Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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Love...that is a Great Vibrational Aspect....!

The Love We As Humans Knowingly Withhold Lifetime After Lifetime?

is the Pain We Now Carry!

Personal Love>>Divine Love ! SELF ~


Living Life...

Judgement is invalidating everything you prefer.
When you invalidate something,
you become equal to it, and thus what you do not want you become.
" Seen from a Hermetic standpoint,
when you focus on something you bring it into your life.
If you focus on what you do not want,
you become resonant with the frequency of its reality and manifest it.

The answer to all of this lies in the apparent paradox of Hermetic Law,
wherein you must see the reality you prefer as currently existing in the moment,
despite the apparent contradiction of its immediate lack of presence.
Hard for most people, but not impossible to do.

Furthermore,"every being has their own way of exploring the idea of existence.
It does not mean you must judge the way they are living as invalid.

If you are busy judging that what they are doing,
is less than what you think they could be doing,
YOU are the one maintaining those effects,
and those realities in YOUR reality. You are focusing upon them." 

Want a real challenge?
Attempt to attain a state of non-judgement,
while at the same time focusing on a reality YOU prefer to exist.

YOU may move to a parallel line of existence where these guys do not exist...
The Bad ones full of negativiy.

No Consciousness and Energy, they won't be shifting their perspective,
so YOU are the one who must do so.
"Anything that you share with someone else, any common similar experience,
is because you have agreed to create your own version of it in your reality."
"When you assume that where you are is where you need to be,
and begin to enjoy it and live in the moment,
then you will not try to be somewhere else, and that is what will let you get there."
"Allowing everyone to live the lives they choose,
is granting equality and validation to everything...
to All That Is, which means that you, as a part of All That Is,
are automatically supporting everything you do, and letting All That Is support you."
"If you believe you need to be are inviting attack."
"All situations are fundamentally neutral.
You give them meaning, 'positive' or 'negative'.
When you assign a 'meaning', you invite that reality."
" If you KNOW that you know, then by definition there is nothing stopping you."
" No one can 'give' you anything. You have to create your own version of it."
On Relationships...
" When you know you are complete within yourself,
and attract a relationship to share as true equals,
each being in the relationship being complete,
then an individual can come and go in the relationship,
and will feel no loss.
If an individual comes and goes, it is an accurate reflection,
of the completeness of the relationship...
and it serves a purpose in the relationship,
and is not an interruption in the relationship."
"People assume that you need a relationship to be complete, so what you are always going,
to attract to yourself is a reflection of your own (self-perceived) incompleteness.

You will attract someone who will act incompletely,
to remind you that it is what you believe yourself to be."
" Individuals in your society say that if they could only find their soul mate,
everything would be wonderful...
but understand that you only attract what you are the vibration of."




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