Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Merkaba & The Sacred Union By Emmanuel Dagher ... And ... Into The  Knowing By Blossom Goodchild

The Merkaba & The Sacred Union By Emmanuel Dagher


Hi my friend,

We have a lot to catch up on, so let’s get right to it.

The energies of November will gently nudge us to continue moving out of our comfort zone, so we can welcome fresh new ways of living and showing up in our lives.

A Whole New Reality

We are currently moving through a potent timeline in which everything is changing at instantaneous speed.

Many people are feeling completely discombobulated and confused.

If you are feeling this way at times, know that you are not alone, and that everything will be okay.

A new heart-centered world has been waiting to birth itself for quite some time, and we’re now seeing glimpses of it everywhere.

This new world has been patiently giving humanity the time and space it needs to allow its karmic soul contracts to be resolved.

If we’ve been experiencing a rough time recently, it’s because our karmic soul contracts are being addressed and resolved.

A new way of living is now ready to be fully realized into our existence, and that’s why things are feeling a bit challenging and “all over the place” for so many.

This new world has been preparing itself for this, for a very long time.

It was set in motion hundreds of years ago, and has recently been anchoring itself by leaps and bounds, especially over the last 60 years.

This has happened as a result of the personal commitment and dedication of so many Way-Showers, Healers, Teachers, Empaths, Space-Holders, Indigenous Tribes, and Lightworkers, who have been anchoring great amounts of light into the Earth.

If you are someone who recently awakened spiritually, a big part of that has to do with all the lightwork done by those who came before you. They have been diligently contributing their light to help raise the consciousness of humanity.

Let’s just take a moment to express our gratitude to all those who have paved the way for all of us to be here now. What a blessing!

As we move into the next few months, we will experience a highly concentrated window of time.

Once utilized, that window’s energies will help us collectively materialize a giant leap forward in the consciousness of humanity.

This will also show up in ways that will bring us together with our Soul family. This Soul family will offer us a sense of “home” and “safety.”

It’s important to be mindful of the people entering our lives over the next few months, as many of them will be part of our Soul family, who are helping us continue to anchor higher light into this new reality.

Many of us have already aligned with many of our Soul family members, but of course, families can always expand to include new members

What is the new reality?

The new reality is the New Earth—a heart-centered reality based on love, transparency, compassion, kindness, Divine Wisdom, and equality for all

How do we align with this new reality?

Although there are many ways to align with the New Earth, below are just a few suggestions that will help immeasurably.


One of the most effective things we can do to align with the New Earth, is to be completely honest—first and foremost with ourselves, then with the world around us.

The first step is to take a quick inventory of where in our lives we are already being completely authentic, honest, and transparent, and what other areas might benefit from having more of these qualities.

Being honest and authentic is not to be mistaken with being intentionally unkind, rude, or hurtful, especially in the way we deliver our truth. The latter behaviors have no room in our new Earth.

Some simple questions we can ask ourselves to help evoke greater authenticity are, “What are the things that matter the most to me in life?” and “Who am I, when I express myself freely and fully from the heart?”

Video - "Emmanuel Dagher - Let's Manifest Our Highest Divine Self !"


Loving Unconditionally

For thousands of years, the idea of love has suffered many misinterpretations in most societies.

We’ve been taught through religious and philosophical doctrines, the media, and cultural traditions that in order to experience love, we must earn it.

Most of these ideologies also lead us to believe that we must suffer in order to experience love, or that we have to worry about it, search outside ourselves for it, sacrifice for it, experience pain and heartbreak over it, expect it to be conditional, and so on.

True and authentic love is always easy, unconditional, expansive, joyful, eternal, steadfast, and nonjudgmental. It’s simply the way people have misinterpreted love that has created the illusion that it’s anything less than that.

During the next few months, one of the most important things we can do to align with the New Earth, is to rediscover what love really is, and then begin loving completely. We begin by loving ourselves, then with the world around us.

For so many generations, most of humanity has been taught that it is wrong for us to love and honor ourselves in the same way we are supposed to love and honor others.

This tradition is actually one of the main reasons why humanity once moved away from knowing our Divinity, and who we really are.

We were taught to look outside of ourselves for the answer, when all along, it was within every fiber of our being.

