The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
The World Needs Your Peace - Now ! By Ann Albers
& The Angels
Hi Dear Friends!
Now more than ever before, the angels encourage us to "Be the Peace we wish to see in the world." We can stop the bombs and heal the heart of the Earth with our own peaceful vibration. It isn't hard, but it is needed right now...
Love you all!
Message From The Angels .....
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
We know your beautiful hearts. We see your beautiful light. We know how deeply you want to love and be loved, for that is woven into the very fabric of your being and is the purpose of your existence here upon the earth. You are here, hoping to witness your Self – your true Self – in your human self and in all of creation. You are as the waves upon the ocean wanting to know the ocean – within yourselves and all others.
Imagine that you are a peaceful wave, and you see a very large tidal wave coming your direction. You fear you will get swallowed alive. You fear you will die. You fear chaos and disruption of your peace. Suppose you tried to rise up further and fight that angry wave. What do you think would happen? Most of you know the answer. You would be swallowed up in the struggle.
What if, however, you sank back into your Source, into the ocean, and allowed that angry wave to pass right over you, only to rise again stronger, more peaceful, more confident in your ability to weather any storm because you know you are more than even that angry tidal wave. You are One with the vast power of the ocean that sources you.
This story applies to your lives. Think of those you fear – your world leaders, your ex's, your boss, the "powers" that be... and remind yourself that each and every one of you is given life by the very same Presence of Love. Those who forget are like the angry waves. Those who remember are the peaceful waves. All are sourced from the same deep Presence of love.
When you fear someone or imagine someone has more power over your life and circumstances than you do, remind yourself...
"I am sourced from and given life by the Power that creates universes! When I align with that Love, no one on earth, nothing on earth has more power over me than this Love. I surrender to this Love. I give myself to this Love, knowing it cares for me, protects me, expands and elevates me."
Breathe. Imagine there is a beautiful fire of white light that burns within you. As you breathe, it becomes larger and larger and burns away any fear, negativity, or pain within you. Allow this light to consume you, illuminate you, and radiate from you in all directions. You are this light. You are this love. You are nothing less.
Then go out into your world each day and see if you can imagine and love the light within every one you see. Make it your mission to be loving, kind, peaceful, and to "turn the other cheek" – to turn away – from unloving behavior. Simply ignore it when you can. Correct it with love when you are inspired.
Pray for the wounded hurtful souls, but don't dignify unkindness or unloving acts by trying to fight them in your heart. Do what you must in the physical world, but in your heart, focus on the light of those who are hurt so badly they hurt others.
Remember the little wave. As you sink back into the Ocean of love, the angry waves pass by you and you rise up again in peace and love.
Every day dear ones, sit with the Divine. Breathe deeply. Receive this Presence of Love, and the love of your angels. Give your fears to the light.
Thus aligned with your Creator, there is not a soul upon this earth that can harm you, for only fear can be harmed by the fearful, whereas Love is the greatest protection of all.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
Video - "Clearing The Mind With Golden Light" By Melanie Beckler
Message From Ann .....
Hi Everyone,
I posted a video on YouTube - last week inspired by a channeling by Summer Bacon. Summer is one of the clearest trance mediums of her time. The angels came through her with a pretty urgent message." Bombs are about to go off on your planet. You can stop them. Stop the anger. Stop the anger. Stop the anger..."
For weeks I saw clients coming in anxious, and it rose to fever pitch right before the earthquakes. Next I saw a huge rise in angry energy. Tempers were running high. A large number of people were uncharacteristically irritable. The energy seemed volcanic and explosive. Sure enough last weekend volcanoes blew... and the angels came through my friend talking about the probability of bombs going off.
Rather than falling into fear, I felt motivated to spring into spiritual action. I went out in nature, and to places of peace, and in each case went into a deep meditation. I imagined my light spreading out over the entire earth.
I prayed for the world, the world leaders, the people in fear, the people in anger, and the people in pain. I prayed that our dear Mother earth be healed from her broken heart. With each prayer the light got brighter and the energy got stronger until my entire being became a silent, unspoken prayer – Love. Only love.
An hour later when I came out of it dripping with sweat and pouring with energy, there were tons of people around. Somehow they had gathered, not knowing what was going on, but nonetheless drawn to the energy.
