"Lighten up", Lightworkers.....

A place where you can post or debate anything "unrelated" to all of our hard research and work here. Jokes, funny stories, links you dig, music, etc...

Daily Quotes of Interest and Enlightenment (If you have a quote that moves you in some manner, share it here please)

I thought to start this discussion because there are so many great people that influence us in our daily lives. These people have done or said something that has touched us in ways that empower and inspire us to live our lives more lovingly and with more kindness to one another.

Please post your inspiring tidbits here.

Love & Joy
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    No one can deny you anything. Only you deny it through your vibrational contradiction. ~ Abraham Hicks
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    I have one favorite :

    "For those who believe, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not believe, no explanation will suffice."

    Joseph Dunninger
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    "the only deep sense of things
    is them, not having any deep sense at all
    i don't believe in God 'cause i've never seen him.
    if he wanted me to believe him,
    with no doubt he would come and speak to me
    and he would enter my door
    telling me, here I am!


    but if God is the flowers and the trees
    and the hills and sun and the moonlight,
    then i believe him,
    then i believe him all the time,
    and my whole life is a prayer and a mass,
    and a communion with the eyes and through the ears."

    (from some poem by Alberto Caeiro - who, in fact, was Fernando Pessoa, the portuguese poet - translated by Mrs. Turtle.)