Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

All-Purpose General Protection Lore

General Protection Lore: agate, alum, amber (used extensively by Ancient Romans), apache tears, aventurine, banded agate, beryl, black agate, black kyanite, black obsidian, black tourmaline, calcite, carnelian, cat’s eye, chalcedony, chrysoprase, citrine, chiastolite, coral, emerald, fire agate, flint, fluorite, fossils, gold, golden topaz, halite (rock salt crystal), heliodor (golden beryl), hematite, herkimer diamond, holey stones, honey calcite, imperial topaz, jade, jasper, jet, labradorite, lapis (lapis lazuli), lava, lepidolite, magnesite (lodestone), mahogany obsidian, malachite, marble, mookaite, moonstone, nuumite, ocean jasper, olivine, pearl, peridot, petrified wood, prehnite, pumice, pyrite, quartz, quartz crystal clusters, red jasper, ruby, rutilated quartz, salt, sapphire, sard, sardonyx, selenite, serpentine, shark teeth, snowflake obsidian, staurolite, sulphur, sunstone, tigers eye, topaz, tourmaline (red and black especially), tree agate, turitella agate, turquoise, yellow agate, yellow jasper, zircon (clear and red)

Protection from Evil Lore: agate (especially Eye Agate), beryl, black tourmaline, blue chalcedony (especially evil magick), coral, garnet, herkimer diamond, malachite, pyrite, quartz, salt, sapphire, snowflake obsidian, tiger iron / mugglestone (mirrors evil & evil spells back to the sender), turquoise

Protection from the Evil Eye Lore: agate (especially eye agate), cat’s eye, carnelian (envious eye, evil eye), malachite, topaz

Protection from Negativity/Negative Energies Lore: black kyanite, black obsidian, black onyx, black tourmaline (transmutes to positive energy), bornite, celestite, citrine, elestial crystals, jet (absorbs negative energies), katanganite, kunzite, peacock ore, plancheite, quartz, smoky quartz (especially in healing)

Home and Family Protection Lore

Protection for Children Lore: agate (especially blue lace agate and green moss agate), jade, malachite (especially from evil eye and evil spirits), mother of pearl (newborn infants in particular), ruby (all family, including children)

Protection During Childbirth & Pregnancy Lore: ammonite, chrysocolla (especially for preventing miscarriage), geodes, hematite, lepidolite, malachite, moonstone, picture jasper (during childbirth especially), rose quartz

Protection for Homes & Other Buildings Lore: halite, holey stones, salt, riverstone, quartz, ruby, witches fingers

Protection of Worldly Possessions Lore: ruby, zircon (robbery)

Protection Against Crime Lore: Sardonyx

Physical Protection Lore

Physical Protection Lore: carnelian, agate, fluorite, peridot, sard, smoky quartz, zircon

Protection During Physical Travel Lore: amethyst, aquamarine (travel upon water), chalcedony, garnet, herkimer diamond, jet, malachite (esp when flying), moonstone (travel at sea), mother of pearl (on water), pearl (on water) rainbow moonstone, tigers eye, petalite, yellow jasper

Protection from Disease/Illness Lore: chalcopyrite, jade, cavansite, zircon

Protection from Poison Lore: diamond, serpentine (particularly snake venom)

Protection from Radiation Lore: amber, rutilated quartz, star sapphire

Protection from Injury Lore: turquoise

Psychic Protection Lore

Psychic Protection Lore: amber (psychic shielding), amethyst (from negative psychic energy of all kinds), black obsidian, DT crystals, elestial crystals (esp psychic attacks), fluorite, jade (especially vs psychic attack), lapis lazuli, Lemurian seed crystal, moqui marbles / moki balls (esp during shamanic work), nuumite, prehnite, pyrite, ruby, seraphinite (serafina, chlinochlore), sugilite, tiger iron / mugglestone (especialy during shamanic work)

Remove psychic or etheric cords: novaculite, obsidian carved into a cutting edge (knife, arrowhead, etc.)

Protection During Channeling Lore: Angelite, petalite

Protection During Astral Travel Lore: brecciated jasper, kyanite, red jasper, yellow jasper

Aura Protection (personal energy field) Lore: fire agate, black tourmaline, labradorite, sunstone, tiger eye

Spiritual Protection Lore

Protection from the Undead Lore: chalcedony, black sapphire, silver

Protection from Possession Lore: chrysoberyl

Protection from Spirits Lore: silkstone, silver

Angelic Protection Lore: angelite, selenite

Other Types of Protection Lore

Emotional Lore: celestite, kunzite, mookaite, rose quartz, snowflake obsidian, zircon

While Working in Public Lore: sphalerite

Against Spells Lore: cat’s eye, fossil, hematite, iron, turitella agate, sunstone, tiger iron (returns spell to sender)

Protection for Sailors Lore: aquamarine, moonstone (for sailors on the ocean)

From Political Unrest Lore: blue chalcedony

Envy Lore: carnelian, topaz (greed)

Warrior Going into Battle Lore: hematite

Protection from Demons Lore: peridot (olivine)

Protection from Danger (dangerous situations) Lore: red jasper, sunstone

Burial Lore: riverstone

Snakebites & Venom Lore : serpentine

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