Most of humanity wants peace. We want love. The few that don't are the loudest, but happily most of us want to live in a higher, happier space.
So what can we do? The angels, through Summer, said we need to stop "bombing" ourselves with criticism. We need to stop "bombing" each other with judgment, anger, and hatred. These are the same messages they've been sharing in this newsletter the past several weeks.
If you want to listen to Summer's talk and have a computer to download it onto, it is available for $5 here. (Some devices have trouble downloading, but you can always contact Summer via her contact page to check, or download to your computer and sync to devices)
I have resolved to be an ambassador for peace, not by trying to get everyone else to be peaceful around me, but by embodying peace, and choosing love. We can all make this effort. Together we can keep a war from starting. We can heal the very ripped up heart of our Mother Earth. There are angels supporting us and loving us and helping us in every moment.
Every single one of us makes a difference.
Can you imagine that with a single choice to love you might be the one that tips the vibrational balance of this planet towards peace instead of chaos? Why not you?
Here are some pointers to keep the peace in your own heart, and stop the "bombs" from going off...
1. Stop the Self Criticism
It is a sad habit to look in the mirror and judge. It is habit to criticize ourselves when we make so-called mistakes. It is habit to call ourselves a number of names we don't even notice we're using at times; yet like any habit, we can change it.
Don't "bomb" yourself.
2. Flip the Judgments to Prayers
Every time you catch yourself judging or criticizing someone, pray for them.
"Dear God let the light of your love rise up within them. Help them become their best self. Help them heal and cast aside hurtful behaviors. Let them know your love. Let all souls know your love. Let me feel your love so strongly right now that all I want is love."
If you need more help dealing with anger and frustration you can watch my video here.
3. Take time to connect Divine Love
It is SO much easier to be loving when you feel loved. The world cannot promise us love at all times. Even the most loving souls can't be perfect all the time. There is one perfect love however, and it is available all the time. All we have to do to receive it is sit with an intention to receive, breathe, and open.
Specifically, how I do this is to pray first. "God let the light of your love rise up within me. I open to receive your love. Help me feel your love. Angels help me feel this love and amplify it within me. Let me be a beacon of this love."
Then I start to breathe slowly and deeply. I imagine opening my heart to receive the light pouring into it. As I start to feel the love I try to see if I can open to more and more and more... until eventually I melt into it, become one with it, and feel as if I'm floating in it. This bliss happens more easily the more you practice.
It is a time on earth when our love is needed. Our love can change history. Our love can stop wars. These are not idle words. They are vibrational reality.
Who knows... perhaps your one kind, loving, choice will be the one that stops the bombs from going off. It might be the purpose of your life to do so. What a gift you are to this world!
With love and gratitude for your Peace and Presence,
Visit Ann's Message Archives -
Video - "Angelic Code Sound Healing" -
Angelic Code Sound Healing
This transmission is to bring you back to your soul light and power; remembering the Divine love and light that you are.
Your love and compassion is so necessary on the planet. As we unite with our intention to raise humanity into a place of wholeness and peace, we can create the change we wish to see in the world.
Everything in your life is serving it's purpose. When we trust this, it allows the release of breath to flow into our experiences and the highest outcome to come in.
Let the love of the Divine be alive in your heart.
May all beings be blessed with peace and grace.
From my heart to yours.
Infinite Blessings of Divine Love, Light, Healing, Peace, & Abundance, Steve
Unwinding Belief Systems & Wormholes By Jenny Schiltz
I often find myself with no words to describe what this process has been like since the Solstice. It has been intense on every single layer; mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The theme that came through for the Solstice was FREEDOM. What has been taking place since that time is the unwinding of all the things that keep us from true freedom within.
We are unwinding ourselves to discover the truth of who we are at the deepest levels. We are in one of the deepest, most insistent phases of letting go.
Realizing what no longer serves us can look like things, relationships, or plans crumbling. It can feel like our deepest wounds being triggered. It can leave us emotionally raw and feeling sunburned. Pay attention to the things that brush up against us and hurt. These are clues to programming within that is needing to be rewritten.
Letting Go can also look like new openings, new opportunities, and great growth. Often the Letting Go looks like both the collapse and the expansion.
To ease this process ask yourself these questions:
“What stories do I keep telling myself?”
