

Atlantic City, New Jersey

United States

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Saviors of Earth is a Free of Charge Website,and a Free & Happy place to Be. - (as long as You bring Your Love & Understanding here with You ) :) , ....but by being part of this community, you must agree to the following: As a member of Saviors of Earth you will agree to keep all your opinions, perspectives and dialogues to that of respectability,cause any breach of for mentioned agreements may result in membership loss or deletion of posts without prior warning :) . This is because we want to keep some Sanity here . Please type ''Yes'' into the box below to accept these terms. Your request to join SoE will be denied or prolonged until You agree. Do you wanna accept these terms,Dear :) ?
yep :)

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  • Geiniris Suriel

    Thank You... Have a great week... love peace & light...
  • RL

    Hi besimi! so sweet of you to drop a message. ^_^
    hope all is well!
  • lisa

    Hi besimi, thank you for becoming a friend. I am going through a lot of stuff right and I am pretty confused. thanks for being there... Lisa
  • simpleman

    Thanks, besimi. Today was all good. Its really just another day to me, but thank you for your thoughtfulness.
  • lisa

    Yes, I'll say it is a lot. But, right now I need some prayers for my mom, Claire, she is in the hospital with an infection and a bad fever. She is very confused and is having trouble speaking. I am trying not to worry and think positive. I love her so much, she isn't just my mom she is my best friend... please pray for her... Thank you... Lisa
  • Dana

    Thank you friend :) they're lovely... much love to you brother... Dana

    Flower from the Goddess :)

  • originalwave

    Hi! And thanks for the hello. I hope to be able to keep up with this site. Your info looks interesting. I wrote a book about the alien-human genetic connection. I hope to be able to send some of my articles here and read more of your info and get to know some people.
  • chelley

    Dear besimi thank you so much for the Rose :o)
  • Maitaki

    Thanks for the beautiful roses on my page, Besimi...!
    Much Love. Maitaki
  • Magdalena

    Thank you for beautiful sweet roses, Besimi. Have a nice day....Namaste
  • Martin

    Happy B aday besimi lots of light love and wonderfull things to you in this coming year
  • Cathrine Bergsrud

    Thank you for your love. I give you and the whole world the same love.
  • Butterfly13

    Thank you mate for your lovely greeting and welcome. This little Lyran/Sirian Earthling bows to your Light. Selamat Ja! ( Sirian for be in joy).
  • Shital

    Besimi, you are too kind, thank you for the lovely pics. How are you these days?
  • Starfire

    Aloha! thanks for the sweet welcome and pretty flowers. happy birthday too! better late than never :) I love this site and very glad to have joined. May your day be filled with love and laughter :)
  • Ella

    Thank you Besimi :-))

    So it was your Birthday a? Best wishes to you dear Soul. I hope all your Dreams come true.

    Stay as you are my friend :-)
  • Deni

    Thanks so much besimi for your most welcomed- welcome. Light Working is my passion. Have studied the Shaman ways for lifetimes.
    AbTechBaSA.... Those who chant these words are truly ijoined in our Hearts.
  • Joy Kirsch

    Thank you for your warm welcome and the beautiful roses. For me they are the siymbol of the awakening heart, how beautiful is that!
    Have a wonderful day, shine on.
  • Alta

    Thanks,Shokran,Bedankt,Gracias,Danki.....a lot of sunshine for you and Love!
  • Brenda Watts

    ty for the roses!!!
  • Golden_Angel_K

    Hi there !! Besimi. My dream is becoming real :). A world full of love and light. Nice to meet ya.

    ' />

  • Andromeda

    just a quick big thankyou for the roses you left me on my page. lovely!

    much love
  • ૐ Daisy ૐ

    I've been good..Busy..but good.. time just seems to fly.. How are you? Hope all is well!!

