Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Abraham ~ Esther and Jerry Hicks ~ Law Of Attraction


Abraham ~ Esther and Jerry Hicks ~ Law Of Attraction

Abraham has described Themselves as "a Group Consciousness from the non-physical dimension" (which helps a lot!). They have also said, "We Are That which You Are. You Are the Leading Edge of That which We Are.

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Abraham Hicks ~ Once Your Get This, Everything Will CHANGE - Amazing!

Started by Lydia Oct 17, 2016. 0 Replies

Published on Sep 28, 2016Abraham is an multidimensional collective speaking through the channel Esther Hicks. Abraham teaches about the law of attraction and how to change your beliefs.…Continue

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Comment by Lydia on January 16, 2011 at 12:53pm

Abraham Hicks ♥ Your Never-Ending Quest ♥

click here to watch:

Comment by Lydia on January 16, 2011 at 12:36pm

Abraham Hicks ♥ A New Resolve ♥

Cllick Here to See the Video:

Comment by Joshua Temple on January 14, 2011 at 10:40pm
Welcome. This site is dedicated to bringing you a new perspective, a new Source of Wisdom from the Master Teacher Guides known as The Council of Light – with Theos as their primary spokesperson, or is it spokes-guide.

“We are the Highest Guides of Wisdom and we bring you a broader vantage point to aid in your joy, enlightenment and personal empowerment. We are here to help you blend with your Divine Source, to re-pattern your energies, and to awaken you to your magnificence.

While your success comes from knowing how to apply universal principles in your life, and that’s where we’ll start, over the next few years we will be unraveling the mysteries of the body/mind/spirit matrix, the structures of consciousness, the holographic nature of reality, and much more.

We have many tool and processes to offer you, for it is in the newness that your vibration remains open and excited and allows for successful creating.”

Hello. My name is Elizabeth Wisdom and I am thrilled to be co-creating this space with my friend Paul Theobold and with this amazing family of Higher Spirit Guides, whom I have the privelege to be translating for. My deepest wish is that these amazing Guides will touch and uplift you in your life as much as they have mine. On a daily basis I experience their deep loving compassion and I am continuously awed by their immense wisdom.

Hello. I am Paul Theobold. It is a true blessing for me to be working with Elizabeth and these amazing guides. Each day brings new revelations and understandings. My spiritual search has been going on for decades and I am very excited to be part of bringing to you what I feel is leading edge material from some very High, Clear and Gently Powerful Guides. Please look around the site with a sense of discovery and inquisitiveness and I am confident you will find much that resonates with your heart and your soul.

We have a deep appreciation for Esther Hick’s teachings of Abraham, for the Seth material, for all of the teachers of Law of Attraction, for the movie The Secret, and for the wide variety of teachers and bodies of knowledge we have studied over the many years. And we are thrilled to dive in deeper with an intention to bring forth the highest, clearest wisdom for the upliftment and empowerment of those drawn to these teachings. Over the years we’ve developed a strong desire to have something intellectually meaty like Seth, wonderfully practical like Abraham, and soulfully soothing like Buddhism – as I’m sure many of you are also asking for – and that call is being answered here As the guides have said, “what’s unique here is that Elizabeth has the ability to draw from seven groups of advanced guides, each group a collective consciousness … along with a direct stream from Source – from All That Is.”
..This is a new group starting in Denver Colorado we all attend Abraham workshops but now Elizebeth is channeling and I saw her in person one on one and its very amazing and I am so excited to be a part of this group.Check out the web site at   --There is a blog and phone appts are eavailable to all.
Comment by Joshua Temple on January 9, 2011 at 6:03pm
Wow we need to talk.
Comment by Lydia on January 9, 2011 at 3:53pm

LOL...this is Soo Cool ~ I was Just looking at this and was coming here to Add this INfo ~ Sync ~ And Here is the Link for anyone INterested to Signing Up ~ I think I might too :)))

Click Here for Link :


Comment by Joshua Temple on January 9, 2011 at 2:16pm
Thought I would share this for anyone interested in awakening and releasing all resistance. Story is amazing I will be taking the 5 month journey. Love to you all.
Comment by Joshua Temple on January 9, 2011 at 2:14pm
Details for upcoming live Circle audio broadcasts with Story below. Don't worry if you may miss the live broadcast, as all participants receive an mp3 copy of their broadcast in the week following the event. For technical details of listening to a broadcast please click here. You can book for the monthly Circle Broadcasts by subscribing to them for $20.00 a month by joining the Freedom Circle for which you will also receive Story Waters Weekly printable articles and access to the Circle Recording Library.

