The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Venus Love Meditation By Joanna & Ashura
Welcome all dear LoveLights on Earth
Greetings to newcomers to the LoveLight Circle Meditations, and immense gratitude to all who continue to bring your light of love into this multidimensional co-creation of planetary ascension!
This weekend, we have a 'grace-given' opportunity to align a subtle yet very powerful vibration from Venus that helps us experience and become embodied in the Creator's Love & Peace & Joy that we are, at a moment when there is heightened receptivity in the human collective consciousness field to Unconditional Love and Divine Union, with the celebration of Valentine's Day in many cultures around the Earth.
In previous weeks, we've talked about a subtle Venusian~Neptunian light vibration building toward a peak on February 15th’s 'Venus Transit', completing through February 20th’s Jupiter~Neptune sextile.
With the anchoring of this warm, benevolent vibration of higher empathy and loving kindness through your being, through our hearts in unity with Gaia’s heart, with all anchoring Universal Love & Ascension in the Earth plane and assisting from the higher dimensions, this vibration is rippling into the planetary field, adding peace, compassion and softness in the Shift’s trajectory as it unfolds through 2020.
This Venus Love vibration is being guided through the Valentine's Day heightened receptivity, amplifying the subtle arc that initiated with the Venus~Neptune conjunction on January 27th, completing through a Neptune~Jupiter sextile on February 20th....and is also transmitting through the midpoint of Venus's transits across the constellation Pisces into Aries. Feel in your heart how Venus naturally expresses through cycles of 8 (the vibration of divine order) to the Earth, as her beautiful five-petalled rose geometric pathway forms every 8 years, as seen from Earth.
So through the next couple of days, we ask that you open your heart, your whole being, in unity with Gaia and all loving ones assisting and supporting planetary ascension, to warm Soul light of Venus.
Call in this loving, blissful Light, breathe it into your heart, breathe it out all around you. Know we are breathing in together, breathing out together, pure love and joy, warmth and tenderness, breathing with Gaia, breathing out with Gaia, in tune with her subtle vibrational heartbeat of Love for all beings, all life travelling with her through her Ascension, shifting the vibrations together.
See the Venus Rose sacred geometry around Gaia, embracing her, amplifying her Divine Feminine vibration, amplifying the Divine Feminine within us all, in peace and unity with the Divine Masculine, in Divine Loving Oneness.
See her Rose and Aqua Light radiating through the light-grids in and around the Earth...and if this resonates for you, bring this light also through a Flower of Life all around the Earth, glowing with rose-gold light now, anchoring all that is optimal for the vibrational Shift of Earth and all life with her. And So BE It.
To our crystal-loving meditators, you might like to create a crystal grid based on the sacred geometry of the Venus Rose (such as the one below), and ask your crystal companions to aid in anchoring the Venus Light in union with Gaia and her assisting crystal soul collectives. Rose quartz and aquamarine align closely with this Venus in-flow, along with light golden-yellow crystals such as citrine and honey calcite.
Deepest thanks and love to everyone joining in here, or anchoring Ascension in any way that calls to you, and deepest thanks and love to the many beings of Love guiding, guarding, assisting and supporting this planetary Shift.
Love, Joy & Peace to All,
Video - "Judy Satori - New Awakenings - Expand The Divine Love & Joy That You Are !
Infinite Blessings with the Highest Divine Energies that are Divinely Perfect for Each of You of God's Love, Light, Peace, Joy, & Abundance,
Steven Hutchinson
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