
This is a group for you that know or belive that you are
a starseed. Welcome!
  • Malin B.

    Come on then starseed people;)
  • KigreTheViking

    Glad to be here.
    According to that test i would say i am a starseed.
    So here i am! :)

    Love, strenght and Light to you all.


  • Gary Wan Kenobi

    hi all, glad to join ;-)
  • Kim Andre

    Hi no test needed..:) go whith the feeling
  • Golden_Angel_K

    Hello all ! i have the feeling i am a starseed. Blessings for all !
  • Golden_Angel_K

    Hey Guys, i found an interesting article about Starseeds and Walk-in :


    Not everyone on earth is from earth. There are those who are here from other planets and civilizations in this and other universes. And though they walk around in human bodies, in truth many have forms that are not human.

    Many starseeds feel that this is true, but they don’t have information available to them to confirm it. Many are drawn to animals and other life forms on earth that, in fact, closely resemble their true form. For instance, some are very drawn to dolphins and there is a race of Beings called the Nommos who live on a planet in the Sirius star system.

    There are other factors indicating a starseed identity. Here is a list of a few of them.

    1. They have an intense sense of loneliness.

    2. They feel like they don’t belong in their earth family.

    3. They have a fascination with the stars and feel as though their home is out there, but they can’t remember where.

    4. They begin to question the ways of earth at an early age. Many are the black sheep of their family.

    5. They are drawn to metaphysics seeking answers to why they feel so alone and why they don’t seem to fit in on earth.

    6. Many have an adversarial relationship with the parent of the opposite sex.

    7. The majority of starseeds have the facial shape of their mother but the remainder of their physical body is like that of their fathers, or the other way around depending on which parent is the real parent, the starseed parent from off planet. This is done for a reason.

    8. The majority of starseeds carry the Crystal Gene for DNA Recoding/Ascension. The crystal gene enables them to easily channel and access beings on other dimensions as well as recode their DNA.

    9. Lower than normal body temperature and inability to handle heat.

    Starseeds have at least one parent who is not on earth. In other words they have one parent who is their real parent and one who is a surrogate parent. The surrogate is usually their earth father but not always. Sometimes it is their mother.. And just in case you are concerned, there is always a contract made between the earth parent and the real parent, before the starseed child is born, for the earth parent to stand in for the real parent and to love and rear the starseed child. Many times the earth parent is a starseed themselves.

    The starseed child looks more like the earth father to ensure that they are accepted by that parent at birth. In the majority of cases the real father of the starseed is not of human origin.

    Starseeds are here on earth as representatives of their civilizations. Their purpose is to create templates that can be used by the members of their home world to overcome some societal problem that hinders their spiritual evolution as a soul group.

    I am told that 144,000 civilizations have sent some of their people to earth as starseeds. These civilizations closely watch their beloved children while here on earth. The real parent, the starseed parent, is usually a guide for his child while that child is on earth. It is my understanding that this is why so many starseeds have experienced visitations from an early age. Their family on their home world uses many ways to communicate and maintain the connection and love bond with their family member on earth. This is also why so many civilizations have ships orbiting earth right now. They have family here and therefore have a vested interest in seeing that earth ascends.


    Walk-ins are people from other dimensions who have walked in to the body of a person here on earth. In all cases there is a contract made before the host, the original soul, is born for this to occur.

    Walk-ins use this method to enter the earth plane when their mission requires that begin soon after they arrive. Their mission necessitates they skip the birth and adolescent stage and come into an adult body. This is not always the case. Some walk-ins come into much younger bodies, but this is more the exception than the rule. When a child walk-in occurs, it is because the soul coming in needs the experiences of childhood and adolescence as a foundation for their mission. Childhood and adolescent walk-ins usually don’t awaken until they reach adulthood.