Thank goodness those days are winding down quickly now, and that people are understanding more and more that in order to be the most expanded, open, happy, and loving version of ourselves, we must first start by truly loving ourselves.

To the mind, this may not come easily, simply because we have not been taught how to love ourselves.

So, we can ask ourselves some questions, such as, “How would unconditional love treat me, if it were embodied as a person? And how can I open up to being that person?”

I would invite you to make a list of all the ways an unconditionally loving person would treat you.

Are they generous, kind, nonjudgmental, fun, playful, respectful?

Do they make you feel seen, heard, appreciated?

Do they make you gifts, sing to you, take you on special nature walks? And of course, the list goes on.

It’s always wonderful to connect with a Soulmate from our Soul Tribe—someone who can mirror these qualities back to us.

Yet in order for that to happen the way we truly desire, it’s important for us to begin showing up as our own Soulmate first.

A Will to Heal

Unconditional love will bring up all within us that needs to be healed—all the inner imbalances and feelings of loss we carry with us.

Often when we heal from an imbalance, a large burden is lifted out of our energy.

Although the Spirit loves to travel light, the mind sometimes takes a bit longer to be convinced, simply because it has grown accustomed to the burdens it has carried.

There are different levels of willingness, especially when it comes to healing. For many people, it’s not until their thoughts feel increasingly uncomfortable that they are ready and willing to heal and let go of the stories they have identified with for so long.

These are the stories that the mind uses to reinforce the idea that we are broken or lacking in some way.

These are the stories that create victim/survival consciousness, which is actually the lowest aspect of humanity’s consciousness.

Yet in this unique time we are in, we no longer need to identify with or operate from victim consciousness.

We have the opportunity now to shift our personal and collective timelines, so that we can truly begin to operate from the most empowered and sovereign part of ourselves.

This is also known as the Spirit/Goddess/God/Higher Self aspect of ourselves. 

So then the question becomes, Are we truly willing and ready to heal?

Are we willing to let go of the dramatic emotional patterns, the insecurities, the stories, the fear, worry, lack, addictions, guilt, shame, self-sabotage, blame, and all other behaviors that affirm victim consciousness?

Once we get an inner “Yes,” we can begin asking questions like, “Who am I outside of the limiting stories my mind has identified with?” and “What steps am I willing to take to find that out?”

If you are finding that you are not healing as quickly as you would like–”healing” being just another word for remembering the wholeness, perfection, and abundance that has been in you all along—then invite your mind to see where it may still be identifying with the old victim consciousness.

The mind might immediately resist, and think something like, “I don’t want the old patterns! I really want to heal.” However, question it.

Ask, “Do you really want to heal? Because clearly, you are still finding comfort in the old discomfort.”

Once you begin questioning your mind in this way, it begins to light up parts of the brain that have been dormant.

These are the parts that allow for the highest wisdom and insight to come through, loud and clear.

Working with the Sacred Merkaba

A highly effective way to align with and anchor a new heart-centered reality for all of us, is to begin working with the sacred Merkaba.

What is the Mer-Ka-Ba?

The word Merkaba (Mer-Ka-Ba) comes from the ancient Egyptian term for Lightbody: Mer is Light, Ka is Spirit, and Ba is body. The Merkaba is an electromagnetic field, shaped as a unique pattern of sacred geometry.

This energy field is found in all living things in Creation. Its pattern is formed in the shape of a star tetrahedron—a three-dimensional, eight-pointed star in the shape of two pyramids, one inside the other.

One of the main roles of the Mer-Ka-Ba is to align the mind, body, and heart. This alignment then allows the Merkaba to serve as the vehicle that transports the Spirit and the body into higher states of existence and higher dimensions.

This usually manifests in several ways.

The Mer-Ka-Ba is often awakened through specific, dedicated meditative breathing methods and mindfulness-expanding practices.

It can also be awakened through consistent acts and thoughts of pure love, service, compassion, acceptance, integrity, and kindness. The Self would also be included as one of the recipients of these gifts.

The Merkaba is the manifestation of the Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine within all living things.

The Merkaba also balances the Feminine and Masculine energy within all living things, creating an environment for a peaceful existence, which then becomes each being’s default vibrational setting.

It enables us to experience expanded states of awareness, and restores the full remembering of who we are as Spiritual Beings.

Even though each living being has its own Merkaba, together we also have a collective Merkaba.

