010
Matt Boehlke
May 4, 2010
ૐ Daisy ૐ
May 15, 2010
patrick johnson
May 16, 2010
Elizabeth Roxanne Varela
May 19, 2010
May 30, 2010
Jun 1, 2010