    Indications of a walk-in are:

    1. Usually occur during a traumatic event in the host soul’s life such as a severe illness or a car accident. Many come in during a near death experience. This is the most common way for walk-ins to exchange places, but it is not the only way. Yet, most all cases the walk-in occurs when the host is unconscious.

    2. They all of a sudden, have little or no connection with some family members.

    3. Divorce occurs usually within 3 years after the walk-in has arrived.

    4. Ongoing physical pain in the neck and shoulders that wasn’t there before the walk-in.

    5. Loss of coordination and memory lapses. Trouble with speech.

    6. Sudden change in tastes such as food, clothing and decor.

    7. Sudden loss of interest in career and hobbies. New ones are found along with a sudden interest in all things spiritual.

    8. Strong knowing that they have a mission to accomplish though they may not remember what it is at the present time.

    9. Some walk-ins have memories of their home world or ship. They even have memory of their incarnate forms being sustained through a form of cryogenics (spelling?) that is far superior to ours.

    10. Walk-ins usually carry the Crystal Gene.

    Walk-ins have a more challenging role on earth because they have spent most of their incarnation on another plane of existence and then come to earth in the middle to later part of that incarnation.

    For more details visit :
  • Jure

    I too feel that i am a starseed. ;)
  • CrystalClear2313

    I think i can relate with some of this info, but still working on the figuring out part of this self discovery journey.
    I feel like i don't belong here, this planet, that's for sure. But
    I'm glad I'm not alone, you all here feel the same way...
  • Malin B.

    Starseeds are people that have their spiritual story on planets other than Earth. By this I mean they have reincarnated on other planets before being born here. There are more Starseeds here now than at any point in our history. This is for two reasons:

    1. This is a very important point in the planets development. A number of the more positive space civilizations wished to assist in this progression by having some of their people incarnate here to help elevate the energies here and assist with the transition. Many come here from the 5th dimension to act as path workers to show the rest of us the way.

    2. What occurs here now is nothing short of amazing, miraculous and fascinating! Many would simply wish to be here to see and experience first hand this in-situ evolution of spirit that is the “Shift in Human Consciousness”.

    So… are you Starseed? How will you know? You are born to a place which is very dense and which is very high in negative ego. It is consequently nearly impossible to truly remember. Here are some common characteristics of Pleiadian Starseed if you have a majority of these you’re probably Pleiadian. There are other civilizations that also offer Starseeds but they’re in the minority and, honestly I don’t know enough about them to make a list like this but possibly a lot of this would apply anyway. I don’t know? Starseeds :

    1. Born after 1968. There were before but that’s when the big push started.

    2. From “out there”. Okay this is the most obvious and easiest one. You probably just always had a sense that you were from the stars… that your home way “out there”, not here. I know it’s obvious, but why should these things always be obscure?

    3. Outsider. You will have a feeling of un-belonging for much of your life. You will have noticed that siblings and children in other families have a “belonging” with their family that you don’t have. Somehow “fitting in” is something that never happens to you unless you find other Starseed. Then you will suddenly you feel “got” or understood and it feels wonderful.

    4. Metaphysically oriented or anti-religious. You just can’t buy into Earth religions. You may have tried very hard, even repeatedly to “fit in” with one or more of these belief systems but always they leave you feeling dissatisfied. You may consequently reject “belief” out of hand or you may choose to find some alternative beliefs that suit you better – you will quite possibly start formulating your own system of belief. You are also most likely to have some form of psychic ability – ESP, clairvoyance… something.

    5. Not date and time conscious. You’re probably terrible with remembering things like birthdays, you struggle to keep to a schedule and are often way early or very late for appointments. This date and clock thing just doesn’t want to work out for you.

    6. Technophile. You love gadgets and equipment and have a natural aptitude with figuring out how they work. You’re quite likely to love them so much that you read the instruction manual “just for fun”.

