Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

It has been my experience in the past year or so that romantic love has been left behind in favor for personal development and non-attachment, spiritual support and mutual evolution. This is a beautiful thing, to be sure, but has its own frustrations. here's a bit of a poem I wrote a few weeks ago:

Text messages allow for masks with trojan in true sentiments
Conversations get smothered in jittery affections, glib accidents
So much resistance, reluctance to give in to lower senses
The vibration is getting contagious
Pretty soon no one will be having sex, just engaging in very profound conversation
I’ve been doing the same
I went to staples and had to 360˚ conversations- on the way to the toner cartridges and then at the register
But shit
One gets lonely amongst so much alone
All one. “sometimes a man must awake to realize he has no one.”
I express and experience my own reluctance. So much work to be done, so much thought to be processed and exploded upon the world
But if the distractions aren’t in my bed, they’re surely in my head
What can be done? Will away my libido?
Drive out my desire for poetic reiteration of silent truths?
The beautiful observation I thankfully make is that there is no loss of love.
It’s never over, all my riches for her smiles when I slept so soft against her
I believe this is all result of the expansion of love.
The profundity, the attachment of romance spread thick across the whole world
Starting at the bottom and welling up around the ears of Selfishness, forcing him to tilt his head back, gasp for air and look at the sky for the first time since childhood.
Imagine his wonder when he sees his reflection there?

I was talking to a friend of mine at a family speakeasy last night about this subject. Everyone heard of the Platonic Ideal? As in Plato, not, platonic. It is the ideal that a man finds his perfect complement, his reciprocal, in his ideal woman. Whatever one of them is lacking in themselves is totally filled by the other, and so they live in a pseudo-enlightened state until death do they part. Beautiful, poetic sentiment, of course. But it leads to extremely limited relationships with your ideal partner. Moreover, the odds of ending up with your perfect complement are pretty steep. Not that there's such a thing as odds, of course, but if one isn't willing/able to cover their own evolution they're probably not going to go about choosing their co-dependent very responsibly.
But with the new paradigm of love being brought about these days, I'm seeing lots of amazing, breathtaking people (women, specifically) with whom I've had romantic involvements with in the past, turn inward in their search of love. Perfect! When the individual finds completion in themselves is allows for unlimited dynamics in every relationship, for accelerated social evolution and exponentially expanding raised love vibrations.

But I'm lonely. Merry Christmas, happy solstice, Love, Light, transformation and rebirth for us all.

P.S.- Puffnstuff wanted me to post about logistical solutions to complex problems, locally implemented technology and cybernetics. Sho' nuff, brother.

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