Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

This is a discussion on, GUESS, the ominous and ever so infamous Illuminati: Masterminds Behind NWO or whatever they do.

Now, since I go to an educational facility on a daily basis, can see what they are doing to the schools. The schools are designed to make you apathetic and to only care about grade to get your parents approval. It is really a simply yet efficient system, since you have to have a good education to get a good job to get money. That's the thing though! Money controls all of us, it's what we all desire and crave because it's how we survive. And school is conditioning the youth for just that. They want us to be extremely concerned about jobs and money, instead of learning itself.

It's a really depressing thing. I feel like I have no choice but to participate, since it's the only way I'll survive. However, I have found a way to fight this thought control by thinking about things other than grades and teachers. But at school, I really have no choice but to think about it.

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Its a relief to see the younger generation getting themselves educated in this stuff. I read in another post that you said that you're 15. Well I'm approaching 30, and when I was 15, all I cared about was ditching school and goofing off with the guys. I knew or cared nothing about things like the Illuminati, NWO and such. But at the same time, even in my earliest childhood memories, I've always felt like something is seriously wrong with our World. I didn't have any idea what it could have been, but I just "knew". You know what I mean?? That's what I feel is a part of my spiritual awakening.

The Illuminati has been rumored to date back as far as Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt. They were basically a small, very secretive group of very rich and powerful individuals who were determined to achieve world domination. They do it very covertly and they've been pretty successful so far. A lot of people believe that the Illuminati was of extra-terrestrial origin, I really don't know. Although, it wouldn't surprise me. But yes, they have made slaves of just about everyone in the world. And they've gotten us literally addicted to money and the lust for wealth and power. We are slaves to their system of having to work just to survive. We are forced to PAY to live on our own planet!! Something is not right with that...
I hate to say this, but most of the younger generation is NOT educated in this stuff, as far as I know. My inquiry skills teacher actually was talking about NWO and everything, but almost everyone in the class regarded it as nonsense. I have always had that feeling as well that there is something deeply wrong with the world.

And you exactly got it right. We, as a human race, shouldn't pay to survive. I mean, I can understand paying to get special services or anything, but paying to survive is really seriously wrong. We LIVE on this planet, and we have no where else to go. We have no choice but to be on this planet, and we shouldn't pay for that.

Truth Seeker said:
Its a relief to see the younger generation getting themselves educated in this stuff. I read in another post that you said that you're 15. Well I'm approaching 30, and when I was 15, all I cared about was ditching school and goofing off with the guys. I knew or cared nothing about things like the Illuminati, NWO and such. But at the same time, even in my earliest childhood memories, I've always felt like something is seriously wrong with our World. I didn't have any idea what it could have been, but I just "knew". You know what I mean?? That's what I feel is a part of my spiritual awakening.

The Illuminati has been rumored to date back as far as Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt. They were basically a small, very secretive group of very rich and powerful individuals who were determined to achieve world domination. They do it very covertly and they've been pretty successful so far. A lot of people believe that the Illuminati was of extra-terrestrial origin, I really don't know. Although, it wouldn't surprise me. But yes, they have made slaves of just about everyone in the world. And they've gotten us literally addicted to money and the lust for wealth and power. We are slaves to their system of having to work just to survive. We are forced to PAY to live on our own planet!! Something is not right with that...
You know i have always always known for as long as i remember something horrible is going wrong with our world. That feeling never escaped me. It hurt the most when the twin towers fell. Don't know if you'd remember that. But i remember it. It was terrifying. I ran home and cried. I knew there was no way those towers could have fallen cause of airplanes. they where built to withstand that kind of force. Thats what got me started trying to find the truth.
Truth seeker is right, The illuminate seem to have bee around for as long as we have had historic documents. The bible says there actually fallen angles and their offspring Nephillum. This faith if it is a faith says the where the original reptillian race that alter our DNA to gain control of us. Many Greek and christian tales back that up. Next time you visit a hospital if you look closely, they threw a Greek logo right in our face, as an insult. Adam and eve where kicked out of Edan cause of a snake. You could interpret Edan as the fifth dimension or higher. there are many more all throughout history religion and myth. Though now days there are a lot of reptilians working for peace.
However they where mainly started to be called the Illuminati in the 18th century. Even the Vatican had laid down plans to use the christian faith as medium for control. That what started the great crusade.