    7. Harmonious. You will experience Earth as being quite a violent, aggressive angry place. You may or may not be able to find aggression within yourself but either way you would choose for the world around you to become more harmonious and peaceful. You do not desire to control others and you reject others control of you. You can’t bear cruelty to animals, children, women abuse or anything like that. If there were a war you would probably not fight but choose to be a pacifist instead.

    8. Gender equality and ambiguity. You probably don’t get the whole gender role thing. You regard your partner as an equal and expect the same thing back. The whole “battle of the sexes” thing is just absurd to you. You may also be something other than heterosexual. If you are, you’re probably not too concerned with finding a label for what you are. You could also be quite androgynous in your look.

    9. Animals and nature. You have a great love and respect of nature in all its manifestations: Gaia, forests, mountains, the sea, animals etc. You especially feel a deep mystical connection with dolphins and whales as you understand that they are somehow your “siblings” rather than “dumb animals”.

    10. Not money-system oriented. The system of money=power and corporate structures and this kind of thing is not your way. That is not to say that you cannot make your way in it or even become very successful in this system, but you will always be uncomfortable in it if you do. You dislike routine and structured environments. You are a non-conformist and just don’t fit into a rigid work environment. You don’t respect authority – someone must show themselves worthy of your respect. Combine this with the fact that you quickly get bored and you make a very poor wage slave indeed! You will often harbour dreams of just “dropping out” – going to farm or joining a hippie community or some such. Or you’ll actually do this. You anyway don’t like the concept of money much and would rather be valued for who you are than what you can buy. This issue is compounded by the fact that you hated school (or any education) this is because Earth education systems use conformist mechanisms and teach by instruction rather than shared or experiential learning.

    11. Escapism. You like to escape into flights of creative fantasy and will build whole “ideal worlds” in your head. You are also drawn to the hallucinogenic experience to enhance this. A negative aspect of this is when the escapist tendency overwhelms: this world is hard and cruel and difficult and you might be prone to using drugs, alcohol or other means to escape the pain that you feel. In so doing you fail to engage and fail to improve the world (as you originally intended) this only compounds the problem and makes you more self destructive. You are prone to depression if you don’t take control of your life and your experiences. You may also be prone to a variety of psychoses and neuroses due to the spiritual fracturing that you feel here not conforming with the unity consciousness you were expecting.

    12. Creativity. You are very creative and love other peoples creative outputs. Music, art, architecture, beautiful cooking… whatever. This touches you deeply.

    13. Easy belief. You can quite easily believe in the existence of UFO’s and extra-terrestrial beings. These things are not strange to you. The concept of “all is one” is also quite comfortable for you.

    14. Physical attributes. This is a bit more iffy. Earth humans are anyway an amalgam of all kinds of genetic tinkering by a variety of space races but you MAY have brought some of your physical attributes with you, but this is less important than the spiritual attributes. Your genetics will determine a “band of possibility” and your spirit body MAY pull your physical body in a direction that is quite different from what your genotype might have expressed with another host in it. So: do you look markedly different from the rest of your family? If you are of Pleiadian origin you may have some of the following unexpected characteristics: almond-shaped eyes which might also be larger than expected, blonde hair, pale skin, blue or blue-grey eyes, “roman nose” (no dip on the bridge – straight in profile) tall and with a slender build.

    15. Photo-sensitivity. Your eyes are probably light sensitive. The Earth is a particularly harsh-light environment. You would probably want low-light compared to many others.

    16. Cold climate adapted. You most likely don’t like to be too warm and struggle to loose heat in warm climes. Other will be playing out in the sun and you will be sweltering in the shade. The corollary is that you are comfortable when it is cool and others are huddled over a heater.