Humanity’s Merkaba

In the past, when the collective Merkaba was dormant, no matter how much of our time we dedicated to our spiritual practice, more often than not, inner growth would always feel challenging, as if we were climbing a tall mountain.

Now those days are long gone, because the consciousness of humanity has reached a point where this kind of struggle is no longer a necessary part of our path to greater growth and awareness.

We are in a time now when it is much easier for us to expand our own individual consciousness, remain steadfast in our spiritual practice, share our spiritual gifts openly, and feel more connected to our Higher Self than ever before.


This process will help you to connect with the Merkaba:

1. We begin by viewing a picture or an object that is in the shape of an actual Merkaba, to have a point of reference.

If you haven’t seen one before, simply type “Merkaba” into your search engine, and you’ll see lots of Merkaba images come up.


2.Next, we close our eyes and visualize the Merkaba spinning clockwise in our third eye area (the space in between and slightly above eyebrow level).

We focus our attention on the spinning Merkaba for several minutes. If you prefer to see it in different colors, please feel free to do so.

3. Then we gently allow the Merkaba to move down through the body until it settles into our heart area, still spinning in the same direction that it was before.

From here, we can simply focus our attention on the spinning for a few minutes.

Now, with our right hand placed over our heart, we can affirm the following:

”Dear Humanity, I see you. I love you, and I know who you really are. On behalf of anyone who ever made you feel anything less than the wholeness and perfection that you truly are, I am so sorry.

Forgive them, because they just didn’t know any better at the time. Know that you are loved beyond measure now and always, and I will always be here to remind you of this. We are One family.

And so it is!”

4. Later, we envision ourselves lovingly holding a miniature Earth in our hands, the size of a soccer ball. These mini-Earths act as surrogates to our Earth.

5. Now we see these mini-Earths being showered with unconditional love and compassion from our heart-space.

We see this love from our heart represented by the Pink Light of the Divine Feminine, and the Emerald Green Light of the Divine Masculine.

6. We see these lights radiate from our hearts, braiding themselves together and saturating every cell, fiber, and molecule of the Earth in our hands.

7. Afterwards, we visualize all of humanity holding hands in a gigantic circle all around the world.

See each person singing and smiling hugely!

8. Finally, we express our deep gratitude to our body, mind, and I AM Presence for facilitating this personal and global healing activation.

If you would like to connect even more with the energies of the Merkaba, so that it can support your continued spiritual expansion, I recommend printing out a picture of one that you really enjoy. Look at it and meditate with it at least once a day.

Connecting with the Merkaba has so many healing benefits, including: youthening (instead of aging), developing your intuitive and extrasensory gifts, experiencing instant deliberate manifesting, having physical and mental vitality, developing a deep connection to Spirit, and of course, anchoring in a new heart-centered world where we can all thrive and prosper!

The next few months are going to play a pivotal role in helping us set the foundations of a new Earth, as we collectively materialize a giant leap forward in the consciousness of humanity.

Here’s to all of us entering a brighter new reality together with ease, grace, and joy!

And so it is!

Until next time,

Miraculously yours,

©2009 – 2019 Emmanuel Dagher. All Rights Reserved
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Video - "Let's Embrace Our Magic & Full Potential By Emmanuel Dagher"


Into The  Knowing By Blossom Goodchild &

The Federation of Light

Federation Of Light (FOL): Greetings of/from the Highest Order to you Blossom and Each One upon the Earth plane, shining their Glorious Light in the direction of Home.

Blossom: Woah!  A wave of heat, Energy and Love has just swamped me. HELLO! HELLO! HELLO!

FOL: In the distance of when last communicating we would express the upgrade of your Planet has fallen nicely into place. By this we mean that these Higher Energies that continue to flow into your atmosphere and directly into your Beings are allowing the ‘spaces’ in-between to be filled.

Blossom: Eh … Meaning what exactly?


FOL: Exactly? We cannot say. Yet, from appearance on what you would consider to be a radar, the Energy of Light-Love that is being emitted by those who chose to … BLAST THE PLANET WITH THEIR LOVE … is off the scale.

There has been a significant upliftment in Energies on many levels. Many can feel it throughout their Being. Can you Blossom?