Upcoming Broadcast titles
Jan 15th - New Perspectives on Food
Feb 19th - The Masculine and Feminine

March to July - Awakening into Freedom Consciousness
A significant expansion of the popular 'Freedom Exercises' with a focus on actively living by the principles Story teaches. The ten Story Waters Weekly articles over this period will all tie in to create an amazing five month journey into Living Freedom Consciousness
March 19th - Release Your Pain
April 16th - Loving What Is
May 21st - Open Your Being
June 18th - Receive Abundance
July 16th - Awaken Your Life
Booking and further details further down this page.

Monthly Freedom Circle Broadcast
New Perspectives on Food - Jan 15th
Saturday UK 7pm, EST 2pm, PST 11am.
Price $20.00 for monthly Circle Membership.
Duration 110-130 mins.

Experience Story's unique perspective on the energy of food and diet.

Experience Story live every month in his Walk with me NOW monthly Circle internet broadcast. These are at UK time 7pm, East Coast USA 2pm, West Coast USA 11am on the third Saturday of the month and will run for around 110-130 minutes with a 15 minute break in the middle. These broadcasts can be subscribed to through becoming a member the Freedom Circle (costs $20.00 a month and also includes Story Waters Weekly articles and access to the Circle Recording Library). All participants can submit questions and will receive an mp3 of the broadcast.

In the first half Story speaks from his Universal Source Self delivering an empowering energy message on the chosen topic designed to help connect you with your spirit and powers of creation. Following a short break he will then answer audience questions that you are invited to email in. Don't worry if you can't listen in live, you will receive an mp3 download of the broadcast in the week following the broadcast that you can listen to whenever you like.

This is an audio broadcast and you can listen to it though the internet using windows media player (or a free download on a Mac). For full information on how to access the broadcast please read the instruction page. If you have any questions please email:

To receive this broadcast join the Freedom Circle.

Awakening into Freedom Consciousness
5 monthly Freedom Circle broadcasts plus 10 articles.
Runs mid-March to mid-August 2011.
Broadcasts on third Saturday UK 7pm, EST 2pm, PST 11am.
Price: $20.00 per month from March-July.
Can be paid up front in single payment of $100.00.
Price includes 10 hours of broadcasts with an mp3 copy,
10 articles and access to the Freedom Circle download library which includes over $60 worth of eBooks, mp3s & videos.

Commit to accelerating your awakening process with this landmark five month journey into Freedom Consciousness from mid-March to mid-August. At the heart of this journey will be five broadcasts featuring Story’s unique perspective on awakening and Freedom Consciousness including guided energetic exercises and meditations to actively apply this powerful state of consciousness to the living of your life. The five stages are:

Stage One - March 19th - Release Your Pain - The journey begins with the clearing of emotional baggage and energetic wounds (whether that be past pains for currently reoccurring patterns). Despite being the opening of the journey, this will be the toughest stage for many as Story leads you to see the pain you are carrying such that you can make the conscious choice to release it and clear your energy field such that you are not blocked to the stages that follow. Story will keep you on track over the month with two articles that you will receive by email on April 2nd and 9th.

Stage Two - April 16th - Loving What Is - The second stage of the journey is about coming to not let go of your resistance to the current state of your life such that you can see it with clarity from the empowered perspective of your spirit. This is clears the way for you to enter into the joy of the Now (enjoying the journey rather than focusing on a destination) where you see the perfection of this beautiful reality. Story will keep you moving forward over the month with two articles on May 7th and 14th.

Full Program Calendar

Stage One - Release your Pain
March 19th - live broadcast.
March 26th - mp3 copy of broadcast.
April 2nd - first article.
April 9th - second article.

Stage Two - Loving What Is
April 16th - live broadcast.
April 23rd - mp3 copy of broadcast.
May 7th - third article.
May 14th - forth article.

Stage Three - Open Your Being
May 21st - live broadcast.
May 28th - mp3 copy of broadcast.
June 4th - fifth article.
June 11th - sixth article.

Stage Four - Receive Abundance
June 18th - live broadcast.
June 25th - mp3 copy of broadcast.
July 2nd - seventh article.
July 9th - eighth article.