    So? How many points out of the above 16 fit you? Do you believe you are Starseed?
  • Matt Wilkinson

    Wow that test hit me like a sack of bricks, never have I felt so at home, when I read those words I finally felt like my quirks and deep issues were not so insane.. I guess I am a Starseed, and im very happy to be one!
  • Oli

    greetings brothers and sisters from the stars.....
    tis a magical feeling to truly know that home is out there, and that we are here for the fulfillment of the mission we volunteered for.
    tis time to band together, step into our power and change the shape of this earth as is intended
  • spaceinheart

    Hey everybody... I'm glad I found other seedlings.... Ommmmmmmmmm
  • erv

    15 in 16 ..
    I think the guy/gal who wrote this know me ... lol
  • spaceinheart

    Okay.... Is anybody out there.... ?? How was your day? I had a day of things all out of control, but all out of my hands.. seems to be the census.
  • Golden_Angel_K

    yes!, i think in fact that indigo are only a class of starseeds
  • Golden_Angel_K

    here in this forum there are some characteristics that Malim and me posted. If you want check them.
  • Golden_Angel_K

    Yes, Simone you have reason about the similarities with the opposite sex parent. I seem more to my mom than my Dad. What i Understand about the surrogate parent is that before you incarnate here in Earth your spiritual parents make a "kind of contract" that you have to follow in order to accomplish your mission.

    I surprised first time i see this because know i am understanding much things that i do not understand. However, The most interesting thing about this is that i have a memory, i think about an image of me in my spiritual form before incarnating here but i am not very clear about this. Maybe with more spiritual development i could understand my origins and all other things that are intringing me at this moment.
  • Starchild

    Im here now :)
  • Malin B.

  • Starchild

    Ok I read that 16 thing and all of them decribed me thats deep who gave you that list?
  • Malin B.

    i found it on the net:D
  • Oli

    to remember the gifts we have brought to this earth, access our full potential, spread love and participate in the cleansing, renewing and rebirthing of earth into a higher vibrational frequency......
  • Starchild

    Heaven on earth :D we could create and wont have to leave.......
  • manu 5 Ahau

    Hello all.
  • manu 5 Ahau

    is here someone who knows she or he is from sirius?
  • Jure

    Brad is from sirius :=)
  • Drakke1

    While i was born prior to 1968, all the rest pretty much "fits", and i'm exceptionally sensitive to energies ---- a mixed blessing, as many of you probably know. But, quite dramatically --- in the early 80's i walked into a large book store and, for some reason, headed to the astronomy section. The usual first choice would have been magick or astrology. I picked up a book "at random", and opened it "at random". l looked at the picture on the page, and started crying rather loudly, much to my embarrassment, and that of others, i suspect. It was a photo of the Pleiades. And i missed being there very much. I especially felt close to what i found out was the star, Maia. Definitely a unique experience:)
  • Virgo™ I am GOD.

    Username: Positive Contact
    Password: Unity
  • Wisdom

    Yes I am a starseed.
    I have had many experiences through out my life many which have been expressed above.
    One Most recently on May 5th 2009.
    I am not one or the other from any planet, I am one from the All, Has been so explained to me.
  • becky daugherty

    i was definitely born prior to 1968.....1956 to be exact however there are only three attributes that don't fit me to a tea...#4 i have always believed in oneness, # 5 i finally figured out the time challange,and #16 i don't like extreme cold......light n love...becky
  • Wisdom

    Here are only two of my May 5th encounter photos..
    I was driving, when asked to take these photos for conformation, that I was having an encounter that was comunicating with me.


  • Wisdom

    I have analyzed much information. I have come to understand, that We are all on our own journey and evaluate information and process it depending on our own souls vibration.
    I am and always have myself to guide me, I am very much tuned into my higherself. Which in turn is connected to the Universe,Source or God ,,, and so many other lables to describe the one Truth. That is my truth.
    Blessings of Love and Wisdom.
  • Lydia

    ' />

  • Lydia

    Just wanted to share this Great video and also the message that came with it from Spirit Library:

    Loving Energies for the Whales and Dolphins
    a message from Celia Fenn
    Monday, 1 June, 2009

    Thank you to all the loving and supportive people who wrote in response to my post about the whales that beached on our coast here in Cape Town. It was indeed heart warming for me to know that there were so many people who were moved to expressions of their heart's connection with our Cetacean friends and with the Planet itself.
    And thank you for all those who sent messages for me. I appreciate your love and support at this time. Here in Cape Town, it is very cold and raining, and almost everyone has flu. I am writing this because my meeting with Children's Foundation committee was cancelled because Wilma has flu and is in bed. This is something of a shock to my system after three weeks of sun in tropical Brazil! But I am trying to slow down and rest and take some time for myself and to reconnect with home, even when it is tough.

