Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Removing Obstacles from Your Life Path ... And ... Be The Light Of The Creator By Steven Hutchinson... And ... A Message of Thanksgiving By Shanta Gabriel

Inspiration for the Week from Shanta Gabriel


Removing Obstacles from Your Life Path By Shanta Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel helps us to be aligned with what we truly want to experience in life, and remember that we are not here to do it all alone.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week


Pray to Remove All Obstacles to the Source of Divine Light

Recently when I was struggling with overwhelm, I was reminded that I was acting as though I was the only one working in my business life, when in truth I have a Senior Partner — with a capital S!
My Senior Partner, who is of course, God, the Source of Divine Light, the Infinite Intelligence, who is aligned with the highest good of my Soul. All I need to do is remember I am not alone, turn over all that I am working on and allow this Divine Presence to step in to assist me.
In times of great overwhelm, it’s easy to forget the spiritual basics! So I paid attention and placed all the myriad needs on my altar. I then asked for Divine Order and Balance to be present in those situations, before offering all my work expression into the Divine Hands of my Senior Partner. What a difference it made! The overwhelming burdens I had been feeling were gracefully uplifted and the project that I was working on unfolded in miraculous ways.
I know that miracles are the ordinary unfolding of a prayer-centered life, but still I am always a little in awe when small prayerful actions change my experience in practical ways so gracefully. This is truly what I want to experience in every area of my life. I continue to ask the Source of Divine Light to work with me in my spiritual, mental, and emotional life. And this recent demonstration reminded me that my Senior Partner will always assist me with the spiritual entrepreneurship that is my work in the world. I need only to remember and ask with greater intention.
My work is the gift I have been given in order to serve God in beautiful ways. Because it is the outworking of my prayers for my Soul's mission, it is especially important that I remember to include the Divine in all aspects of my life.
Divine Presence:
Thank you for lifting the burden of overwhelm that comes from thinking I am doing any of this work in the world alone. Thank you for bringing me the creative solutions, helpful ideas, and revelations I need to expand into greater levels of loving expression in my work. I am grateful for the beautiful people who can support me as well as those who can benefit from my Soul's gifts.
Thank you for removing all obstacles to clear communication with my Higher Self and my guidance system. Once more I dedicate all that I am doing to creating more Peace and Love within me and within the hearts of all beings.  I ask that all of humanity may be blessed to bring their Soul's gifts forward to serve the world in beautiful ways. Thank you God. And so it is.


The Gabriel Messages Book #42

Pray to remove all obstacles to the Source of Divine Light.

AA Gabriel :

Dear One,
When you pray to remove all obstacles, you are expressing your desire for full communion with God. You are asking for all that is in the way of your connection with the Divine Presence to be removed, so that you can consciously feel your alignment with love.
God is your partner in life. Prayer is the key to remind you of this partnership. Prayer is a deep and powerful action bringing you into the right frame of mind so your life will work for you in happier ways. Prayer is a tool for opening your heart. It brings love into every situation. Love is the greatest healing energy that exists in the world, so it serves you well to bring love into your life in a conscious way through prayer.
True communion with Spirit is a state of enlightenment. It is fully loving, courageous, free, and filled with joy. It is the happy state of knowing that the Divine Presence is always there to turn to so you never feel alone.
When you achieve the conscious awareness of your oneness with God, you will look at life from a state of joy, not fear. You will feel a sense of peace within you. In this state of Divine communion, your true freedom exists.
Pray with your heart, open your mind and be willing for miraculous changes to take place in your life. You were meant to be happy and at peace. You deserve all that is good. Know that you are a beloved child of the Source of all Light. 
It is possible to live in love and full communion with God. The Angels are assisting you to make this deep connection at all times. You can call upon their grace to make joy your ever-present reality.
To have more harmony within yourself today, remember this simple suggestion from Archangel Gabriel:

Pray to remove all obstacles to the Source of Divine Light.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
November 19, 2017
Video: Vlog 38 - Our Light Work is Making a Difference" By Patricia Cota Robles

Be The Light Of The Creator By Steven Hutchinson
'Be' The Light of The Creator - for we are all here to experience & anchor & embody the Light of the Creator, which includes the Light of God's Peace, Joy & Abundance.
Sharing & extending the Light of the Creator as we experience it helps us anchor & embody the Creator's Light & become established in Christ Consciousness.
One of the most powerful ways that I am aware of to actually 'Be The Light of The Creator' that you are is to establish a daily practice of meditating and doing prayer affirmations, remaining fully conscious in the present moment of your breath & the Light you are breathing in while meditating & doing the affirmations.
This will help you experience Your Divine Self & God's Presence within you & 'All That Your Are'...and the more you experience & embody this, the more these Divine Vibrations will reach out to others through you to help uplift others & bring peace on earth.
So you can use this as a guided meditation, calling upon your Divine Self & the Heavenly Host to lead you in the meditation, and consciously breathing in the Divine Energy that's in each affirmation.
And remember - what you consciously think & affirm every day is what you become and experience in your life....and the Divine Light & Love in you reflects the Divine Light & Love in every human being - helping uplift us all !

