The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Once again i dont feel anything. No head aches no pains no euphoric feeling. I dont know what everyone else is experiencing but im definatly not experiencing it. Ive listened to it like a billion time the last two days and i don't feel a thing. I'll give it a week or two to see if anything happens.
I put it on my ipod. I crank it high, the equalizers off, im using the version with less ambiance and im useing stereo headphones. This sucks, i didnt feel a thing when i was around orgone either. I wish i could experience what everyone else is experiencing when it comes to ascension, but im just not. Ive been reading and learning about all this stuff for 6 months now.
How do i talk to my higher self?Hi David,
Dont try too hard ... just relax .. for all you know your chakras might have already been activated.
"In the early 1960's various satellites began picking up evidence of a band of photonic energy which had its origins in the very centre of our galaxy. This has since become known as the Photon Band. The whole of the Solar System is now transiting into this band of energy; Earth first contacted it in 1987, the Sun entered it on the Winter Solstice of 1998, and our whole Solar System will be immersed in it at the Winter Solstice of 2012.
This also coincides with the end of the Galactic Calendar as kept by the Mayan Timekeepers. Once in this band of energy the Solar System will remain in it for 2000 years before once again venturing out into the Galactic Night.
The immersion in this band of photonic energy is causing a speeding up of the atoms in our Solar System. This in turn is causing the cells in your body to speed up and let go of stored energy. It has been proved by scientists that our cells store the energy of traumas we experience, in fact cancer cells are cells that are so overloaded with emotional trauma that they mutate and lose connection with the host ie; your consciousness, and begin to evolve and grow along a chaotic pattern.
Throughout the world people are experiencing the effects of this clearing.
These are sore throats and 'flu-like' symptoms without the flu; headaches across the forehead or over one eye or both; heart palpitations or arrhythmia due to an activation of the Thymus Gland; extremely exhausted for no apparent reason; aching joints and diarrhoea.
In the book 'The Pleiadian Agenda' by Barbara Hand Clow it states that this band of energy is creating a clearing of all of Humanity at cellular and DNA level. This has to happen for only those of us who have done the clearing can experience all 9 dimensions of existence simultaneously. This is a prerequisite for remaining in physical body after the full immersion in the Photon Band after 2012."
... now you just need to look for the calmness you can attain with the frequencies to connect to your higher self... once the inner peace is achieved by the end of the track just ask your higher self for what ever you want or what your mission is.
Each one of us is on a different mission of light down here and based on your mission parameters your abilities start activating, so don't get worked up on why you're unable to feel what others do.. if you feel something is important just ask your higher self for what ability you would like and it should be activated.
David Walker said:Once again i dont feel anything. No head aches no pains no euphoric feeling. I dont know what everyone else is experiencing but im definatly not experiencing it. Ive listened to it like a billion time the last two days and i don't feel a thing. I'll give it a week or two to see if anything happens.
I put it on my ipod. I crank it high, the equalizers off, im using the version with less ambiance and im useing stereo headphones. This sucks, i didnt feel a thing when i was around orgone either. I wish i could experience what everyone else is experiencing when it comes to ascension, but im just not. Ive been reading and learning about all this stuff for 6 months now.
Thank you Ravi.
I just meditated with Solfeggio Frequencies. After the Frequencies were over, and you hear the ambience, i just tried asking myself (or should i say my higher self) "Please protect me from negative beings". After this, i felt huge energy rush, and the spinning feeling started. The Frequency track ended, but the spinning and warm energic feeling kept going. I don't know if it was an answer or what. But i have never had that feeling at the end of the Frequencies yet. I guess my question triggered it. Amazing, as always :).
Have just started listening to the Solfeggio Freequencies the last three days. This is all very new to me as I have never meditated before. The second night I had a very quick bright flash of white light (like a flash from a camera going off) come from the right temple inside my head lying in the dark with my eyes closed. I thought it was my imagination but last night I had the same flash of white light but from both sides of my head. Is this what is meant to happen?
I have a few questions though. I remember reading that it *shouldn't* be put on an ipod because that ruins it, but people on here said they did it. Is there a way that it can be done that doesn't mess with it?
Also, are normal Ipod headphones alright to use? I had better ones before now, but my brother blew them out so now they buzz when the volume is above whispering.
Thank you for the information, Ravi!
I could say, that I was waiting for different kind of connection. Like someone speaking to you in your mind. But after realizing that there are so different ways to communicate , and this "higher self" seems to be communicating with me trough energy. So far, when i meditate, and i got a question in my mind that i really want to be answered, I get huge energy burst and it somehow leaves me with the answer naturally. It's really hard to explain.
First time i really wanted a sign that everything is true, and i wanted to know how to identify the energy. Well, I got huge energy burst that sort of left me with a feeling "It's true, this is how it feels".
And last time, I just wanted to connect to my higher self. I just wanted to know it's there. So i meditated with Solfeggio Frequencies and asked myself about "Protection from negative beings". And I felt strong energy again, but this time, to express the feeling in words, it was "Don't worry, I love you".
And it was a strong desire indeed. When i woke up, i decided to connect to my higher self that day. I just made it happen, because i wanted it to happen.
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