    Many people aked me about the "message" in the departure of the whales. I am not so sure about what they were trying to "say", if anything. My own understanding is that whales beach when their "guidance systems" are disrupted. They follow electro-magnetic "paths" to navigate the Oceans. When these paths are disrupted by changes in the Earth grids, or confusion in the Earth grids, at times like now, they can just get lost and take wrong turns. The mass beaching occurred at a time of extreme electromagnetic flux here, as manifest in storms and high winds and constant rain.

    Also, I know that there is an Ascension portal here in Cape Town that has not been activated, and I was wondering if the whales were looking for it or trying to activate it. It is similar to the one that I worked with in Rio de Janeiro, but so far it has not been opened. This is where my impatience comes in. I know I can't do it alone, any more than I could have worked the Rio portal alone. It needs a group of focussed and committed energies to open the vortex and take the journey that will bring the portal "online" for others to use. So, maybe the whales were seeking the portal or trying to show us that it needs to be opened, so that the pathway "home" is an easy one for those who seek to unite with the Cosmic Heart while still in physical form. This is the essence of the Cosmic Reconnection, and it is a part of the reality of the Cetaceans as well, for the Cetaceans are Cosmic Beings and their connections with the stars are every bit as intense and meaningful as ours. The Cetacean consciousness is also that of Star Voyagers, and they seek to journey with us on our pathway back to ths Stars and the Cosmic Heart. They are part of the Diamond Light Journey and the Diamond Light Consciousness. They are our fellow travellers.

    So, for this special day, here is a video that was sent to me by Mieke of the Netherlands. It radiates healing love and light into the Oceans, and I find that it creates calm and peace in my heart after the upheavals of the week-end. Please enjoy.
  • Sharon Alderman

    I fit 14 of the 16 characteristics of a starseed. This is a very welcome understanding for me as I am 57 years old and have found living on this earth an arduous journey to say the least......never felt I belonged here nor had the same ideas and goals as others as I have sojourned.
    I had a teacher for 15 years that gave us the information to live a spiritual life through information I could not share with others for most of my life. In the application of the teachings we received I have found solace though it has further alienated me from the mainstream of life here. I have had periods of depression due to this though in the past 5 years I have been able to see what the cause of this has been and accept it. I am grateful to be who I am.
    I have many lucid dreams and feel as though I live 24 hours a day. I am getting more adept at meshing the two frames of reference together but experience more comfort of being when I am in the dream world or meditating. This has set up a block in manifesting in this 3D holographic expression of the Mind and am not clear as to how to proceed from here. I find that living in a state of surrender works to alleviate the anxiety and angst from being in this state of flux. I am constantly searching within and without for signs of what I am to be doing with these regenerated energies that are occurring now.
    I have committed to assisting in the transition of our world and carry the Orb of the Golden Light within me with humbleness and humility, maybe too much so. I am open to learning and seek those who can understand what I am experiencing as I feel the need to connect greater than anything else.
    Blessings to us all
  • little light

    Information from


    Physical Characteristics and Personality

    In addition to glowing balls, Orbs can appear in a rainbow of colors. Barely physical, their bodies can be described as bubbles of energy. Scientists, who have researched Orbs, believe their body is made of dense groupings of charged particles called plasma. This could mean that Orbs are the simplest sentient beings in the Universe.

