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Abraham ~ Esther and Jerry Hicks ~ Law Of Attraction


Abraham ~ Esther and Jerry Hicks ~ Law Of Attraction

Abraham has described Themselves as "a Group Consciousness from the non-physical dimension" (which helps a lot!). They have also said, "We Are That which You Are. You Are the Leading Edge of That which We Are.

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Abraham Hicks ~ Once Your Get This, Everything Will CHANGE - Amazing!

Started by Lydia Oct 17, 2016. 0 Replies

Published on Sep 28, 2016Abraham is an multidimensional collective speaking through the channel Esther Hicks. Abraham teaches about the law of attraction and how to change your beliefs.…Continue

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Comment by Joshua Temple on December 11, 2010 at 10:48pm

This is the freedom available in the paradise that is birthing. For many of you this is a great release of identity. And it is to understand that no matter if you cut every single tie, everything appropriate to your vibration will remain with you. That is the law of attraction. It is only those things that you are no longer vibrationally aligned with that will move away. And for some, you may wish to take time over this; time for that separation, for that goodbye. Know you will meet again; if you wish. But in this moment now, even if it is just for this exercise, allow yourself to at least experience the weightlessness, even if you are going to reconnect those ties. We wish you to at least taste it. For what it represents is nothing, no thing, no person, no ideology, no responsibility, governing any aspect of your life. And when you step into this state, all that comes from you comes from the creational power of your heart - the freedom that exists within your heart. And that which has been called pre-determinism is no more than being attached to a cord that governs your behavior, whether that be being a spiritual person, being a compassionate person, being a good person, being a kind person. It is to release all of that. You don't need those rules and regulations. It is to know that when you flow from your heart you will fulfill all that you want to be. You will not need to compare your behavior to guidelines within the paradise, within this spiritual weightlessness.

Comment by Joshua Temple on December 11, 2010 at 10:48pm

- from Story Waters
Freedom to not fear this state of nothingness, of ‘no other’, is one of coming to realize that there are many within the One; the many birth from the One. For humanity in this moment of questioning on Earth, it is to realize that there are many within you. This is simultaneously the more personal realization of the one is the many and the many are the one.

Comment by Joshua Temple on December 11, 2010 at 10:46pm

To know you are God is to know that all fears arise from the fear of realizing that you are infinite. Our self-preservation instinct fears limitlessness out of the belief that it will destroy our sense of individuality. You are you; that cannot be lost. Nothing can be lost for you are everything. You are a singular individual and you are All That Is; you are the realization into being of this paradox. The only fears that are existent in your life are fears that arise from the unknown change that you will go through on your journey to realizing that you are an embodiment of infinite freedom. Your attachments are your denials of your Godhood – your wholeness, your safety, your unity with all things, and your limitlessness.

The ways in which you deny that you are God, that you are love, are expressed as fear. To experience your unity with all life is to know that all that is outside of you is you. To know you are everything is to know that there is nothing to fear. You are completely safe as you are the source of your fears. Your choice of story is the root and expression of your fear. Do not fear yourself.

Comment by Lydia on December 9, 2010 at 12:03am

It is your rules that make unlawful beings. You would get along better if you would just trust each other to treat each other appropriately, but you don't. So you keep making laws -- until you make criminals of everyone.

--- Abraham
Comment by Lydia on December 9, 2010 at 12:01am
Great One Joshua ! :)
Comment by Joshua Temple on December 8, 2010 at 8:51pm
When we enter this world we forget that we are spirit, that we are non-physical, that we are one. We forget that we are safe and that we are eternal. Fear is a unique quality of this world. It is through this loss of knowingness that we can come to fear what surrounds us. To fear what we do not know is to enter an experience where we come to protect ourselves and through this we become identified with our fears. To face your fear is to put those protections down. Topics include: the power of the choice of your focus, how you are a vessel of reality, how reality is a mirror, how to release fear and judgment, how judgment and perception are linked, how perception creates your reality, how to enter the knowing that you are safe, and how to fall in love with your Self, this world, and this life. To be without protection is to know you are safe, that you are the creator of your reality, and that you are free. Don't miss this amazing journey into self-empowerment and freedom consciousness.

"Within you is an even wider level of consciousness than your spirit; a level of planetary or collective consciousness. It is within you in every moment; it is within you in this moment. The whole world is within what you are. When you look outwards into the world you are equally looking inwards at what you are. This is the deeper realization of the world being a mirror of Self. It is only judgment of the world that makes you fear the idea of it being a reflection of you; cease to judge the world and you are free to experience it clearly; only when you cease to judge will you see through the illusion of separation and open yourself to the multi-dimensional perspective of All That You Are." - from Being Without Protection by Story Waters.

eBook in printable pdf, kindle, and iBook formats: $5 / £3 / €3.75
Comment by Joshua Temple on December 5, 2010 at 5:17pm
Comment by Joshua Temple on December 5, 2010 at 8:40am
Thanks Kamala very nice.
Comment by Joshua Temple on December 4, 2010 at 11:41pm
We come forth not to alter your beliefs, but to reacquaint you with the Eternal Laws of the Universe so that you may intentionally be the creator that you have come forth to be, for there is not another who attracts into your experience that which you are getting—you are doing it all.
We come forth not to get you to believe anything, for there is not that which you believe that we do not want you to believe. And as we are viewing this wondrous physical Earth plane, we see great diversity in that which you believe—and in all of that diversity, there is perfect balance.

--- Abraham
Comment by Joshua Temple on December 4, 2010 at 11:40pm

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