Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hello dear ones!

Although I am new to this community, I've been dedicated to Pleiadean projects for 18 years. I'd like to offer a copy of an article I wrote that may interest you, in hopes that you not only resonate to the information, but find it empowering. Most likely, you already know some of this.

"Millennia ago, an advanced civilization from the Pleiades star cluster introduced their genetics on planet Earth. They observed the evolution of the species, experimenting with ways to further spiritual development. Atlantis, the ancient Egyptian and Greek civilizations were all Pleiadean projects. Their programmed "energy signature" was encoded and imprinted on DNA, the way fingerprints are left behind when you touch something. This energy signature responds to its own origins, like a radio tuned for one station.

When our sun is at Galactic (25, 26, 27) degree of Taurus or Scorpio, we are in astronomical alignment with the Pleiades, both at the conjunct in Taurus or the opposition in Scorpio. The Pleiadean energy signature on the planet is activated, like a gong that lasts for three days, twice a year. It is a time of Pleiadean entrances and exits, when they tend to their projects, whether starting, maintaining or ending.

Those with the matching energy signature can be activated (woken up), those already awake can be empowered, and those ready to finish and graduate may leave, or start something new at a higher level.

While the Pleiadean interaction here isn't limited to this timing, it is the time of the highest activity. Someone born with a planet or House Cusp at Galactic degree in Taurus or Scorpio would be connected to the Pleiadeans at some level all the time, unless their bloodline had been so intermixed that the original encoding is skewed. It's like your radio station isn't coming in loud and clear, but if you really want to, you can train your ears to listen.

Pay attention to what happens on May 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and November 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, not only in your personal life, but on a global scale. Because of leap year, sometimes the sun might reach 25° before the 16th, but that's something you can easily find out, thanks to the internet, as it is astronomical information.

Ultimately, the Pleiadean agenda is one of spiritual development toward the ability of a species to live in harmony with each other, realizing a group conscience and consciousness, and to live in balance with Nature.

What we call Pleiadean Lineup, is both an astronomical alignment and a time for activation, realignment or action concerning Pleiadean agendas." End of article

One Love For All,

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Amanda Rochelle Ann Cobb said:
Hi Arielle, thank you for this post and I as well as the others would greatly appreciate a check on my chart or some information to look myself. This caught me at a good time, I've been on an emtional battle because of my lack of connection with our society as a whole. Trying to maintain the strength to promote unconditional love. I've always felt differant than others and still do. Yet i know its for the better. Aug 30th 1982, virgo, Port Townsend Wa. state.
Thank you, with love Amanda

I'd be glad to check, but I'll need the time of birth to get the whole picture of you. I know this world is full of discord, and the disharmonics affect us more than most people. There is a way to shield yourself from without and within. We can talk about that in another discussion, but for now, know that you have many brothers and sisters ready to connect on a level that nurtures you. I reminded a friend of mine recently, when she was having troubles, that she indeed has inherent, innate power so great, wisdom untapped, knowledge unapplied, that it's like having phasers and photons torpedos at your disposal, yet you're letting someone hit you with a stick. You can reclaim your power.

I'm not suggesting battle, but get the analogy. Let me know your time of birth and I'll calculate your chart for you. If get the feeling that you're especially connected to Nature...more on that when I get your birth time.
One Love,
Thanks Arielle i browsed over and read everything on the site, but it still doesnt list too much about what the markings mean, all i know is that i've been drawn towards the # 9 most of my life, and not only because it's my birthdate 9/9. I tend to run into a lot of people with similar birthdates, like 8/8, 10/10, 11/11, 12/12, 1/1 and so on. Also im curious as to what the mark of Pleiades means.. is it like a genetic coding or tag?
Oops looks like i also got the time wrong, it's 12:24pm, not 12:22pm .. not sure if the 2 minutes makes a huge difference or not but thought i'd tell you

Greg said:
Thanks Arielle i browsed over and read everything on the site, but it still doesnt list too much about what the markings mean, all i know is that i've been drawn towards the # 9 most of my life, and not only because it's my birthdate 9/9. I tend to run into a lot of people with similar birthdates, like 8/8, 10/10, 11/11, 12/12, 1/1 and so on. Also im curious as to what the mark of Pleiades means.. is it like a genetic coding or tag?
Greg said:
Oops looks like i also got the time wrong, it's 12:24pm, not 12:22pm .. not sure if the 2 minutes makes a huge difference or not but thought i'd tell you

Greg said:
Thanks Arielle i browsed over and read everything on the site, but it still doesnt list too much about what the markings mean, all i know is that i've been drawn towards the # 9 most of my life, and not only because it's my birthdate 9/9. I tend to run into a lot of people with similar birthdates, like 8/8, 10/10, 11/11, 12/12, 1/1 and so on. Also im curious as to what the mark of Pleiades means.. is it like a genetic coding or tag?

Hi, Greg,
The Mark of the Pleiades is a harmonic frequency that corresponds to Pleiadean activity and connections. When you were born, if that frequency was occurring through any of the planetary positions, then it is imprinted on your blood crystals and carried in your body. That way, you were endowed with a "radio receiver/transmitter" system. It provides a kind of "phone numbe" that's available for use at an appropriate time. Pleiadean starseed birth times are deliberate, to capture those harmonics. Any planet or house cusp at 25, 26, 27 Taurus or Scorpio is the Pleiadean "bandwidth". Also, 28 and 29 Taurus is included in Pleiadean projects. It's their energy signature. It's in their DNA, as well as ours, it's held in your body's silica and in your natal chart. So it is a kind of "tag".