    In regards to polarity, Light/Dark, they appear to be polarized to the Light. Orbs feel and express “Light” feelings of love, happiness, bliss, and joy, etc. Their bodies are so fragile and sensitive that they are incapable of processing “Dark” feelings of pain and anger. Just witnessing a conflict can hurt them. Not being able to fully experience “Dark” feelings they are quite innocent in nature. Orbs are like children who never grow up. This, of course, is evident in their bubbly outgoing demeanor and child-like naiveté. They are very playful, inquisitive, and love to explore.

    Societal Characteristics

    Through a form of research that I call, “timeline work”, in which I use my psychic abilities to tap into alternate timelines, I discovered that like other societies that have polarized to the Light, Orbs live in collectives. A collective society functions as a unified consciousness. The minds and emotions of each member are linked so that everyone can experience what the others are thinking and feeling. This connection creates a peaceful and harmonious society but at the expense of free will and individuality.

    The Orb belief system states each member of the collective exists to serve others not only in their own species but in the galactic community at large. Serving others is an important form of soul growth.

    Fields of Expertise

    One of the ways that Orbs serve their galactic neighbors is by using their capability for interdimensional travel to act as windows into other dimensions. In essence, they provide a telescopic view into another world. For example when we see Orbs in photographs, many times they are there acting as a window for someone in another dimension. In this capacity Orbs are like historians, recording events as they play out.

    Due to their preference for living in groups, when serving within civilian populations, Orbs adapt well to family life. They can be employed as companions to single or aging people, or playmates to small children. In some cases, they are the childcare provider, giving the parents remote visual access to their child via their ability to be in two places at once. Imagine yourself as parent and on your desk at work sits an Orb. When you look at it much like peering into a crystal ball or TV, you can see a real time picture of your child at play.

    Orb’s abilities are also used within religious or spiritual groups wherein they act similar to crystal balls, allowing individuals to see past or future timelines.

    There are societies in existence that worship Orbs as gods because of the vast amounts of wisdom they possess from their service within many different cultures on many different worlds.

    Orbs as Starseeds

    Like many other galactic races, Orbs have sent members of their society to represent them as starseeds on Earth. These souls have agreed to incarnate as humans on Earth to aid this planet and themselves. Below are the characteristics that I’ve found to indicate an Orb starseed.

    * Highly sensitive and psychic.
    * A common health issue is severe allergies.
    * Described as sweet, cute, naïve, and/or child-like.
    * Tend to be very well-mannered and obedient.
    * Tend to be very private, quiet, shy and introverted.
    * Are great observers and are very creative individuals.
    * Are passionate about learning.
    * Learn by observing others and repeating what they are trying to learn.
    * Strive for perfection.
    * Tend to be followers rather than leaders.
    * Can seem ungrounded or detached.
    * React to situations passively and let others take advantage of them.
    * Tend to ignore or run away from pain.
    * Find social situations challenging.

    What Orb Starseeds are Here to Give

    Being very playful and inquisitive individuals, Orb Starseeds are here to show others how to remain open to the magic of life which keeps our creative juices alive. They teach us to observe life, as a child does, examining and playing with everything possible, remaining open to the miracles of life.

    Additionally, Orb Starseeds are here to help us understand the Universe in a new way. They are here to teach us about the oneness of life. Although individual aspects of life appear separate from each other, Orb Starseeds see all life existing as a unified whole. They live each day in respect and with empathy for all living things, as ones actions can influence the life of another in unknowable ways.

    What Orb Starseeds are Here to Gain

    The Orb Starseed’s goal is to learn to embrace individuality and the full range of “Dark” feelings that come with it, a trait they have not yet developed. This means that they need to learn how to make their own choices rather than follow the pack. To do so they must embrace the idea that having thoughts, beliefs, and desires that are outside of the norm or status quo are okay.

    Further, they must learn to establish healthy boundaries or limits on how much they give and serve others. In other words, they must become healthily selfish. Coming from a belief that states that their worth depends on how and to what extent they serves others; this is not an easy change to make.