Infinite Blessings of Love & Light to all,

I Am The Light Of The Creator In Me 
I lovingly call upon My Soul, & the Creator, & My Divine Self, together with all the Divine Beings helping me - to always help me manifest God's Divine Will & all of my prayer affirmations in this eternal moment of Now & for the highest good of all... and So they all Manifest with my Every Breath !
All the Divine Aspects of God are embodied in my Whole Being, & I remain centered & anchored in the Divine Stillness & Peace in My Higher Heart Chakra as I smoothly flow in an ocean of Golden Christ Consciousness Light. My Soul, together with the Creator & My Divine Self & all the 144 original extensions of the Creator, continually breathe me... & breathe through me & as me with my every breath. 
Affirm: "I Am My 'I Am Presence', and I Am One with the 'I Am Presence' of every person on earth & Gaia & the entire company of heaven. I call forth the the Violet Fire & Platinum Cosmic Light to continually Blaze & Transmute all causes & all cords within every human being & within Gaia that are not of God's Pure Love & Light until all such cords return to the Pure Light of God. I  Am The Creator - The Divine Cause alone - and that cause is Love -The Sacred Tone! My Whole Being is now reflecting the Pure Love & Light of the Creator that I Am with my every breath! Thank You God ! And So It Manifests !
I now lovingly call forth from Prime Source all of the Sacred Geometry & Codes & Templates & Rays & Flames of the Creator to come to my multidimensional Christ Self in unending Light Waves that I extend through the crystalline grid to all of Gaia & to every human being. These Light Waves have manifested all of the following being affirmed, or better: (Feel, visualize, or acknowledge all of these having already manifested in you): They have healed & rejuvenated my body & restored all of its perfect functioning; they have healed & released all other blocks to my spiritual growth & ascension; they have created in my Whole Being 5th dimensional crystalline bodies of Light; they have helped expand the spiritual upliftment & awakening to God's Presence & God's Love, Peace, Joy & Abundance in me & in every human being; they have helped heal Gaia.
I breathe these Waves of Divine Light Energy into my Whole Being with my every Creator's Breath. And my Whole Being exists in a state of loving acceptance & surrender to the activity of each Light wave performing its intelligent functions throughout my Whole Being. Thank You God! And So It All Manifests with each breath of Gaia & each breath of every human being!
I Am the Breath of Life & Light of the Creator for my Whole Being . I Am the Creator's Pure Healing & Rejuvenating & Creative Light & Power In action in me & in every human being with each breath of every person on earth!
I Am manifesting God's Perfection in every cell & organ & part of my body, as well as in my Whole Being with my every breath! I easily learn & assimilate & embody everything needed for my perfect health & spiritual growth & ascension; and everything I need always flows to me easily with perfect divine timing.
I Am the Creator in me, & the Creator's Divine Sound and Creative Intelligence continually flows in me & thru me & harmoniously & instantaneously creates  my healthy body & self & my reality in the Creator's Perfection with my every breath. I Am Sourced By Love, & my Whole Being is a pure & perfect manifestation of the Creator. Thank You God ! And So It All Manifests with my every breath !
Video: "Tuning Into Cosmic Christ Light By Melanie Beckler"


A Message of Thanksgiving By Shanta Gabriel

In the United States, Thanksgiving begins the season of Holy Days. However, no matter where you live, including Gratitude for your life becomes an important ingredient for making every day special and filled with richness.

May this message from Archangel Gabriel inspire you to remember all that you are grateful for in your life.

Dear Ones,

The qualities of Gratitude and Thankfulness can lead you to a pure heart.
 They change the energy fields, within and around your body, and transform your mental state by lifting your vibrational frequency.

The American celebration of Thanksgiving draws higher ideals into the forefront of people’s thoughts; the ideal of family and joining together in love, the ideal of abundance and the bounty that is possible and most importantly, the ideal of giving thanks. Sharing whatever one has is a large part of the ideal behind the Thanksgiving celebration. The creation of sports events and shopping days are modern distractions from the original intention of a day set aside for loving kindness and thankful prayers of Gratitude for all that one has in life.