Blossom: Well, I have been sick, so I haven’t been bouncing around shouting ‘Hallelujah’! Yet, I have to say that the ‘I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM’ Blessing, which I say a lot, seems to be taking on a much stronger feeling/significance.

In what way?

Visualising myself as a column of Light and Love when I say it, seems to FEEL it is ‘getting somewhere’.

Where is somewhere?

Into the Hearts of Souls … Into the Heart of Gaia … Into the KNOWING.

Ahha! That’s where we were driving to. ‘Into the KNOWING’. Top of the class!

Blossom: With your help, I feel!



The more you continue on with reinforcing this KNOWLEDGE … into /out of … your Being, the stronger you are becoming in LIGHT, LOVE AND TRUTH.

Keep up this splendid work, Dearest ones. You are on top of things. You are overcoming weaknesses.


Stop and think for a moment the difference you are making. For BY/THROUGH this KNOWING and FEELING this KNOWING you are leaving a trail of shimmering hope to those who walk behind you.

You ARE Lighting the way. Just by FEELING THIS TRUTH.

Think back, as we always say … think back to just a few short years ago … how much more now are you convinced of this TRUTH?



Blossom: Yes, we are! Very slowly! Yet so much around us is happening. It is all leading up to ‘something’.

It is all leading up to ‘The Switch’.

The Switch?

The point when the tables turn.

And what happens then … dare I ask?

Everything changes.

So would you call ‘The Switch’ …’The Event’?

Yes. We use this new term as to put new Light … new Energy … on to/in to … The Happening/The Event that is to occur.


Because we are aware that the ENERGY around that word ‘Event’ has mixed emotion.

Mmm! I wonder why! Actually, someone wrote in suggesting that instead of asking ‘When’ will this take place, what if instead, we asked “How much work remains?’, or “What tasks are left to complete?”. 

That indeed, would be more of an appropriate question from our perspective. Bravo!

Blossom: And the answer would be?

FOL: The change that is taking place is happening NOW. You are in the midst of it.




There are uprisings. There are rebellions. There are Truths coming out that are only just beginning to unravel a very large ball of string.

The younger souls of your Planet are making a stand … as they came in to do.

People of your Planet … most of them … are seeing through the lies.


Yet, it is being done by/through yourselves. The stirring inside of ‘something not being right’ is causing so many to look deeper into that which they are being fed and discovering it is laden with poison.


This is more than evident on the ‘Energy of Light’ scale, as we view and estimate.


Indeed. Exactly as you asked. Estimate how things are moving along due to the human soul preparing themselves, most of them unknowingly, for THE CHANGE to be activated.

You see Dearest Souls … so much is shifting within the Energy of your Planet … YOU CAN FEEL THIS.

It can appear to be topsy-turvy, as we have said. Yet, IT HAS TO BE SO.

Your world needs a good shake up wouldn’t you say? And it is getting one.

Let us offer you this if we may?

A salt and pepper shaker … both ingredients in the same jar. The dampness has been absorbed and therefore, the granules have become stuck … set in their ways. A mixture of both … almost melted on to one another.

Then someone (Each one of you) comes along and decides something needs to be done about this. You pick it up and begin to shake it.

Not a lot happens … too stuck in its ways. One gives it a little tap on the edge of the counter … gentle yet, meaningful … another shake … a little breaks loose.

This continues, and as one does so, they FEEL their way through. They are testing the waters and KNOW how hard the next tap can be and how rigorous the shaking can become.

This continues on until … one has the hang of it. One can now shake so hard with such conviction from within that eventually … the lid blows off and the contents are set free. Scattering the salt and the pepper everywhere. Out in the open.

The lid has not blown off … and there is certainly a lot more shaking to be done.

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This Energy is heating me up to the point of human combustion right now!!

We would say you are over half way. Remembering that the second half is so much quicker, as so much has been dislodged. The momentum and keenness to see ‘this thing through’ is what drives one on.

So, really, quite a long way to go still? Humph!!


Eh? Confused?

Something is going to be revealed that will blow the lid off far sooner than expected.

It will not be able to be kept under wraps and when it is forced out into the open … there will be no stopping its journey … leaving in its wake, untold devastation.

Can you reveal more of what we should be looking for?

There is no need. For its enormity in capturing the world’s intrigue will be obvious.

Does it involve a particular person, or many?

It involves the disclosure of secrets that one cannot possibly imagine.

