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Abraham ~ Esther and Jerry Hicks ~ Law Of Attraction


Abraham ~ Esther and Jerry Hicks ~ Law Of Attraction

Abraham has described Themselves as "a Group Consciousness from the non-physical dimension" (which helps a lot!). They have also said, "We Are That which You Are. You Are the Leading Edge of That which We Are.

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Abraham Hicks ~ Once Your Get This, Everything Will CHANGE - Amazing!

Started by Lydia Oct 17, 2016. 0 Replies

Published on Sep 28, 2016Abraham is an multidimensional collective speaking through the channel Esther Hicks. Abraham teaches about the law of attraction and how to change your beliefs.…Continue

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Comment by Lydia on February 5, 2011 at 10:34pm

Thanks Joshua ~ Love Light and Blessings my Friend ! =p)

Comment by Joshua Temple on February 5, 2011 at 10:32pm
Here is a song for all of you. Enjoy.
Comment by Joshua Temple on February 5, 2011 at 10:32pm

Comment by Joshua Temple on February 5, 2011 at 10:13pm
Comment by Lydia on February 2, 2011 at 11:49pm

Thanks Joshua ~ We are The Spirit Experiencing ourselves here

 AND NOW its Time To Awakent to THAT :)))

Comment by Joshua Temple on February 2, 2011 at 8:43pm
Many wish to ascend from this physical plane in order to exist as pure spirit – escaping here to get there. There is no separate spiritual plane. It is here and now, within us. This challenges the way in which we have put spirituality, the spiritual plane, on a pedestal – as being different from both what and where we are. We are the spiritual, expressed in the physical. We are the spiritual plane expressed as the physical plane. There is no difference except a choice, an angle, of perception; that is the illusion.

Our biological perceptive system creates the illusion of physical matter and time. This world is the spiritual plane expressed through our space-time perception. Physicality does not create our problems; it is the powerful lens through which we are exploring ourselves. It is time to stop blaming our physicality, our choice of expression, as the cause of our suffering. Blaming is a denial of self-responsibility – a denial of our creatorship. It is blaming a mirror for what it reflects. Physicality only ever makes manifest what is already spiritually present.

The love, the peace, that has been projected onto existence in the spiritual plane, is available for you here and now. What you spiritually seek is not beyond this life. Ascension will not liberate you. That liberation is here and now, if you so choose it. This is seeing through the illusion of the veil. It is to see that there is no veil; there has never been any separation; the separation is the illusion. The divide of life and death does not separate you from anything. Death will not solve anything. Death will not free you. If you need death to free you then you are trapped, trapped in life. Life and death are not different. The physical plane and spiritual plane are not different. Death is an illusion. Life is an illusion. The beingness that you are both encompasses and creates this illusion.

You cannot escape the beingness that you are. There is no escape. This realization taps into the deepest fear, "I am eternally trapped in suffering”, but it is also the greatest gift, for within it is the realization that there is nothing you need to escape from. Contained in what you fear is the realization that there is nothing to fear. There is nothing you desire that can not be experienced here. You do not need to shed your body; it separates you from nothing. Being alive in physicality separates you from nothing. All life is here: as above so below.

Physical reality is not a cage. There is no separation to ascend across; release this duality; there is no boundary. The idea of ascension is the manifestation of separation from living your life fully in the here and now. Physicality is not separate from your spiritual being; physicality is the expression of your spiritual being. There is no separation in All That You Are. As long as the idea of ascension contains the energy of escape then it will be manifest as the experience of confinement (feeling trapped); escape is the creator, not liberator, of all cages. See the paradox. Release the journey of ascension to ascend. In ascension you do not go anywhere. To ascend is to open your eyes and see that you are ascended.

We are spirit exploring itself within physical matter. Physical matter is nothing but an altered perception of our spiritual selves. The choice is yours as to whether you want to be separate from your complete spiritual self through the idea of a lack to be ascended, or whether you wish to release that, and unite your physical self with your spiritual self and unite the planes of existence within you. This is the realization that death is no escape; ascension is no escape; there is nothing to escape from. All ideas of escape are trying to escape what you are seeking. All that you have ever sought to escape has been your own reflection. The more you seek to not be here, the more here you a
Comment by Joshua Temple on January 30, 2011 at 8:13pm
“Wings alone cannot give you flight, you have to trust what you cannot see but can feel, the wind. It’s the wind beneath your wings that gives you flight.”
– Amir Zoghi –
If you're not here to do what you love then what are you here for? Are you here only to make ends meet; are you here to survive, just to ensure that you have enough food on the table? Really, is that why you came into your existence? Is it all one big test to see if you are good? Really, would that be the meaning and purpose of life, to be tested, to fight for your survival?

Sure, within your existence you are experiencing the story of having to provide, having to makes ends meet but don’t you by now just feel that there must be more to life than that? Can you not feel life expressing itself through your entire existence or are you trapped to believe that life is your life circumstances. Do not mistake your life circumstances for Life itself. Life is an eternal energy not bound by time or space; it is who you are when you’re not identifying yourself with your life circumstances.

On a physical human level, you are experiencing yourself through your life circumstances, through living your life. On a non-physical soulful level however you are not living life but you are life itself. You are everything that makes your reality and its physical manifestations. You are not here to make a living, that is for the individual entrapped by the idea that they are living life and therefore are required to make a living. You are life! You are here to make a life, not a living!

What this all really means for you my dear I will leave for your own interpretation but in the meantime I have the following questions for you to ponder on.

Do you really think it is you making the ends meet? Do you really think it is you ensuring there is food on the table? Do you really think you are driving the bus, are you really in control? When you feel the love to do something or the love for something or someone, where do you think this love comes from? Do you think you determined this love from your likes and dislikes or was it something that found you? Do you think you can make someone fall in love with you? Is it you that finds love or is it love that finds you?

Ponder my friend and see what comes to your realisation because the only thing stopping you from taking flight is your perception that you have to fly. You don’t need to fly on your own, you just have to be willing to spread your wings and trust the wind beneath your wings to give you flight. Fly you will my dear but only when you can trust and take the step forward with love.

Comment by Lydia on January 28, 2011 at 1:41pm
Comment by Joshua Temple on January 22, 2011 at 2:51pm
Comment by Lydia on January 19, 2011 at 10:28pm

Abraham - Are you ready to meet your vortex?


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