Saviors Of Earth

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''And infinite love is all there is, everything else is illusion. ''

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Comment by Jungle Cat on February 11, 2009 at 1:58pm
If I may interject with my 2 cents...

White Cloud's wisdom (whether this entity is real or fictional) is actually very all encompassing when you consider the larger scope of things. Yes, LOVE very well may be the answer to ending hate and all the crimes and problems associated along with it to create a physically manifested Heaven. If one wishes to accept everyone equally with love regardless of race, age, gender, ethnicity, religious background, sexual orientation, or BELIEFS SYSTEM, why should there be any quarms against them for pursuing absolute PEACE and prosperity for all. It's a win win for everyone.

Now, where it starts to get tricky is when you look into the smaller scope of things. Until every single person on this planet transcends every single form of negativity, we will live in a world of duality. I don't think this means that we are gridlocked in a constant battle to choose between white or black, love or hate. It probably isn't as clear cut as that anyway. We, as what have been said by some as one of the most envied cosmic species, are capable of limitless ranges of abilities and emotional understandings, both inside ourselves and outside ourselves. Extreme love, extreme hate, and infinite degrees in between the two.

To say you hate murderers, rapist, and child abusers is not necessarily to say you want to see these people killed. Likewise, to say you love your parents, teachers, spiritual leaders is not to say you completely agree with and follow every single thing that they say.

I can go further and add that just because you become angry with murderers and rapists is not to say that you hate them either. And smiling in someones face everyday is not to say that you love them.

With that being said, I do think it's a beautiful meditative spiritual practice to send love to darkened souls and it's a wonderful idea to remember the powerful healing applications behind forgiveness; however, I also see the need to retain an infastructure that is designed to protect the innocent and punish criminals appropriately when they willingly infringe on the rights of others until the day comes when humanity successfully learns how to "love all the bad away". Preventative and preemptive steps need to be taken to ensure safety of the public and support of victims and should take priority over the rahabilitation of criminals who willfully commit violent acts.

One could engage in a religious/belief system debate if they so chose but what would be the point? The globe has been stuck in one since the dawn of time and it hasn't done anyone a darn bit of good. One can even say that channeling, The Holy Bible, The Torah, The Qu'ran, The Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Book of Mormon, A New Earth all sound like gimmicks, cliche's, and general commom sense quotes. They can just as easily say that each of them holds deep resonating universal truths.

It's not our beliefs that define us. It's the actions from our beliefs that do.
Comment by Quandary121 on February 11, 2009 at 12:56pm
ALSO Quote "as i told you the galactiv co-federation is not here to persuade anyone to believe it or not" Then what are we supposed to believe about the galactic co-federation, Blossoms channeling, and all this type of stuff i read below ,come come im not that dumb, as to think your all doing this for a laugh, what would the real reason be i wonder .? and if everything will be as it will any how whats the point to all this .?
Comment by Quandary121 on February 11, 2009 at 12:46pm
And please do tell me about what happen on 10-14-08 Kallisto this answer i would love to hear im not being cynical i would just like to hear what the real reason for no show.? was.!!!!
Comment by Quandary121 on February 11, 2009 at 12:25pm
Oh sorry if your referring to" Comment by Kallisto 1 day ago " was that directed at me my apologies i just thought it was more mindless drivel personally
like i pointed out from the beginning when you say QUOTE" The Galactic co- Federation of Light is just working with the Ones who understand the Higher Divine Plan" UNQUOTE I refer you to the answer i gave on this subject earlier about
Look at a group’s structure; here are questions you should ask that should raise red flags if a straight answer isn’t given:

7. Are you made to feel bad by leadership or other group members if you ask questions that involve leadership’s teachings or if you find contrary behaviors that are opposed to teachings and you question them?

2. It forms an elitist totalitarian society.. Exclusive membership and a 'you’ll miss out if you don’t get involved' mentality.

4. Divine instruction coming from a deity source, only given to that particular group usually through channeling or 'divine inspiration'.

6. Channeled or divinely inspired messages to save / help mankind.

Due to the instinct for truth in human nature, absolute lies are not as effective as some people think. With half-truths and quarter-truths, on the other hand, you can make people believe almost anything.

9. Group is usually named such as (i.e. Heavens Gate, Branch Davidians, The Core Council)

BLAR BLAR BLAR you get the picture dont you
Comment by Quandary121 on February 11, 2009 at 12:11pm
Excuse me Kallisto where have you told me anything i think this is the first time we have crossed swords about this subject.?

Quote "IF you conceive the variety as an elite" forgive my ignorance here WHERE HAVE I SAID THIS..??? also Quote "as i told you the galactiv co-federation is not here to persuade anyone to believe it or not
the super-consciouss mind
has infinite possibilities " again WHERE HAVE YOU SAID THIS TO ME.?
Comment by Kallisto on February 11, 2009 at 11:45am
yes Quandary 121 i meant that there are missions that need to be done in a way , that someone has got the apropriate education on how to.......
if you can understand what do you mean
and of course there are many levels of consciousness,many different missions , many groups on the NeT
AND OF COURSE IF you concieve the variety as an elite you are in the wrong spot in my mind..........
everyone is having a mission and as i told you the galactiv co-federation is not here to persuade anyone to believe it or not
the super-consciouss mind
has infinite possibilities
Comment by Quandary121 on February 11, 2009 at 2:44am
God these daily channeling make me puke, maybe im missing the point here or something, and should not be here at all, who knows.? Im as much driven by my own self (spirit) as anyone so who knows maybe i was meant to be here,just to test you and your own believes, i surly do not wish to disrupt anyone, but do hate being told all this wussy B/S about blossom and channeling, if any one could explain to me in a reasoned way, what its about, i would be grateful just don't feed me this drivel is see below my comment,as this insults my intelligence greatly .


Comment by Quandary121 on February 11, 2009 at 2:36am
Dont apologize to me Kerrie i can take it as well as give it out ,i understand you getting emotional about animals shame you feel more for them then your fellow human beings i would be more annoyed if it were the other way round would you chose to save a animal over a human i wonder ,what sort of person would that make you you also seem to blame God for something totally out of his control did you read your bible or just believe in these fantasy's story's told you by Blossom goodfornonthing ,if you had you would understand that the earth was put in the devils control not Gods do you honestly believe you have higher principals then GOD you shame your self with your arrogance ,do you think god does not care also and that you are the only one PAH foolish woman

LOVE maybe the answer, but sometimes a good dose of hate, generated in the right direction does wonders, do you not feel that hate has its place also,is it not correct to feel hate i think some times there is just cause as much as i would dearly love to live in this Utopian world you speak of but to me your a dreamer not a realist this is the real world any spirit you speak to can you be sure they are telling the TRUTH to you for what possible gain would it do the spirit think about it will you..!!!!
Comment by Denis on February 11, 2009 at 1:01am
It was very difficult to find the "Join" button...but I did it!
Thanks for the invite basilis
Comment by Quandary121 on February 10, 2009 at 6:42pm
Intelligence is like a river: the deeper it is the less noise it makes.

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