Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

One of the most important crystals used in healing, it is a powerful and diverse healer. As a healing mineral Amethyst, especially this clear, high-grade lilac found in Southern Africa, is a very powerful gem and is widely used.

Amethyst is thought to assist with convulsions and oedema, as well as cancerous growths and malignancy. Relieves burns and scalds, it is also used for infections and sores, as well as skin cancer and acne. It is known to assist with disorders of the digestive tract, liver and stomach. Also used in treating heart disorders, joint inflammation, neuralgia and tooth problems. It is used in cleansing the blood and in the treatment of blood diseases and in balancing blood sugar. An Amethyst placed on the centre of the forehead can relieve the pain of headaches.

Astrologically it is linked to Pisces (19 Feb - 20 March). Protecting the wearer from fears/anxieties and worries. It induces and symbolises sincerity. [February - modern. Traditional, Ayurvedic birthstone. Sagittarius - birthstone]. Associated with the 4th and 6th years of marriage, it represents the 17th Anniversary. Its dream significance is freedom from harm.

Amethyst has many general benefits. When placed under the pillow, it can aid sleeplessness and sleeping disorders and enhances the dream-state. It assists in relieving mental burdens and nervous disorders and also assists in relieving stress and calming passions. It is also helpful in the treatment of addictions and colour blindness and is thought to assist in cases of insanity.

The gem assists in coping with grief and also combats atmospheric pollution. The clarity, colour and origin of the gem is significant and is known to acupuncturists as "meridians", and can be used to clear the energy lines.

It promotes wisdom and contentment and absorbs negativity and is very special in the case of spiritual upliftment. It is also believed to restore stability, strength and peace and is thought to improve powers of intuition and is excellent for meditation. It is a symbol of security and peace of mind and helps one to communicate effectively.

Helping to blend opposing personalities into strong relationships, it keeps you in touch with your spirituality and helps you reach your highest goals. Awakens spiritual awareness and balance. Purification and regeneration at all stages of consciousness. It helps to (transmute) your lower nature towards the higher vibrations and improved potentials.

Mainly used with the Crown chakra, it can be used in varying ways, It balances and heals all chakras, especially third and seventh. Lie down and place a crystal on the areas associated with each of the chakras in order to clear the channels. Alternatively, it can be carried by the user, or may be held by a healer over the relevant part of the body and moved in a circular direction in order to cure a malady or simply in order to improve the "recipients", or rather the patients' general state of health. Keeps you grounded and also aids in "channelling".

This mineral is available in many practical and useful forms.

The therapeutic use of gems and crystals is not a new phenomenon. Certainly not "new age". It is in fact only rediscovered ancient secrets and knowledge which is becoming increasingly accepted and implemented again today, as we learn more about the "powers", energy and potential uses of these elements. Gems and crystals have been used in healing, therapy and magic rituals since time immemorial, certainly as far back as any records

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