Stage Five - Awaken Your Life
July 16th - live broadcast.
July 23rd - mp3 copy of broadcast.
August 2nd - ninth article.
August 9th - closing article.Stage Three - May 21st - Open Your Being - As you come to exist in the Now moment without resistance or block is to take your foot of the brake that holds so many people from what achieving their dream. You are then entering a state of openness which comes through not trying to control your reality such that you are an open conduit to the strong flow of change that exists when you are fully open to living in the fully realized present - the Now. This is to let go of the holding onto the riverbed such that you are picked up into the flow of life; it is to ride the wave! Story help keep you opening with two articles that you will receive on June 4th and 11th.

Stage Four - June 18th - Receive Abundance - Now that you are feeling safe and have put down your defenses, it is time to receive the gifts of this world. Abundance is our natural state, but many have become separated from it by the way that society conditions us to struggle through limited thinking. Using powerful energetic exercises Story will open you to feel your natural state of abundance and flow such that through the law of attraction you can open yourself to live the dream in your heart. Story will keep you in the flow of being open to receive with two articles that you will receive on July 16th and 23rd.

Stage Five - July 16th - Awaken Your Life - Now that you are fully engaged with reality, such that you are in the open flow of your spirit, Story will share with you the gifts of being awake in this world and the wider Source perspective of what you are doing here, what your life is about and how you can fulfill your highest potential. To awaken to the illusion of physical reality is not to leave it; it is to come to live in the paradise of effortless flow and expansion. This broadcast will solidify and crown the journey as you step into being an awakened conscious creator. This will be solidified in an article on August 2nd followed by the closing to this incredible five month journey with an article on August 9th.

Message from Story:
"This five month journey is the largest of my teaching career in terms of its scope, its duration, and the depth of its conception. I am very excited to put the heart of my work into sharp focus such that you can actively transform your life through your participation. I ask for all those join me to commit wholeheartedly to this journey as, rather than the lighter touch the last couple of years, I intend to push you to invite the life altering change that Freedom Consciousness brings. This is why your commitment to the journey is important as I will assume that all that participate are asking for this push, and I am excited to give it. With this kind of work it is all too easy for it to become a bubble of belief that you occasional step into but that has minimal application to your everyday life. Freedom Consciousness is something the changes your whole reality and to open yourself to it is therefore to invite it into the whole of your reality. As zen and harmonious as the feeling of spirit can be, it also possesses powerful flows of revelation and transformation. The Now is as deafeningly loud as it is complete silence. This isn't about effort or hard work, but it is about the courage to let go of your blocks, comfort blankets, and baggage as well as the fearlessness to let go of control and being swept up into the powerful and divine flow of the Now. It takes guts and commitment to really change and change is what I am offering - a focused, intensive portal to change your life through the awakening process. Meet me with your commitment to awaken, transform and expand and, as a collective group that connects through the power of the live broadcasts, we will take a journey into Freedom Consciousness together like never before."

How to Participate in Awakening into Freedom Consciousness.
(You can change the currency in shopping cart box above)

1) Single $100.00 one-off payment.
The simplest way to participate is to make a single payment. This will make you a member of the Freedom Circle from March 18th to August 14th - the full duration of the journey. We will however give you access to the Freedom Circle download library right away so you can dive further into Story's work before the first broadcast on March 19th. Click the 'Add to Cart' button below to use this option.

2) Join the Freedom Circle today for $20.00 per month until July.
Why wait?! Join the Freedom Circle today and receive Story's January broadcast on the Energy of Food and February's broadcast on Masculine and Feminine Energies as well as the four upcoming issues of Story Waters Weekly that will be released between now and the March 19th start of the Awakening into Freedom Consciousness. You will then need to remain a member until your July payment to complete the full journey. You can join the Freedom Circle here.

3) Pay monthly by joining the Freedom Circle at the beginning of March for five months.
If you wish to pay monthly and only participate for the five month duration of Awakening into Freedom Consciousness then please join the Freedom Circle in the first half of March. If you join the newsletter you will be reminded when it is the right time to do this.

© All Contents Copyright Limitlessness Publishing / Story Waters
Comment by Lydia on January 9, 2011 at 12:35am
Comment by Joshua Temple on January 7, 2011 at 9:58pm
Comment by Joshua Temple on January 7, 2011 at 9:54pm


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