Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hey everyone, i took a picture of the sunset one evening and noticed a blur. I got curious and took more pictures the next day. Using a couple different effects to ensure that it was not a reflection. I know that film captures things sometimes the naked eye doesn't. I was wondering what you all might think this "dot" is. I was excited at first and thought it may have been the Pleiadians orbiting in the sun here to help us. Now i think it might just be a medeoroid. Earth is in expectant of one i beleive. Not to mention i took these pictures with my phone. So I'm shocked it captured this light. The other photos on my phone don't have displaced dots either. I don't know, love you guys.

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nice pics.

Jupiter ignited maybe? It was rumored that Jupiter was ignited and should be visible now. There are other pics/vids ive seen recently of 2 suns, the main sun and a tiny sun like in your pic.
This will be great if this is for real, and not just some optical illusion. Seeing two suns in the sky will seriously spark change!

nibiru or a lense flare. But nibiru isnt suppost to be in this time line
Lens flare is actually a huge problem for photographers, even in photos where the light source is mostly blocked. Its going to be very hard to take a photo of the sun and not get it.

How do you know if the object in your photos is lens flare? One way is to take your picture, then swing your camera a little bit so the sun is in a different part of the frame. If the dot swings around too, its lens flare.

As for whether or not Jupiter has been ignited - I'd say not. You can read telescope and astronomy forums online, those folks are always out with their telescopes, and none of them have mentioned Jupiter looking different. The most recent photo I've seen one of them take of it was on May 18, in which it looked completely normal.
thx for the vids!
Thats a fair point about Jupiter HoneyBee

L&L all

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