“What belief systems have I bought into?”
“What limitations have I allowed to become my truth?”
“What am I doing or not doing to bring my soul peace?”
Once we begin to see the belief systems and stories we tell ourselves as realities we are choosing to reside in – what we need to let go of becomes much clearer.
My highest aspect described the multiple realities (frequencies) to me in a beautiful visual. She explained that it is like the floors in a hotel. Each floor has its own belief systems, its own truth, and thereby its own version of reality. To those staying on a particular floor what they see, hear, know and experience is true and correct for them. As creators of our own reality, it can be no other way.
It is not that one floor is better or worse than another as each floor contains valuable lessons and experiences. It is simply that we need to reside on the floor that makes our heart sing even if that means we must build a whole new level to the hotel.
Where we often get into trouble is we will flip floors, allowing another’s belief system and frequency to override ours. This causes great disharmony in our form. This can cause anxiety, depression, and physical pain in the body.
Understand that whenever we try to engage or debate someone about their particular beliefs we are effectively attaching to that energy stream. This can cause us to straddle frequencies which is uncomfortable. Sometimes the greatest self-care you can show yourself is to walk away and allow another to have their experience.
For many Wayshowers, the task is not only to allow others to have their experience but to be so strong in your own vibrational reality that it creates a doorway for others to experience the higher frequencies.
This strength is achieved by clearing all the distortions (beliefs, stories, limitations) we hold from our field and by anchoring in the purest Divine light we can handle. They showed me that each person that does this becomes a pillar of light affecting the entire Quantum field.
We become anchors for the highest timeline and infinite possibility. In order to do this, we must examine our Belief systems as they often put the mind in control instead of the heart. If we stay in our heart center, we are able to experience much greater ease in our life. Staying in our heart center ensures that we are on the right floor of the hotel for our soul in each moment.
Understanding Plasma and the Wormholes it creates
Recently I wrote about the plasma coming in and how it is different than before as it is Programmable. (Read more HERE -
This plasma just is, we are the ones that program it with our thoughts, frequencies, and actions. This magnifies everything that we have going on within and naturally everything that is going on out there. This can appear that duality in our world is increasing, as people become more polarized.
In discussing the importance of holding your own frequency and not allowing ourselves to be swayed (to another’s floor in the hotel) it was shown to me that it is very easy for people to get lost in the wormholes of their own thoughts. If one begins to focus on something a plasma wormhole is created for the person to explore what they are focusing on.
This can be a great thing if what you are focusing on is IN alignment with your Highest Divine Purpose & Timeline. As it helps to magnify and create a path so that you can experience all the aspects of being in Divine alignment. However, it will also magnify and create a path for you to experience things that are OUT of alignment if that is what your focus is on. Plasma just is. It does not differentiate.
Maintaining focus on what we do want to create is what is being asked of us now. It is Mastery in form. It is reminding us that we are creator beings. What we focus on, we create. When more than one of us focus on something, the effect is magnified. When you look at all the speculation of things in our world (markets crashing, earthquakes, pole shifts, etc), the fear energy of the collective can create the very thing we don’t want. It is time for us to master our energy and not allow it to be misused.
This is a really important time, we are in the Lion’s Gate energies, which help us to end timelines that are no longer in alignment and open ourselves to the ones that hold the greatest potential for us all.
Sending you all lots of love as we push onward on this journey.
Jenny Schiltz
Video - "NEW MOON July 31st! - 5 Things You Should Know About The Super Black New Moon Energy!" By Melanie Beckler -
Hi my friend,
This August will be quite exceptional.
The amount of light cascading into our solar system will affect every cell and molecule that shape our experiences, and touch the very fiber of our core being.
There’s so much about this that’s important to know, so let’s get right to it!
A Blanket of Light
The light is entering our reality exponentially right now, heightening the energies in the air.
This expansion of light offers us the opportunity to honor, love, and address dense emotions, neglected parts of our body, and other aspects of ourselves we may not have been paying full attention to.
This is happening so that we can make the appropriate refinements to bring ourselves back to a state of grace, peace, and alignment.
This is one of the many gifts the light offers us. It brings to our awareness any imbalances we’re experiencing, so that we can come back into a state of balance.