  • Stormnation

    Aloha and than you for the spell check I didn't notice it.
  • Maitaki

    Hi U Daisy..i've been and sitll I am, very busy from one place to have not much time to relax.....but anyway have time to visit Saviors and see your NASA videos......:)) LOL..... I like them!!
    Have a good time!!
    Much Love

  • Ella

    Ooohh what a wonderful Bird. I love it! Thank you besimi :-))

    Hope you have a sunny Sunday dear friend.

    Hugs and love&light to you

  • Martin

    heE Besimi just stopping to show some love brother haha glad you liked my post about this civilization on venus this is soo amazing ! like you said imagine all the planet in our solar system being full of of life and inhabitate
    coz i am sure with other advance ETS with their 10000000000 way ahead of us with their thecnologie they can seed life on every planet they want!
  • Magenta Pixie

    many thanks for the welcome - yes I found my way here in the end lol!
    Much love to you my friend in light
    Magenta xx
  • Magenta Pixie

    They tell me that Yahweh is a geometric intelligence - an individualised aspect of pure source energy. He/She (is a perfect blend of both masculine & feminine) is like an overseer of the Ascension process and is part of what some would know as the Galactic Federation - basically this geometric form is known by many names and explains the geometric formation of the DNA. Yahweh is also a connected aspect to Ashtar and also to the Nine that I channel.

    Gregg Braden has researched the subject in great detail, and has written a book called 'The God Code'. He explains how the ancient name of Yahweh directly links to the four DNA codes ATCG. In the book he says using the Jewish and Arabic letter to number systems Yahweh equals the number 9

    Pixie xx
  • Conny

    Thank you for being my friend and also the sweet welcome. I'm glad that I could join here.
  • Angel Of The North

    Thank you for the lovely welcome and adding me as a friend.
    Namaste to you too brother Love Laughter
  • EaRtH117

    Thank you for the birthday cake lol. Yeah i still notice 11:17 its weird.
  • fredrg8

    Thanks for such nice welcoming Besimi. I am glad to be now part of this group of light workers. Get all my love back as well. I'll keep in touch.
  • Maitaki

    Hi Besimi...
    wonderful weekend Pictures, Images and Photos
    Much Love&Light to you.......
  • Golden_Angel_K

    Hey besimi your energy is awesome!
  • Free Spirit

    Thank You Lot's Of LOVE
  • Angel Of The North

    I wasnt i am now thanks for the LOVE my friend . Love Light Blessings Karen
  • Magdalena

    Thank you for love.
  • Shital

    lol, thank you! How is it going Besimi?
  • healingnow4u

    Don't misunderstand me..i am meaning that who ever sent this out lead us to think that this was a new it's the same as in the past..good ,,,but old news
  • Ella

    Wow so much Love , Thank You besimi :))

    A lot of Love back to you, and happy easter to you and your sweet Family.

  • Magica

    Thank you besimi! it is lovely!
  • Butterfly13

    Thank You sweet Angel, looking forward to sharing our Journey and the learning and the information we have. Sirians and the Lyrans are all here among many, many others whom walk this Earth. It is of a great privilidge and honor we do so among the Brave Warriors of the Universal Love that is. Be in Joy!
  • Golden_Angel_K

  • chelley

    Hey besimi, thanks for the re-charge :o)

    I just woke up! All the best to you dear besimi

    Chelley xxxxxxx
  • Nightfable

    Lots of love and light to you, Besimi! xo :)
  • Andromeda

    just checking in, hope all is well, love love love to you brother xxx
  • Larisochka

    thank you so much for the beuatiful roses and the friend request :)
  • simpleman

    Hey, bro. Just stoped to say hey. May be we catch each other on chat one day :)

  • fredrg8

    Thanks Besimi, Then let´s keep on working to elevate frequencies on earth to get this wonderful event to take place soon. By the way, in my search for illumination I have come through a lot of material and information from different sources. I have been working recently on Ramtha's and Druvalo's teaching. What´s your opinion about these 2 teachers' work, I am sure you 've heard about them.