    Additionally, understanding the value in pain is particularly difficult for them. The Orb body is nowhere near capable of withstanding the amount of pain that a human body can! Without boundaries, one does not feel safe. Instead of setting the boundaries to make it safe to feel and express emotions, these individuals may find any number of ways to ignore them and escape pain. Their daily activities, such as studying, playing music and even eating, become modes of escape rather than a source of enjoyment.

    Living in such a way can leave one feeling very depleted and unhappy with their life. They may manifest any number of emotional or physical challenges that aid them in learning to set boundaries. The most common emotional issues for Orb starseeds are in the social realm. In facing fears and the possibility of pain they distance themselves from others and become reclusive rather than playful individuals. Without boundaries, they can end up in codependent relationships in which actions are taken to please others rather than ones self. In such relationships they try to rescue others from their pain or let others take advantage of them. While taking care of others, as Orbs are programmed to do, they deny their own needs.

    When their fear of feeling pain and “Dark” feelings becomes the predominant focus in their lives, they will manifest this need through developing severe allergic reactions to others and to their environment in general. Many Orbs experience multiple allergies to foods, chemicals, dust, and even people! Allergies are the subconscious’s way of saying that it feels unsafe with its life choices. By setting personal boundaries an Orb starseed can learn to have self-love, joy, and compassion in ways they never had before.

    In closing, I hope I have furthered your understanding of Orbs and their starseeds. You may even discover that you or your child is an Orb starseed. Having a better understanding of our galactic neighbors will help us to prepare for citizenship in the galactic community
  • Sharon Alderman

    little light............Thank you so much for this information. It helps me in understanding so much that has occurred in my life.
    In the past two years I have gone through so many changes I even surprise myself at the choices I have made and why. I am at a very interesting phase currently and only ask for guidance and understanding as to what I am to do next. I am being offered information that helps explain why I am in this time and space in the moment.

    The mark of our world, the blue print weaved from our home world energy can be seen within us...
    Looking at one's hands being an example... Identifying those features that are a composite of the elements which formed at the axis within the continuum in alignment with our world... I speak not of the "time" that we were on our home world, as time is a psycho-metric grid, implemented by our consciousness... It simply is not a reality, but by our own making... A concretion of our psychic energy, forming into an impermeable substance, based solely upon perception... At such a place as the "timeless", which is the fluid sea within the continuum, we are eternally at one, in one interval... All existence within "time" which we know as experiences are the flowing surreal; even what we classify as matter, the seemingly imperial substance that we "exist" within, and make observation of, becoming "time" and "place" in memory, are of the lower emanations, "solidified" ethers of energy relative to our consciousness...
    These marks within our physical semblance are seen and noticed only by one's psychic "lens", that which can properly interpret what is seen in reference to itself...
    When we notice something, a "signature" within another being's appearance, we are knowing of OURSELVES what we see; our life force which we share in common with our cosmic "ancestry"... Our great ancestral seed from which our lives have stemmed into the cosmos...
    What our true form is would be apparent if it were not for the "current" place we are within in the conscious stream, being irradiated by the surrounding vibrations and waves, causing transmutation... Our form is Relative to the psychic interval that we are experiencing "currently"...
    A strange way to think about this is like play-dough... One lump, baring impression, if even subtly, of the hand that holds it...
  • Lydia

    Yes Tammy ~ Happy 9-9-9 :-) With MUCH LOVE to EVERY~ONE!!!

  • aspirus

    I align with a lot of the list... there is something to this for sure...

  • Lydia

    Ohhh That Pic Sooo CUTE :) Eileen ...Your words and Pic Just Made My Day!!!
    Just ONEted You to Know xoxoxo ....Hug ;0) for You !

  • Lydia

    What a BEAUTIFUL VIDEO Aurora ~ Just Saw It ~ Thanks !!! :)))