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Crystal Healing

Everything you need to know about crystals: Healing propeties, psychic associations and much more.

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Latest Activity: Sep 4, 2018

Crystal Healing


Crystal healing is an alternative medicine technique that employs stones and crystals as healing tools.

The practitioner places crystals on different parts of the body, often corresponding to the chakras, or places crystals around the body to construct an energy grid, which surrounds the client with healing energy.The healing removes blockages in the aura or the body's electromagnetic field.

When the stones are placed in the area of the chakras, the colour of the stones correspond to the colour which is associated with the corresponding chakra. Going from the tail bone to the top of the head, the colours are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Different stones have different healing vibrations, so a treatment based on the type of stone may be used instead. Stones may also be used at the feet for grounding the individual, or held in the hands. Practitioners may also use tools such as crystal wands, which are placed near the receiver's body, or near a certain 'blocked' chakra, or use to perform psychic surgery, normally conducted with laser quartz wands.

Believers in crystal healing carry crystals around with them, believing that they impart healing powers to them wherever they go, or that they have positive vibrations that attract positive events and interactions with others.<>

Discussion Forum


Started by little light. Last reply by Siril0 Apr 10, 2012. 1 Reply

MALACHITE - powerful healing stone also aids to reduce tension and stress. Also good for travel sickness. A general all over balancing stone MOONSTONE/RAINBOW MOONSTONE: 'Mother Earth' stone, vibrating with the feminine wisdom and Goddess energy of…Continue


Started by little light Apr 9, 2012. 0 Replies

AGATE: Agates foster love, abundance, wealth, good luck, acceptance, courage, protection, balance, harmony, generosity, strength, security and appreciation of nature. Agates are considered Power Stones. They are very grounding, solid and stable. All…Continue

Toxic Crystals

Started by little light. Last reply by Sharon Alderman Mar 25, 2012. 2 Replies

Here is a list of crystals which should be handled as directed:Actinolite--Fibrous form is a type of asbestos. Not recommended for elixirs.Adamite--Contains Arsenic (Arsenate) and trace amounts of copper which is toxicAjoite--Contains Aluminum,…Continue


Started by little light. Last reply by Sharon Alderman Nov 11, 2010. 1 Reply

Colour: Violer and Golden YellowEnergies: Money, Power, HealingAmetrine Gemstone meaningAmetrine is a rare and unusual stone which occurs in quartz when amethyst and citrine reside in the same crystal. Because the color zoning effect is natural, no…Continue

Fire Agate

Started by little light. Last reply by Lydia Nov 10, 2010. 1 Reply

Colour: Deep fiery red, brownChakra: Base ChakraEnergy: Healing, Power, ProtectionFire Agate Gemstone meaningFire Agate has a deep calming energy that brings security and safety. It is a protection stone with strong grounding powers.Fire agate links…Continue

A-Z *** Crystals and Anatomy

Started by M de Fatima Ivanechtchuk Apr 5, 2010. 0 Replies

Crystals and AnatomyFor centuries, crystals and stones have been associated and utilizedfor different anatomical locations and the organs associated withthem. Here is a list, courtesy of the National Museum of NaturalHistory. This list is a great…Continue


Started by M de Fatima Ivanechtchuk Apr 5, 2010. 0 Replies

History and LegendThe naturalist Alexander von Humboldt reported that people along the Rio Negro in Brazil wore amulets made of amazonite, which came from the land of the "women without men", the legendary country of the Indian amazons. In the 18th…Continue


Started by M de Fatima Ivanechtchuk Apr 5, 2010. 0 Replies

History and Legend:It was already known in antiquity that amber develops an attractive force on wooden shavings and straw when rubbed. The Persian name Kahraba, (the attractor of straw) is inspired by this particular property. The Greeks called it…Continue


Started by M de Fatima Ivanechtchuk Apr 5, 2010. 0 Replies

Key Words: Clearing, protection, cleansing, confidence, dispelling negative attachmentsElements: Earth, FireChakras: AllAegirine (also known as Acmite) is a sodium iron siicate mineral with a hardness of 6. Its crystal sytem is monoclinic and it…Continue


Started by M de Fatima Ivanechtchuk Apr 5, 2010. 0 Replies

Key Words: Love, Healing, Emotional Support, Moving through sorrow and grief, Goddess and Angelic connectionElement: StormChakras: Heart, Throat, Third Eye, EthericAjoite is a blue or blue green copper silicate mineral. It is named after, Ajo,…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Siril0 on January 24, 2010 at 3:06pm

Comment by Siril0 on January 24, 2010 at 2:51pm

Meditation ONE
Comment by Siril0 on January 24, 2010 at 2:48pm

"Agathe the power"
Comment by Siril0 on January 24, 2010 at 2:47pm

Violet Flame: Ametiste
Comment by Siril0 on January 24, 2010 at 2:42pm

Great African gift (Mont Sinaï)
Comment by Siril0 on January 24, 2010 at 2:39pm

Last Birthday gift ;o)
Comment by Siril0 on January 24, 2010 at 2:35pm

Violet crystals we got in London ;o)
Comment by Siril0 on January 24, 2010 at 2:33pm

Strange &/or amazing blue crystal found in London
Comment by Siril0 on January 24, 2010 at 2:31pm

1Turquoise, 2 Agathe ONEs, 1Tiger
Comment by Siril0 on January 24, 2010 at 2:28pm

London acquisitions of this Week-end (20£ in total for ALL of them)

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