Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Who controls the agreed upon reality through the mainstream media and why they fear disclosing the truth about extra terrestrial reality

Dan Willis is one of the Disclosure Project's Top Secret military witnesses that testified at the National Press Club in Washington DC in 2001 in front of every major media. A world disclosure event which was asking for a congressional hearing in order to bring forth the witness scientists within the black projects who can release the technologies that have been hidden for over 60 years that could stop further damage to our planet. But instead, the message was sanitized by a controlled mainstream media.

From his personal first hand experiences, as well as looking into the historical indicators that have been purposely omitted from our education system, which reveal an infiltration of unwarranted influences operating behind the secrecy established for our National Security system, which is used to control the public's indoctrination that forms the perception of the "agreed upon reality", in order to hide their illegal operations and why they fear disclosing the truth about the extraterrestrial reality.

An ex-radio broadcast engineer and ABC newsman, Dan has taken a keen interest in how the mainstream media has withheld disclosure of the full message to the public, a message based on the hundreds of credible military and intelligence witness testimonies.

The following article reflects on this question... "Who controls the agreed upon reality through the Mainstream Media and why they fear disclosing the truth about the extraterrestrial reality?"

The answer to this question, of course you must ultimately decide.


An article by Dan Willis

Dan Willis is one of the Disclosure Project's Top Secret military witnesses that testified at the National Press Club in Washington DC in 2001 in front of every major media. A world disclosure event which was asking for a congressional hearing in order to bring forth the witness scientists within the black projects who can release the technologies that have been hidden for over 60 years that could stop further damage to our planet. But instead, the message was sanitized by a controlled mainstream media.

From his personal first hand experiences, as well as looking into the historical indicators that have been purposely omitted from our education system, which reveal an infiltration of unwarranted influences operating behind the secrecy established for our National Security system, which is used to control the public's indoctrination that forms the perception of the "agreed upon reality", in order to hide their illegal operations and why they fear disclosing the truth about the extraterrestrial reality.

An ex-radio broadcast engineer and ABC newsman, Dan has taken a keen interest in how the mainstream media has withheld disclosure of the full message to the public, a message based on the hundreds of credible military and intelligence witness testimonies.

The following article reflects on this question... "Who controls the agreed upon reality through the Mainstream Media and why they fear disclosing the truth about the extraterrestrial reality?"

The answer to this question, of course you must ultimately decide.


This article would not have been written if it wasn't for a request from a media company out of Hollywood that contacted me in 2014. They believed I would be a good candidate to write an article for them regarding media control in regards to the UFO/ET matter, as I am a disclosure witness as well as an ex-ABC newsman who had a number of first hand experiences dealing with the mainstream media purposely sanitizing out critically important information before it could reach the public's awareness.

Seeing this as an excellent opportunity, if for nothing else, to learn more for myself about how and why this came to be, I accepted. Not being a UFOlogist or historian, but simply a witness, or not even an experienced article writer (bear with me I'm getting better), as this is my first attempt to write something like this, I needed to historically get up to speed and educated. So I sought out to study a number of reputable sources outside of the mainstream historical education we were taught in school for the core of information connected to witness testimonies and leaked documents. Supplemented with my own first hand experiences and various collaborating mosaic pieces to this hidden puzzle in an attempt to see if history can show a number of "indicators" and patterns that could possibly point in the direction to an answer to this question. I was already very aware of the testimonies of the hundreds of military and intelligence witness testimonies that I joined, that collaborate on this reality for the foundational basis of this subject.

As I began to research back through time, it became quite apparent that everything we were indoctrinated to believe about the history of the world through our education system and media was altered or incomplete at best. Many people love science fiction because it stimulates and expands our imagination as to what could be possible in the future. What I discovered is that the actual hidden truth of this subject matter is far more fascinating than any science fiction movie could ever possibly imagine. While being extremely fascinating, it is at the same time potentially very disturbing as to what the truth indicates. While at the same time, truth does empower us to be able to make decisions based on what is real versus that which is a deceptive illusion. Thus allowing us to be empowered with the truth in order to more effectively transform our reality for the better.

As pieces filled in, the article kept getting longer and longer. I decided in order to share this article, I converted it to an online format, which is being continually expanded upon as I do ongoing research. Thus enabling the ability to share with the many others across the web who are also connecting the pieces together to understand what has been hidden from all of humanity. As no one person as all the answers. All of this information is of course available on the web to anyone who is inclined to research. Those that do, are contributing to a collective global awakening to this truth which is hidden in plain for those who look outside this matrix of perception. Truth is very important for the good of the future of humanity, no matter how uncomfortable or unacceptable that truth may initially be to our indoctrinated belief systems that we are born into. For this reason the deceptions perpetrated upon humanity must be exposed for the ultimate good of every being on this planet, and not withheld for the protection of the self entitled few that benefit from the deceptions that attempt to hide the truth.