When you are in the state of giving thanks for your life, there is such an elevation in consciousness that all appearances to the contrary begin to drop away. A sense of gratitude creates a high frequency of energy that is akin to a loving embrace from the Universe.

There is scientific proof that Gratitude can actually change your brain chemistry. Giving thanks can become a sacred act that calls forth all the Divine assistance needed for you to feel supported and cared for in this life.

Even when life may not have demonstrated for you the ideals you hold for bounty, there are still things you can find to be grateful for. With this act those small pockets of gratitude build into a full life demonstration. Most of the demonstration, however, comes with your uplifted mental state that builds strength as you realize all the many ways you are being cared for by the benevolence of God’s Grace.

An ever-evolving life begins with your focus of attention, as well as your intention to live within the sacred heart of Gratitude. When you can love what is, the void spaces begin to fill with Light. Filling all the empty spaces in your life with Divine Light creates a frequency of abundance and fullness. Your heart begins to feel full of love and creative opportunities begin to reveal themselves in miraculous ways.

As you begin to give thanks, there seems to be more and more to be grateful for, and the sacred vessel of your being becomes purified with the Light of your Gratitude and Joy. Every thought, every breath can open the way for clear light to bring purification into your being. Your willingness to bring greater Light and the attitude of Thankfulness into your being allows you to become a pure vessel to hold your Divinity.

Begin with the tiniest awareness and when you bring your gratitude to this, change occurs. Be grateful that you don’t have to tell your lungs to breathe and your heart to beat, and all the other miraculous ways your body serves you.

Be grateful that there are trees bringing oxygen and water to the Earth and absorbing carbon. Be grateful for all the beauty and power of the ocean and the lakes, rivers and waters of the world that nurture us so beautifully. Give thanks for the amazing beauty in Nature and let it inspire you to great things.

As you stretch into this practice, the act of Gratitude will change your life for the better.

Here is a suggestion for Thanksgiving prayers.

Divine Presence:

Thank you for the many gifts you have brought into my life. Thank you for my heart that beats with your love, and this miraculous body that serves me so I may serve you on this Earth. Thank you for new ideas and opportunities that are revealing themselves to me every day. Thank you for the beauty of this Earth and the bounty that the Earth provides. Thank you for those who care about me and bring joy and love into my life. Thank you for showing me how much I am loved and for giving me new ways to give love.

Let my body hold the force of Gratitude in every cell and let that awaken me to your Presence. May I see your gifts in every moment and be grateful for all that I am given, no matter what it looks like. Let me respond in gratitude to every situation knowing that my soul’s awakening depends on my responses. As Gratitude fills my being, help me to flow this energy of love and thanksgiving into the world.

At the center of my being, I know all is well. For this and all my gifts, I say thank you, thank you, thank you.  And so it is.

May this time of Thanksgiving fill your heart with new awakenings to the loving Presence within all things and bless every area of your life with pure Gratitude.

Shanta Gabriel
Inspired by Archangel Gabriel
November 20, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving


Announcing the Holiday Anusthan

An 11-day Spiritual Practice to Inspire
Peace on Earth & Good Will Within All Beings


What are your holidays usually like? Overwhelming? Busy? Uninspired?

I have an antidote! For only 20 - 30 minutes a day, at your own timing, for 11 days, you can join an international group of Light Workers in a simple, yet powerful spiritual practice to make your holidays more Holy!

Starting December 1, we have an opportunity to transform our perceptions for this holiday season.
 Everyone has their own history when it comes to the holidays. What is most important is that there is an intention for Peace, Joy and Good Will within all beingsinherent in the holiday period, regardless of whether or not we have been able to experience that. That expansive intention has powerful frequencies! Holding these attitudes raises the vibration of the collective energetic field, which creates harmony and true connection in our interactions.

As each of us allow our bodies to be flooded by the Light of Peace and Love during our Anusthan (a sacred practice from ancient India), we empower these qualities to be anchored on the Earth. We are also radiating these empowered frequencies from our spiritual practice out into the world, like beacon lights set onto a mountain top.

Anusthan GuidebookAs a group, we will begin our Anusthan on December 1 for a dedicated period through December 11. Every day for eleven days, we will each sit in sacred space and raise our frequencies in spiritual practice. If you do not want to commit to 11 days, you can choose 3, 5, 7 or 9 days. If possible however, it would be best to join the group for all 11 days for maximum spiritual activation.

The power of group prayer has been demonstrated and proven in many studies, and has been practiced in the Eastern traditions for centuries.

Will you join us?

Click here for more information and to register

Video: "Judy Satori's Joy Transmissions" -


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