What … like things worse than we are already aware of? Things that have already leaked out?


Yet, how will this/can this come about?

 A slip.

I feel you want to say ‘of the tongue’?  Is that right?

Yes, along with exposure of discoveries that simply can no longer be hidden.

When this takes place … your media will be in a state of such disarray.

This is when that of which we speak of, will be apparent. The topsy turvy world will not only be topsy turvy, yet, spinning to what will seem to be out of control …

Then …

… I know what you are about to say!

Then say it for us, Blossom

The ‘Switch’ will occur.


Your world will be in such a place of turmoil due to discoveries that ‘have to be seen to be believed’ … and they will be … that THE ULTIMATE MOVE INTO POSITIONING OF LIGHT HAS TO OCCUR … AT EXACTLY THE PRECISE TIME … IN ORDER FOR THAT SWITCH TO SAIL SMOOTHLY THROUGH.

 I am getting a metaphorical image (I assume ) of a Light ship travelling through space with such turbulence and rocks and boulders being dodged at High speed … hanging on for dear life and then suddenly … through! PEACE, TRANQUILLITY … floating in a beautiful starlit sky … AHHH!

This Dearest Souls is HOW IT SHALL BE.

Keep this in mind. Keep this in Heart.

When you are so confused and bewildered by all that is going on/taking place …





Thank you. The thing is, that which I have come to realise over many a year, hanging on for the knowing of ‘when’ … makes no difference at all.

Shining our Light from within … out, AS we hang on … makes all the difference … in the/to the … world. So I KNOW … we shall simply carry on doing that … until IT IS SO. And SO BE IT! Many thanks Guys.

Blossom, before we go … there is one more thing we would like to offer …

By all means …

No words came through. So, I sat waiting with my eyes closed. I found myself saying in my mind I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM. I said it three times and saw an image of myself with my Light sword (‘sabre’ for those who prefer) raised to the skies. A wave of such PEACE, CONFIDENCE, WARMTH AND LOVE was received. I imagine you will get the same.

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Awakening Your Inner Eye By Natalie Glasson & Ascended Master Lord Melchizedek

Awakening Your Inner Eye by Lord Melchizedek

It is with the deepest of love and respect that I, Lord Melchizedek, enter into the sacred space you have created in your life and energy field. Do you recognise your life and being as a sacred space? Can you recognise that I, Lord Melchizedek, am joyous to be present with your divine energy and to gain an insight into that which is your truth in this moment that you connect with me?

Your life, reality, experiences and all aspects of your being are sacred and divine. If you cannot recognise this then there is a need for a shift to take place within your being and the way you perceive yourself.

You may be able to offer to me many examples of why your life and being is not sacred and divine. You may be able to grasp that there is a possibility of your life and presence being sacred. However, you may feel that so much needs to change for it to become your reality. Can you recognise that these are just excuses? A way of distracting yourself from realising the truth you are capable of. When, I, Lord Melchizedek, connect with your energy, presence and life on the Earth, I step into the holiest nature of your being and it is a deep honour.

Imagine if you could recognise the sacred and divine nature of your entire being and body and reality without changing anything, what would you see, sense and acknowledge? Your entire being would open and your truth would unfold.

You might recognise the reason and purpose for everything you are currently experiencing. You also may recognise the areas you are creating confusion, misunderstanding and complication. In truth, you would recognise your life and entire being is perfect for instigating the awakening of the Creator within you.

You may also recognise that your reality and being shifts, transforms and changes when you acknowledge it as divine and sacred. Thus, you instigate from the essence of your being a reality and manifestation of yourself which serves you and the sacred vibration you are aligning to within you. In truth your inner eye becomes your outer eyes.

What Is Seeing With Your Inner Eye?

To see, sense or acknowledge with your inner eye is to recognise the presence of the Creator in whatever you are focusing on. Your inner eye is aligned with the active vibration of the Creator and therefore supports you in recognising the presence of the Creator. When I speak of your inner eye, I, Lord Melchizedek, am speaking of what you may call your third eye, your soul eye, your inner knowingness; all are connected and are as one.

To see with your inner eye is to see, sense and acknowledge with clarity, trust, and to recognise the larger picture or purpose at play. Your inner eye clears away the drama, false beliefs or habits which stagnant your energy, allowing you to recognise the presence of the Creator in all its numerous forms.

