The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Thanks Golden K, i'm taking the course on Kabbalah in September, but i've already begun with reading a few material and 2 videos. I'm doing everything i can to understand it, but what gets me is the psychological time, and how to over come this Time that i see.
Now outside of this Reality time doesn't exist but there are still decisions being made so wouldn't that be creating time, if We still make choices? I've been so into this, for the last week but it is just so mind boggling and a little over my head, since i'm still trying to understand all of this. Today was a bad day again though i fell right back into my habits and got a little angry out of the blue, mainly because of the monetary system. I talk to my self like for hours in a day, trying to understand everything. I can say i got a long way to go and alot of healing to take place.
I'm also not really aligned with love and joy, but at times i do feel it very strongly.
I'm so grateful i have a friend like you on here to help me, because no one outside of my home other than my mother understands what i'm going through and even she is not totally understanding it.
As for the time speeding up, it's getting a bit over whelming for me now, i can't even have time to write down my dreams because they are completely gone the second i awake. When i do sleep it is usually a couple of hours but it goes by extremely fast like in nano seconds is what it seems like.
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