Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Marie's Groups (12)

  • History Channel - Ancient Aliens

    38 members Latest Activity: May 2 The entire video collection of the 2010 series, The History Channel: Ancient Aliens.

  • Energy Healing Group

    95 members Latest Activity: Jun 29, 2023 This group consists of energy healing volunteers to assist individual requests for energy healing. Whether you require healing yourself, or you have…

  • Extraterrestrials

    170 members Latest Activity: Jun 27, 2023 This group gathers recent information of Aliens & UFO activity,it also supports the Federation of Light.

  • Crystal Healing

    37 members Latest Activity: Sep 4, 2018

    Everything you need to know about crystals: Healing propeties, psychic associations and much more.

  • Cryptozoology

    82 members Latest Activity: May 12, 2019 Study of Hidden Animals ...from greek word kryptos -''hidden'' ..there are many elusive creatures,seen by many people throughout the ages to this…

  • Law Of One (Oneness)

    125 members Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2023 Books channeled by Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty between 1981 and 1984. This forum provides a platform to discuss the 106 books.

  • Losing My Religion

    16 members Latest Activity: Jun 17, 2023 Support group for those who have left a religious organization... and are searching for truth.

  • Women Saviors of Earth

    24 members Latest Activity: Aug 25, 2017 This group is dedicated to us women, to our unconditional and immense love for our children and family. Let us learn from Mother Earth! Join us today!

  • New Earth

    39 members Latest Activity: Aug 19, 2023 Create, visualise, think about, meditate on, wish, expect the New Earth!

  • Lost Civilizations - Atlantis,Lemuria & Mu

    45 members Latest Activity: Jul 29, 2023 This is an ancient world history part,which is particulary interesting for us and many explorers...this is a really great place,where to express your…

  • Playful Bliss

    71 members Latest Activity: Jan 31, 2022 Lots of love,huggs,kisses and smiles to All of you sweet lovely Sparks of Light. Welcome to the most: beautiful,loving, excited , and the most…

  • Saviors of Earth Canada

    38 members Latest Activity: Sep 25, 2023 This group is for Saviors of Earth Canada.

SoE Visitors



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