You also recognise the action and direction the energy of the Creator wishes to take, whether through you or another. You still see the physicality of the Earth, the pain, suffering and chaos, maybe even experiencing them for yourself.

However, you can see, sense and acknowledge a greater depth to your life and existence as if a knowingness and wisdom is present that could not be recognised before. Thus, you feel as if you have a purpose, a guiding light steering you to a great intimate relationship with the Creator and yourself.

Remember that although, I, Lord Melchizedek, am using the word, ’seeing,’ regarding your inner eye, your inner eye may communicate with you in a completely different way to seeing.

Can you also recognise that a desire to, ‘see,’ the Creator in whichever form could be a distraction to hinder your acceptance of the divine space within your being and reality? Your inner eye will communicate with and through you in multiple and different ways depending on the circumstances and situations you are experiencing/ creating.

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Awakening Your Inner Eye

There are many techniques and methods I, Lord Melchizedek, could share with you to awaken your inner eye. However, on this occasion I wish to create a shift within your mind, thinking, and mindset in order to further the awakening of your inner eye. To do so is to create a shift which will impact your entire being and reality, while offering you a journey of discovery and great reward.

It is essential to realise your inner eye demonstrates the Creator to you, draws you to the Creator and manifests the Creator for your experience. It is a bridge between the physical nature of the world you are constantly experiencing and the energetic presence of the Universe, inner planes and presence of the Creator.

Therefore, with your inner eye you recognise the presence and blossoming of the energetic and physical world as one. This oneness between two worlds already exists within you. Therefore, your inner eye is simply magnifying your unification of the Creator within you, into your being and the world around you. Your inner eye acts as a magnifier and projector of Creator and Earth world unification.

When you feel guided to, breathe deeply and focus upon your inner eye. Do not assume you know where it is located, simply let yourself be guided to its location within you. Recognise your inner eye as a unification of the physical aspect of the Earth and the pure presence of the Creator.

Challenge yourself to see, sense or acknowledge the oneness and unification within you. A harmony of the Earth and the Creator as one within you. Let yourself sink and seep into this state of being and awareness.

You do not need to understand what you are trying to achieve or even what the outcome may be, simply trust there is something unique and amazing for you to discover and ground into it. It is most likely what you will discover is a state of being, an opening in your mindset and clarity in how you view yourself and the world around you. Ruminate on this as much as you feel guided to, without any expectation.

At another time, begin to contemplate your reality, the way you perceive things as happening, manifesting or being. Instead hold the intention of recognising what is really taking place and occurring.

With this simple intention you will realise there are so many layers and levels to life, your being and everyone else. Often you only see, sense and acknowledge what you want to see or experience. When you hold the intention of recognising what is really taking place you begin to align with the truth of the Creator within you, thus you see, sense and acknowledge with clarity, knowingness and awakening. You expand your awareness to recognise a greater and larger plan or purpose unfolding.

This simple intention creates an opening for you to recognise how the beliefs and decisions of your mind cloud your interpretation of what is occurring within and around you. If you are willing to let go a need to be right/correct and to interpret things in the way you have in the past, you will welcome an opening of your inner eye. Akin to a clearing which brings forth truth and knowingness.

I, Lord Melchizedek, invite you to contemplate what you wish to see, sense and acknowledge with your inner eye and why? In truth, what are you seeking and feeling you are lacking? What do you wish to change and transform, or feel is stagnant within your being and reality?

The awakening of your inner eye you may seek can easily be accessed and experienced by you. If you feel a connection with your inner eye is lacking, then I, Lord Melchizedek, invite you to contemplate what you do not wish to see, sense or acknowledge within your being and reality. If you feel a disconnection from your inner eye, ask yourself what are you fearful of recognising or what are you protecting yourself from? Every spiritual awakening within your being often comes from a shift in your mind set; how you perceive yourself and others.

It is time to recognise you are a divine and sacred space, your reality and life is a divine and sacred space. You see, sense and acknowledge from a space of unification with the Creator within you and your inner eye supports you in recognising the truth of the Creator. When you set aspects of your mind free you allow yourself to recognise all this, thus your reality and experiences on the Earth shift and you exist in harmony with your inner eye and all it has to offer.

With gratitude for your presence,

Lord Melchizedek

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