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General Gemstone Details

Labradorite is the plagioclase feldspar ad in the same family as albite. Labradorite has been found in some meteorites.
Gem quality labradorite is known as spectrolite; which is a colorless variety, darkened with needlelike inclusions, it is often called black moonstone. Spectrolite is a dark and opalescent blue with a shimmer when the light hits it. It was discovered in Finland during WWII, and it is also called falcon's-eye.

According to an Eskimo legend, the Northern Lights were once imprisoned in the rocks along the coast of Labrador. It is told that a wandering Eskimo warrior found them and was able to free most of the lights with a mighty blow of his spear. Some of the lights were still trapped within the stone, and thus we have today the beautiful mineral known as labradorite.

Labradorite which shows an iridescent play of colors is used in jewelry and lapidary items, and as an ornamental stone it has many popular uses such as in decorative clock faces, table and counter tops, facing for buildings, etc..

Traditionally, labradorite is thought to bring good luck.

Scientific Properties:
Mohs Hardness of 6 with a triclinic crystal structure.

Labradorite was originally discovered in on St. Paul Island, Labrador, Canada in 1770. Pieces of the stone were found amongst the artifacts of the Red Painted People of Maine. Spectrolite was discovered in Finland during World War II. It is considered to be the gem quality of Labradorite.

The name labradorite comes from the province of Labrador in Canada, which is a famous locality for labradorite with an iridescent play of colors. Feldspar is derived from the German word feld which means field. Iridescent labradorite is sometimes referred to as spectrolite.

Spectrolite, the most valued type of labradorite, hails from Finland. The name is derived from Labrador which is the main and original source of the Canadian variety of this feldspar stone. Labradorite is also found in India, Madagascar, Newfoundland, and Russia

A type of translucent feldspar which displays strong iridescence when viewed from different angles, Finnish spectrolite exhibits vivid colors of bright aqua, golden yellow, peacock blue, reddish orange, greens and red.

Mystical Properties:
Labradorite is said to provide quick relief from anxiety, hopelessness and depression, replacing them with enthusiasm, self-confidence and inspiration. It is said to dispel negativity and to bring clear understanding by enhancing clarity of thought and improving one's ability to cooperate with others in harmony.

Labradorite is also said to give perseverance, strength and enhanced intuition when one is experiencing times of conflict and change. Labradorite is told to be helpful in treating eye and brain disorders, and to help regulate metabolism and the digestive process.

A sister to moonstone, labradorite links to the "darker" Crone aspects of the Goddess, and grants inner knowing of Mystery. It enhances intuition and psychic perception; just like the cord-cutting Crone, it helps the bearer to release judgment, and understand their destiny. Use it to bring Light to the shadowed realms of the self and to connect with the power of the waning Moon.

Healing Properties:
Labradorite is particularly effective in alleviating bone issues, disorders of the spinal column and the wear and tear of the joints. Rheumatism and arthritis may also benefit from this stone's healing powers.

Psychologically, labradorite has a calming and harmonizing effect, so it is a wonderful stone for irascible people. It improves intuition and clarifies the possessor's own views and objectives.

In its elixir form, Labradorite purges negativity, bringing well being to you, it also has pain killing properties. It is quite a balancing harmonious energy, it helps ones intuition, especially the timing of things.

When intended for healing purposes, labradorite should be carried as a touchstone tumbled or in jewelry, and then cleansed under running water. If it's surface becomes cloudy, it should be put in mineral water in placed in the sun for a few days to regenerate and refresh.

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