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Abraham ~ Esther and Jerry Hicks ~ Law Of Attraction


Abraham ~ Esther and Jerry Hicks ~ Law Of Attraction

Abraham has described Themselves as "a Group Consciousness from the non-physical dimension" (which helps a lot!). They have also said, "We Are That which You Are. You Are the Leading Edge of That which We Are.

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Abraham Hicks ~ Once Your Get This, Everything Will CHANGE - Amazing!

Started by Lydia Oct 17, 2016. 0 Replies

Published on Sep 28, 2016Abraham is an multidimensional collective speaking through the channel Esther Hicks. Abraham teaches about the law of attraction and how to change your beliefs.…Continue

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Comment by Joshua Temple on November 11, 2010 at 10:47pm
Comment by Joshua Temple on November 11, 2010 at 10:43pm

Hope you enjoy this.
Comment by Joshua Temple on November 11, 2010 at 10:42pm
Comment by Lydia on November 11, 2010 at 12:01am
Fun~Tastic Share Joshua ~ Thank YOU !!! Its Slooowly Crystalizing In My Mind.....Feeling GOOD is Most Important part of Attracting GOOD
we Want and Feeling Good can Happen ONLY when We think Positive Loving thoughts soooo ~We Need to Believe it Before We can Have it :)))
Love this:
"You are only free because you are free to be limited. You are choosing your limitations from a basis of unlimited freedom. You are Source, and within you is the knowing of what all states that have ever been are, and with that knowing you are choosing the experience of you. The only thing you are ever pushing against in this world is its beauty. To know this is to know … “I Am Free”.."
- from Freedom
- Story Waters Weekly Issue 48

Thank YOU Joshua ~ Love and Blessings to You !
Comment by Joshua Temple on November 10, 2010 at 10:16am
Extract: "The law of attraction is simply saying that like attracts like. The energy, the vibration, the feeling that you put out, is the reality that you will attract to you. We will go to the heart of understanding that by bringing it back to a feeling level. The idea that the feeling that you radiate is the largest determinate of the reality that you draw to you; the reality that you are creating, that you are unfolding.

Many teachings in the law of attraction purely go into focusing on what you want. This is a way of using the process in an objectifying way. There is nothing wrong with that, but at the same time it can be fraught with various problems that can lead to mixed results; so by going to the very heart of it, to the heart of the feeling of you, we will go to the heart of the law of attraction. The heart of what it means. Stripping back the layers to just come to this simple understanding that what you feel is what you are attracting to you. The realization that what you feel inside is the feeling that the reality you are walking into will continue to give to you. Becoming conscious of the feeling inside of you is the way to really use the law of attraction to live in your dream - to live in the paradise that this world can be."
- Story's opening words to Law of Attraction 101.

Description: Story opens drawing a beautiful and visceral picture of how we are each source energy emerging into physicality, beautifully conveying why it is so extraordinary to be a human. He then strips back the details and focus on definition from the Law of Attraction to take you to the heart of what it means. This is done through a journey to the core of your being - feeling the joy of your spirit in your heart center and radiating that into reality. By letting go of the definitions and focusing on feeling good you can transform your life and release the patterns and programs that hold you from that joy and abundance of your spirit. Includes a specific exercise to be carried out over a one month period to show you how the Law of Attraction can change your life.

Audience questions in part two include: The effect of ancestral and hidden blueprints on manifestation, ego getting in the way of manifestation, use of gratitude diaries in law of attraction, what is enlightenment, the journey from mind to heart, and money and the law of attraction.

Audience Member Feedback
I wanted to flow some love and appreciation to you for your brilliant, timely and loving law of attraction broadcast today. You brought me back to center again and I love and appreciate you very much for this. You really made a difference in my life today. - Patty, USA

"When I had looked at the law of attraction before, there was always a certain tension and idealizing involved, and just didn't feel right. I just felt that I needed a different perspective to access what I knew in essence to be a natural law. You gave me that today! Your channels have an ever- increasing clarity for me, and during this one I had the experience of moving into a very different space of being, which is just so utterly exquisite in its simplicity. You are creating such wonderful work - thank you" - Kim, U.K

It is wonderful how your voice brings about changes without forcing them. Only today I am capable of writing you feedback on the channel from Saturday. It took me a while to take in and digest what has been said. - Katerina, Germany.