I once met with a mason. He told me the extent of his knowledge about it. Though ill keep his name secret since they don't like it when insiders explain certain trade secrets. He knew nothing about the significance of reptilians but he did know for peiceing together what he was told what happened with the Vatican and the knights Templar. Its all a very rich story that ends right here right now. That would take me Almost two pages to explain but i'll leave it up to you if you want to hear it or not.
david walker, I would love to hear the story you have about the masons. could I just say, it is so uplifting to find this tiny niche on the internet or anywhere in reality for that matter. i've been reading all the posts at 10-14-08.blogspot and then i saw this website. i'm loving it already.
anyway, on the topic of highschool. i went to high school in chicago's "north shore," not the richest town around, but definitely not poor. i never really bought into the fads and stuff, but i had no inclination of the true nature of our world. so i went to college in the city and realized in 2003 it was 9.11 was bullshit. ever since i've been waking up. it's been a long road of epiphanies and late night rants, but i early on i realized that love is the only answer.
they want you to fight, to go mad. fuck that. the only thing you can do is love unconditionally. if you fight, they will win. if you hate, they will win. in fact, only in loving yourself are you doing any real revolutionary work. everything else we consider rebellion is simply a sub-system of control. yet loving yourself fully is such a potent for of protest, it's amazing how many people still don't do it.
right, so anyway,
i remember in high school, and i still see it today, girls would wear ugg boats/berkenstocks, north face jackets, and either jeans or those tight stretchy black pants. then guys would wear birkenstocks and abrecrombie everything else. it's really upsetting to see so many people unwilling to express themselves truthfully in the slightest way. even now, in chicago, there are tons of college grads who moved the "big city" but still live in the bubble of places that run like suburbs and the subsequent college communities, they root for a sports team, drink, and take part in severely dysfunctional relationships. then they all get depressed! oy vay. i just want to shake/hug them all, but they'd think i'm crazy. i know it's the same old story, but i'm getting sick of this. i feel change in my bones, in my blood. and i as convinced as i've ever been, that this is the most exciting time to be alive.
much love and admiration to all,
I'll post it up as soon as i get online tomorow. it will take a while.
peace an love
To David Walker: Oooh the free masons. In my inquiry skills class, we were actually talking about how they founded america to create a "New Atlantis" It's very creepy to watch. Possibly the craziest part of the video we watched was the part with the back of the dollar bill that said "New Order of the World" or something in Latin. Then there was a video of Bush reciting that... o_o

And I do remember 9/11, I was in second grade. And my dad was the one who enlightened me on the situation somewhat. He didn't say anything about us blowing up the towers, not the plane, but he did essentially tell me that is was bullsh*t xD

It's really sad, for most of my life Bush has been in the white house D: I can only remember the corruption of the world, although I guess the world has always been corrupted. But it is slowly changing :D

To Arash: I agree, the only way to truly fight back is to love. It's easy to say but hard to do. I really have so much anger, who knows it might just be hormones. But it truly angers me to the core to see all this corruption. I really just can't understand at all why people do this! It is totally beyond my understanding. I asked my father and he told me I should read some greek tragedies, which I am probably gonna do. But it really disturbs me how violent and animal like people are. I really want to do something, but the only thing I can do is to love. Which sometimes doesn't feel like it does anything, but I know deep inside that it makes all the difference in the end, no?

