Saviors Of Earth

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Ancient Ireland’s Civilization at Tara

Surprisingly Ireland is believed to have one of  the oldest civilizations on Earth that started when, the Tuatha Dé Danaan according to Lebor Gabála Érenn, came to Ireland "in dark clouds" and "landed on the mountains and they brought a darkness over the sun for three days and three nights some 6000 years ago." They are described as a race of majestic appearance and marvelous beauty, in human form, yet in nature divine.

Ireland is considered the Great Motherland of the Aryan race. Tara (shown here) is the prehistoric home of the magical Tuatha Dé Danaan who are described as tall, blond and fair-skinned and are considered to be direct descendents or reincarnations of the biblical Shining Ones(Elohim), the creator gods.

Irish mythology of the Anunnaki predates Sumerian civilization by a thousand years or more.

Enki had been the first of the Anunnaki to hazard a trip to Earth to begin a mining operation for gold. First Enki apparently settled Ireland and laterfounded a civilization in ancient Sumeria (modern Iraq). Ireland and Sumeria come into history as a full-fledged kingdoms, and their sudden origin has perplexed many an historian. Sumerian culture coincides with, the early Irish culture and it’s as if one culture is the continuation of the other. Enki was considered the master shaper of the world, and god of wisdom and agriculture.

The Great Banqueting Hall on Tara Hill shown at the right reminds me of a cylinder UFO landing marker megalith. I chased a similar UFO over England. Similar cylinder ancient markings in England are known as Cursus.

Both Irish and Sumerian mythology revolves around the secret teachings of the blue stones of the Enki. In ancient Irish religion Tara was the sacred home for the Ari (later the Ari-ish or Irish) above the people. Ireland (Ari-Land) takes its name from the Arians.

Aryan or Ari-an is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘noble’. The concept of the Aryan race has been wildly misinterpreted. The root of the misunderstanding is in the Sumerian claim that Enki cloned the first model of humans as a slave race. Into the blood of a second ‘advanced’ human, the Ari or Illi, they put sacred knowledge. Tara was conceivably one of Enki’s laboratories of enlightenment and Irish mythology insists the secrets of Enki and his lost tribe remain.

Both Irish and Samarian mythology revolves around the secret teachings of the blue stones of Enki. In ancient Irish religion and mythology Tara was the sacred home for the Ari(later the Ari-ish or Irish). Ireland (Ari-Land) takes its name from the Aris or Arians. Ireland is considered the Great Motherland of the Aryan race.

They later settled Sumaria and France and also operated a blue stone-based “stargate mystery school” at the Hill of Tara in Ireland.

Conor Newman, an archaeology lecturer claims this was once the ancient seat of power in Ireland – 142 kings are said to have reigned there in prehistoric and historic times.

The Great Mound (at left) was built over 5000 years ago, and is ideal for landing a disc shaped UFO on its top. Located around the construction is a series of carved kerbstones with drawings of possible cylinder and disc shaped craft.

In ancient Irish religion and mythology Tara was the sacred place of dwelling for the gods, and was the entrance to the otherworld. They are divided into two classes: those which are shining, those which are opalescent and seem lit up by a light within themselves. The Sumerians called themAnunnaki, while the Irish called them the ‘Lords of Light,’ or Illi. The real treasure exists underneath the sacred hill and may soon be revived.

A massive subterranean temple as been located at Tara that dates from around 4000 BC.

Nearby is the ancient New Grange site, (shown here) that is believed to be the world's oldest structure and is shaped as a disc. It is similar in appearance to the Great Mound of Knowth and both have the disc shape with a rim and representations of windows that faithfully imitate the real object. If the ancients intended to imitate either the moon or the sun their structures would look very different. Almost everywhere in the world myths, customs, and religion claim their individual ancestors came from space. I suggest the history or the world is very different if we recognize the importance of UFOs.

The Newgrange mound required a committed workforce of 300 for at least 20 years, and is referred to as a Megalithic Passage Tomb as six bodies were found inside. The mound covers an area of over one acre and is surrounded by 97 kerbstones, some of which are richly decorated with megalithic art mostly with spiral discs. The 19 meter long inner passage leads to a cruciform chamber with a corbelled roof.

New Grange illuminated by the Winter Solstice sun.

Winter Solstice

The passage and chamber of Newgrange are illuminated by the winter solstice sunrise on December 21st, 2012. A shaft of sunlight shines through the roof box over theentrance and penetrates the passage to light up the chamber. The dramatic event lasts for 17 minutes at dawn on the Winter Solstice and for a few mornings either side of the Winter Solstice.

 The Tuatha Dé Danann, who ruled Ireland in ancient mythology, were said to have erected Newgrange as a burial place for their chief, Dagda Mór, and his three sons. All of the Newgrange people were of one mind and one goal, they were dedicated to the task and were committed one and all because there was something in it for all – new life and new blessings. Little doubt about knowledge of astronomy and astrology, which would have accumulated through their ‘wise men’ over millennia.

In 1993, Newgrange and its sister sites Knowth, Dowth and Tara were designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO because of their outstanding cultural legacy.

Newgrange is arguably one of the finest monuments of European pre-history. Dating to circa 3200 B.C., a thousand years before Stonehenge. It was built during the Neolithic or New Stone Age by a wealthy farming community that prospered on the rich lands of the Boyne Valley. 

Archaeologists classify New Grange as a passage tomb, but for its builders, New Grange was much more than simply a place of burial. It housed the spirits of their ancestors, providing a link for the living community to the world of their deities and serving as a focal point for ritual and celebration.

Passage tombs, as the name implies, consist of a passage leading to a chamber where the remains of the dead (usually cremated) were placed. Thepassage and chamber are covered by a large mound of stones and earth, retained at the base by large kerbstones. The amount of time and labor invested in their construction tells us much about the well-organized societies and specialized groups responsible for different aspects of their construction. 

Newgrange is part of a large complex of Tara and Knowth monuments built along a bend of the River Boyne that may hold secrets of the visitors from space.

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