Law Of Attraction 101
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New Mp3 Added To Circle Download Library
Choosing Anew Mp3
- Copenhagen '05

Story's channel 'Choosing Anew' which was the basis for Issues 30-32 of Story Waters Weekly is now available in the complementary Circle Download Library. This channel from Copenhagen is probably best known as the one which an audience member threw up in as Story spoke of letting go of control. To access the download library which includes eBooks, mp3s, and video downloads please join the circle at:

Story Waters Weekly Extract
Below is an extract from a recent issue of Story Waters Weekly - a printable pdf released to Circle members every Friday and available in the Limitlessness store.

New Messiah/Dream seeds will now be accompanying the main article in Story Waters Weekly for the next few months. Past issues are now available in the store under the new 'Audio/eBooks & Weekly Articles' tab. Download extracts from the first 39 issues in the free pdf sampler in the Store.

Issue 48: Freedom
"You can only ever taste one taste at a time, but that one taste can be a mix of many tastes. You can mix as many colors together as you like, but when they are blended they always become one new color. You can only experience one vibration at a time, but there is no limit to how many vibrations you can mix into that experience. In this world you are one thing experiencing many things. You are Source within differentiation. You are the One in the experience of the many. See the limitation that you experience in this world as the foundation of your freedom and you will cease to experience freedom through a dualistic ‘limited-free’ polarity. Experience the freedom in limitation and step into the eternal perfection of the Now.

You are only free because you are free to be limited. You are choosing your limitations from a basis of unlimited freedom. You are Source, and within you is the knowing of what all states that have ever been are, and with that knowing you are choosing the experience of you. The only thing you are ever pushing against in this world is its beauty. To know this is to know … “I Am Free”.."
- from Freedom
- Story Waters Weekly Issue 48

The above Issue 48 is now available in the Limitlessness Store for just $2.50/£1.50/€1,88

Receive Story Waters Weekly by joining the Circle for just $25/£16/€19 a month for which you will also receive the Circle Monthly Broadcasts with mp3 and access to the Circle Download Library.

Next broadcast:
Nov 20th - Understanding the New Children
Join the Circle here.

© All Contents Copyright Story Waters

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Comment by Joshua Temple on November 10, 2010 at 10:15am
We want you to understand that abundance expands proportionately to match desire, and that there is great untapped abundance not yet allowed by the very humans who have created it. When your life experience causes a focused desire within you, the means to fulfill that desire is created at the same time—but you have to be on the Vibrational wavelength with your desire in order to see the path to the fulfillment of it.

A belief in shortage or lack will prevent your discovery of the path to your own creation, and any feeling of resistance indicates that you are on the wrong Vibrational path. However, in your understanding of the never-ending abundance of this Universe, you will feel personal delight whenever you observe anyone’s alignment with it, for their achievement can in no way diminish yours, but can only enhance it.

As you focus upon your breathing and the music and words of your meditation recording, you will deactivate your usual resistance to abundance, and you will discover the satisfying feeling of positive expectation and success. And then, the manifestation of that success must come to you. It is Law!

--- Abraham
Comment by Joshua Temple on November 8, 2010 at 11:07pm
Comment by Joshua Temple on November 8, 2010 at 11:03pm
Comment by Joshua Temple on November 8, 2010 at 11:00pm
Comment by Lydia on November 8, 2010 at 3:20pm
From The Secret Daily Teachings

Whether you know it or not, today you are placing an order for your tomorrows from the catalogue of the Universe. Your predominant thoughts and feelings today are creating a frequency that is automatically determining your life tomorrow.

Feel good now and for the rest of the day, and make your tomorrows magnificent.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret and The Power... bringing joy to billions

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