Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hi all,

I was just wondering if there is anyone that could help me understand a dream i had the other night.

Basically in this dream my teeth were dropping out and it was horrible!!! lol

I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the video on the main page that Brad talks about the darkness has fallen as i watched this just before i went to bed?



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in chinese dream decoding, losing your teeth means the loss of a loved one.
if you really lost your teeth in the dream.

if you had successfully held them together to pin them down into your gums, it should be okay.

remember, you can control the outcome of your dreams ^_^
this is a common dream. Its a metaphor for your insecurities. when you have this dream, it means your not very happy with your appearance. Since teeth are one of the first things people look at when they see your face. trust me that is what it means. I used to have this dream all the time before i accepted i was a sexy bastard, and people really didnt notice my large ear lobes, or buck teeth. Lol kidding
I haven't had this dream in a while. ever since i was cool with how i look.
hmm thanks for the replies :) but the answers you have provided do not resonate with me as i havent lost a loved one recently and i am very happy with my appearance and im very confident and do not live in fear at all lol

But i have been worrying about my dog recently he is 13 years old and has been in pain beause he has bad teeth, i really want to help him and ease his pain by taking him to the vets and getting his bad teeth pulled out and the good ones cleaned but they have to sedate him to do this, he has a heart murmor and there could be a risk of him passing away in the operation :(

So i am at a cross roads in what to do for the best.


yes you are correct that is what i am feeling from myself :) i think it was a case of worrying about my dogs teeth that brought this dream on thanks for all your feedback.

SOSoe said:
Jung also believed the dreamer possesses the necessary tools to interpret his or her own dream. Jung believed there was no one right way to interpret a dream (such as jumping straight to "fear dream"). If you want to look at some of the most research on dream activity, the following explains that women's dreams tend to be more anxiety-driven while men's dream's are more sex-driven:

Even if you wish to dismiss Freud, who spent a great deal of effort in dream analysis, and even if you wish to dismiss recent research, it's probably best to interpret your dream yourself, Scootiep.

Kerrie said:
Carl yung questioned his teachers preoccupation with sex this is evolution is it not

SOSoe said:
In case you're interested in Freud's take on this...
According to Freud, because of "an overwhelming mass of evidence", men dreaming of teeth falling out is caused by nothing other than the masturbatory desires of puberty. He explains: "But here I may draw attention to the frequent `displacement from below to above' which is at the service of sexual repression, and by means of which all kinds of sensations and intentions occurring in hysteria, which ought to be localised in the genitals, may at all events be realised in other, unobjectionable parts of the body. Only one feature - the teeth - is beyond all possibility of being compared in this way; but it is just this coincidence of agreement and disagreement which makes the teeth suitable for purposes of representation under the pressure of sexual repression."

Freud also connotates the wordplay and the 'Witz' element of teeth. In Austria there is an expression for the act of masturbation, namely: To pull one out, or To pull one off. There are expressions more or less similar in other languages. Dreams of pulling teeth, and of teeth falling out, are interpreted in popular belief to mean the death of a connection. Psychoanalysis can admit of such a meaning only at the most as a joking allusion to the sense already indicated.
What you do the day before can certainly appear in a dream, and I agree with the others, what it means to you is most important. In general, losing your teeth in a dream can also represent loss of your ability in your physical life to assimilate knowledge.

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