It’s not all rainbows and butterflies, when things come up that we need to look at, embrace, honor, and resolve (though it can be).
Sometimes it’s very challenging, and takes more time than we “think” it should.
This is why most people tend to shy away from energies, emotions, people, and situations that feel challenging. We’ve come to believe that hiding from them is the easier and safer road to take, especially for those who know they’re empaths.
Yet hiding is just a temporary fix, because hiding a part of ourselves, or hiding from something that doesn’t feel comfortable, only gives it more fuel for the next time it tries to get our attention.
This will keep happening, until one day we decide to listen, and do something about it.
The only way to heal and move past something is to acknowledge, embrace, and love it. No matter what it is! Every other approach can only be temporary.
Video - "You Are The Divine Architect Of Your Life By Emmanuel"
So let’s use the emotion of anger as an example. (You can also do the following process for any other dense emotions you feel coming up.)
Self-Love Process
Practicing this kind of compassion and self-love can do wonders. New and higher levels of well-being, joy, love, peace, prosperity, contentment, and flow are then free to show up in our lives.
Our emotions, and any other uncomfortable moments that come up, are excellent indicators that some type of movement is happening.
As we allow ourselves to love our way through these emotions and experiences, without judgment of ourselves or others, those emotions can actually serve as extraordinary feedback.
That feedback can then help us to create and align with the kind of reality we most desire to experience.
Fun, Play, and Creative Flow
Light has a way of bringing things to the surface to be loved, honored, and healed.
It ultimately does this to bring us back to being our most authentic, fun, playful, loving, peaceful, free, and creative selves!
With the abundance of light entering our solar system right now, this is an excellent time to embrace our authentic selves, and to harness our creative energy in a direction that feels productive and expansive.
Any of the following can help us with this:
If you resonate with any of these examples, trust your intuition, and know that now is a wonderful time to move in this new direction.
With Light Comes Freedom
With the amount of light now entering our awareness and reality comes greater freedom for us to fully be ourselves, and to receive all the magic and wonder life has for us.
These three insights are tremendous helps for us to materialize greater freedom:
The first insight that can help us anchor greater freedom is to be crystal clear about what we really desire in life.
Once we get fully clear on that, we can expand on it by asking for and giving ourselves what we truly desire more of.
As empaths, many of us tend to shy away from asking for what we really want, especially if it’s for ourselves. We don’t like to “rock the boat” by making requests we feel might place a burden on someone else.
What this tendency does, is leave many empaths settling for the bare necessities, so they have just enough to get by. Nothing more and nothing less.
This usually happens because we believe people might judge us if we ask something of them.
Worse yet, we care about what others think when they see us giving to ourselves. We somehow believe self-care to be egoic or less spiritual than giving to others.
It’s OK to believe that it’s the simple things in life that give us the greatest fulfillment. But it’s also OK to experience ALL the good that life has to offer us, material or otherwise.
In reality, asking for what we desire gives the I AM Presence/Spirit within us the opportunity to rise up and actually give it to us! The guessing and mixed signals that delay manifestation instantly go out the door.
The second insight that can lead to greater freedom, is to get clear on what freedom actually means to us.
Freedom transcends linear or structured time. It instantly places us in an eternal space beyond time.
In any moment that we feel free, we notice that we’re “more in the heart, less in the mind,” and fully in the present moment.
This could happen while we’re listening to a song that gives us goosebumps, or while sitting under a tree, or by a beautiful body of water.
This is because our freedom is felt most fully when we are living in the present moment.
When we choose to consciously create a practice of living in the moment (as much as we’re able to), then peace, ease, flow, joy, and well-being become the main experiences in our daily lives.
This is true freedom!
The third insight that can support us in becoming freer, is to take more risks.
Though it can sometimes feel a bit uncomfortable to take risks, risk-taking offers the gift of helping us expand beyond any old limitations we’ve created.
A productive way of taking a risk can be simply to invest in ourselves—our well-being, our gifts, our talents—our contributions to the world.
This can take expression through actions that further our own health and well-being, spiritual development, and creative ventures.
Together, these three insights can help us expand into and anchor freedom in our lives.
We are living in some super-exciting times, so as always, please take good care of yourself, and know that I am always grateful that we are able to connect in this way.
Till next time,
Video - "Soul Song Transmission" -
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