Deception creates illusion, which is a tool that can be used to manipulate the minds of the world, disempowering them from knowing the truth that is hidden behind the veils of secrecy. These veils of secrecy that have been given in trust to those assigned to serve in the best interests of the people as a whole, and not the agenda of private interests. Disclosure of the truth empowers mankind to evolve spiritually and technologically, unimpeded in the understanding of who we are in relationship to the universe and ultimately the power of consciousness within us to transform the world in a loving way, for the betterment of all beings on this planet we call home.


What is the “agreed upon reality”? It is your perception of the world around you. This begins to take form from the moment of your birth and over the years through the indoctrination of information from everything from your school education to what you see on television and movies. All this information helps to form your perception of the world, but have you noticed that every so often there appears to be an unexplainable glitch in that reality? As was expressed in the movie “The Matrix” when Morpheus explained to Neo … “Let me tell you why you’re here… You’re here because you know something. What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You felt it your entire life; that there’s something very wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is—but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad…”. But we are not talking about a science fiction movie, many people obviously sense that there is something very wrong with the world and that our perceptions have been manipulated to hide the truth surrounding the extraterrestrial reality. As Robert F. Kennedy once said before he was assassinated...

“I found out something I never knew: I found out that my world was not the real world.”

A major key to unlocking understanding of this hidden reality is the extraterrestrial/UFO issue. No one can claim to be the absolute expert or authority on this subject as it is shrouded in compartmentalized secrecy, and truly the most one can do is just scratch the surface to look for the “indicators” that have surfaced which point to a fuller picture, being careful not to allude yourself to an absolute conclusion, as the rabbit hole goes many levels deep. These indicators or the glitches in the agreed upon reality, can many times be revealed from the many leaked documents and whistle blowers that have collaborating information that indicates a reality in which extreme efforts have been done in order to keep hidden the full truth from the public, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. What is being presented here are some of these indicators based on historical elements outside of what the history books have taught us in school, in which anyone can verify historically this information for themselves.

If I had not my own firsthand experiences regarding this subject, I would most likely not even be writing about this, as there would be no need for this question to ever enter my mind. I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I feel it is clear that the deception needs to be exposed, as it is important for the future of humanity and this planet to learn the truth for many reasons, and understand our ability to transform the agreed upon reality for the good of mankind.

Do your own research and trust no one single source, as there is much disinformation, as those who know the truth are sworn to secrecy, and then with a compartmentalized incomplete understanding at best. Use your own observation and analysis; look for consistent indicators that agree with your own reasoning.

The indicators on a historical time line we are about to explore, most of it can be verified by reputable historical authors on the subject with references at the end of this article, and some elements can only be alleged to have happened due to lack of "official" supporting evidence surrounding some events, but these are included only as possible collaborating indicators of the larger picture. Throughout this article I will inject my own first hand experiences and observations which appear to be consistent with the other indications of an agenda dictated by unwarranted influences that have infiltrated and are affecting all of our lives, whether we are conscious of it or not.

Our human history has been filled with those who feel they are entitled to rule and dictate over and enslave others by imposing their will, not respecting each beings equality and right of choice and free will that harms no one. Where the original Golden Rule is interpreted instead to mean whoever has the gold makes the rules, making survival of the many based on a monetary system, where the good of all humanity can be corrupted with financial power and influence by the wealthy few. As expressed by Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild “Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws." This is the fundamental of how the laws governing the people of this planet are influenced and can be corrupted by the wealthy elite who feel entitled to be the people’s rulers.


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Well the history that people do not know the one kept secret and hidden people know the excuse that the general public will panic is so untrue look how many really want to know and search to ind the truth as we stand up and are being counted they shall know their game is over we shall not go quietly into the night we shall shine a light into the darkness where you have stolen our right to know shadows can no longer keep the truth away from those who want to know even those who were there with you are coming forward and we all applaud their bravery from leaking information to the rest of us call them traitor if you wish but we know the truth these people who stand up to let the rest of us 'We the People' you may have put that to one side but we all remember what that means it does not say you the Elites who think you know better than we the majority.

Nay your time has come this man who came out with this information at great cost that is a patriot for all the human race and not the selected few who want to hold the secrets for them selves alone who will one day very soon stand alone we want to know and people like Dan Willis a good man he stood for us and let us know we thank him and know that doing the right thing in not always easy so we should let those brave souls know we care and appreciate all they and those like them do for us in leaking this news to us all.

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