Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Something I found helpful for confusion and darkness

I tried thinking with my heart one day. It was amazing. I found some peace and understanding that was more real than normal. That may lead to fixation of the mind on the heart or something similar for you that may be helpful to you.

Thanks for reading
Love and light to you

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how do you think with your heart? Is it more of a feeling.

I've been having a hard time, because of how logical i am, and i'm not too much open minded, but i'm somewhat open.
Aaron said:
how do you think with your heart? Is it more of a feeling.

I've been having a hard time, because of how logical i am, and i'm not too much open minded, but i'm somewhat open.
First you should put your attention on your heart, then imagine your breathe flowing into and out of your heart. Use your imagination and after you have paid attention to your heart, you then set your intention. That's how the law of attraction works. Intention, Attention Plus action.The school of heart math science might be of interest to you. They have discovered that the heart has it's own little mind. They noticed that the magnetosphere of the earth went way up on the morning of the event of 911. It showed how we are connected to everything.and when the Human heart is in distress it can be measured around the World when we are all effected at the same time. So we have the power to effect the outcome of a lot of things if you set your mind to it! Especially if there is the same intention all around the world. This is how we will co create the new Earth. I think.:)
yeh i remember that morning i went to school without watching the news and i noticed the atmosphere changed everywhere and then someone told me and i still didn't get it coz ppl get killed all the time but then i watched the news and how they made such a big deal of it and then i realized that the media are a bunch of disorganized nutters and people actually believe that shit.
Aaron said:
how do you think with your heart? Is it more of a feeling.

I've been having a hard time, because of how logical i am, and i'm not too much open minded, but i'm somewhat open.
I concur
Also, Jose Aguilles has a great visiualization that everyone should do at the same time on 21st of 2012, and we will envision a rainbow and place it around the Earth and it will permenantly stay there! There's also a kundalini rising meditation and positive and negative Ions or something like that. I've also heard about sacred geometry and other esoteric wisdom on how to ascend with the body.Still searching for all of the keys. If any one knows any special keys, please share!
You have to really focus on the here and now.

Leslie Lloyd said:
Also, Jose Aguilles has a great visiualization that everyone should do at the same time on 21st of 2012, and we will envision a rainbow and place it around the Earth and it will permenantly stay there! There's also a kundalini rising meditation and positive and negative Ions or something like that. I've also heard about sacred geometry and other esoteric wisdom on how to ascend with the body.Still searching for all of the keys. If any one knows any special keys, please share!

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