And I also agree with the notion that highschool children are annoying xD I'm pretty annoying myself, but that's highschool for you! It's pretty much a giant moshpit :)
Ok im back and i have time to tell you guys what was told to me.
The man i talked to was a mason, not a free mason. He was on of the lowest of the ranks, but even then he has managed to piece together most of whats happened since the Vatican.
First of all let me tell you their is no Illuminati singular. Its all made up of lots of groups like the masons, free masons, and many others. The lowest ranking has the most members, and it works in a pyramid structure. I think there is actually 13 organizations that make it up as a whole. Im not quite sure. In fact that's what the pyramid on the dollar bill symbolises, the eyes being the top layer. people like the Rockefeller and Rothschild are way up there.

Anyway on to the history. This starts back at the time of Jesus and the beginning of the christian faith. When word of Jesus's death reached the Vatican, they sent out a call for all the bravest Knights. They called them the Knights Templar and they sent them to investigate Jesus. However what they found was so shocking that to this day nobody knows what it was they found. You see they held the information ransom, demanded vast sums of money for the answer. The Vatican obviously didn't pay. They actually killed most of the Knights Templar. There are said to be some of their descendants that still carry the secret.
So instead the Vatican fabricated a lot of it, used there welth and brought fear to spread the faith and kill anyone how opposed. This is apparently the secret that started the great crusades, and the suffering of millions.

fast forward to the colonization of america. The colonist where manufacturing and useing there own form of money this pissed off the king of England so he made sure that they could only use the money he made for them at an interest. Obviously if buy money at an interest you will never be able to pay it off. America was founded and debt and will always be in debt.
Fast forward again to the great depression( wich looks like it might be happening again soon), the poeple where all bankrupt there were no jobs anywhere. Incomes The IRS, and offers to bail america out. owned and operated by several illuminati members. america now has to buy its money from them. each dollar costing 1.25 dollars. anyone who does the math its simple to figure that there is no possible way to get out of debt.

the Illuminati survived by selling oil and motor cars and guns to germany and america during the war. in fact seeing as the profit in war they were actually responcinble for america joining every war so far. and they've always made it look like a terrorist attack. World war 1, they send a cruise ship full of American tourist into German occupied waters. world war II details of pearl harbor are leaked to japan. The Alqueda terrorist. come one do i need to explain this one? that was all a ruse to steal the entire of iraqs natural resources so they have a huge stock pile when the oil runs dry. that way they can sell it at any price they want.

our future is uncertain. But it is has been stated in many cases that they will try to kill off most of the worlds population and move the rest of the population into underground camps, implant us chips to know where we are at all times. The future is bleak for us. Unless we ascend.
Oh the book atlas shrugged show you all the ways they lead. They do not care about the us. they only want to control us for their own means.
Solanum said:
If the channelings of the Galactic Federation are legitimate, then i'm not particularly worried about the illuminati, as according to them the illuminati will experience their downfall in some way shape or for this coming February, presumably in conjunction with the global collapse of our financial system.
I really hope so. cause what their planning is horrific. I do and dont want the finantial system to crash. My main reason is, if that happens i might not be able to get online and talk to all you wonderful people, but i acknolege the money system we have deosnt work.
Have you ever noticed how the schools that have been built over the last several years and now look like prisons. Prisons for the mind. It is very scary that they are impressing this image upon young people. I asked a principal about why they look like prisons and she said that it is because they use cheap materials. Yeah right.
The system as it stands today is as follows: The main idea is to produce people who are intelligent enough to do their jobs and run the machinery in order to be a "productive" member of society but not intelligent enough for the worker to contemplate the justice of their situation. The American people are a people addicted to escapism due to the injustices of the unjust compensations for their work. People are losing their healthcare, pensions, jobs, and livelyhood. Escapism is rampant and is expressed in the form of anything from watching sports to heavy drug use. And when things go wrong, it is the people who are to blame.

The thing is that these people addicted to escape are not stupid per se. They seek to fill a void in their hearts and minds because they all know something is wrong but they are come short of putting their finger on it. They have given up on having the clarity to believe in their own capacity to change themselves and society. And the system of debt and banking has usurped our innate human capacity to be the masters of our own destiny. We are not taught self-respect but taught to self-loathe. That is the greatest way to fight the Illuminati to learn to love ourselves


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