In order to calculate your chart, I also need the year and place of your birth. 9/9/???? 12:22 PM (sometimes two minutes can make a little bit of difference) and place?
Arielle Taylor said:
Greg said:
Oops looks like i also got the time wrong, it's 12:24pm, not 12:22pm .. not sure if the 2 minutes makes a huge difference or not but thought i'd tell you

Greg said:
Thanks Arielle i browsed over and read everything on the site, but it still doesnt list too much about what the markings mean, all i know is that i've been drawn towards the # 9 most of my life, and not only because it's my birthdate 9/9. I tend to run into a lot of people with similar birthdates, like 8/8, 10/10, 11/11, 12/12, 1/1 and so on. Also im curious as to what the mark of Pleiades means.. is it like a genetic coding or tag?

Hi, Greg,
The Mark of the Pleiades is a harmonic frequency that corresponds to Pleiadean activity and connections. When you were born, if that frequency was occurring through any of the planetary positions, then it is imprinted on your blood crystals and carried in your body. That way, you were endowed with a "radio receiver/transmitter" system. It provides a kind of "phone numbe" that's available for use at an appropriate time. Pleiadean starseed birth times are deliberate, to capture those harmonics. Any planet or house cusp at 25, 26, 27 Taurus or Scorpio is the Pleiadean "bandwidth". Also, 28 and 29 Taurus is included in Pleiadean projects. It's their energy signature. It's in their DNA, as well as ours, it's held in your body's silica and in your natal chart. So it is a kind of "tag".

In order to calculate your chart, I also need the year and place of your birth. 9/9/???? 12:22 PM (sometimes two minutes can make a little bit of difference) and place?

One more thing....there are many races involved in the Earth Project, and while the Pleiadeans have stewardship, there are alliances with other star systems. They all use the Galactic frequencies of 25, 26, 27 degrees of ANY sign, and there may be starseeds without the Mark of the Pleiades; there are Andromedans, Sirians, etc., who have a common goal - the spiritual evolution of this planet and her people. They have achieved what we are striving for - unity across ethnic, political, geographical lines.
BLU-e as Naehn said:
Its great that many people want to know how many star markings they have... but the real question is - what are you doing about it? Those who have more than 6 star markings in your astrological chart.. why do you think you are gifted with so many star markings.. and most importantly, how have you fulfilled your destiny in this life time.
There are many Star Markers / Star seeds out there. The true ones are the ones who are the most humble amongst us all. They don't want to be known as 'starseeds' or have any special abilities. You can just see that they are special just by being themselves. These are the real Starseeds making a difference in this ever changing world.

I agree with you completely. Those who are living from their Natural State are in attunement with their own truth and masterships, using their Rites of Passage to do the work they came to do. They follow the desire to help others and this planet. They don't need help; they give it. Others, who are just beginning to wake up, or are not living from their Natural State need some help to find their balance. This is what I try to do. The map to Natural State, as well as markers for the journey are held in the chart by design. People who have star connections have evolved and mastered the abilities they carry, rather having them gifted.

Personally speaking, my own activation and intensive training began 18 years ago, and I've always tried to "pay it forward" by doing the same for those who ask. You're right...there's no need for anyone to buy an "I'm Starseed" T-shirt. Just stand in your own light and be the message. But I think that because so many starseeds, especially the ones who are in their youth or just waking up, have often felt like an outcast, not belonging in even their own families, have a human need to "fit in" somewhere, so they're looking for an identity. Once they start to "wear" their truth and align to Natural State, they fly on their own. I guess you could call one of my missions "starseed mid-wife."

The discovery ( or re-discovery, depending on the perspective) of astrological markings started in 1983, but were directed to be held until the timer went off, which it has. There is so much work to be done and we need every pair of hands to do it. Many of our brothers and sisters are in trouble, and those are the ones I've been trained and feel the need to help, if they ask. Confirming star markings is just a way to help people to start the journey. Helping them find Natural State and then live there is when they can fly solo and make a difference in this world.
BLU-e as Naehn said:
Thank you Arielle Taylor for explaining. Yes, I too feel that time is of essence and that for as many people to be attuned or re-attuned to this frequency is of utmost importance. There are many frequencies that are doing the same of what the Pleiadian Alignment is. They just have different synergies and versions. But they all attempt to achieve the same. Prepare you so that you are ready to assimilate into another frequency or dimension.

Once when I was at a Caroline Myss workshop, she said that it was time for the many people who keep reading about healing, awareness, and wanting to be enlightened to stop all that and go out and be the enlightened ones to others. Its great to learn and want, but once you've 'got it'.. to go and give it.


Again, Blu, I agree with you. There are many, many advanced races with "volunteers" on this planet, all of whom are Starseed. Those races have evolved to the point of unified purpose, having come to know the ultimate truths of oneness and Universal love. It has been my learning that they all use a system of harmonics to govern their projects and guide their emissaries. These Galactic frequencies I track through astrology are common to all of them, since harmonics are a Universal constant. It's just a map, though; not the journey.

I think that possibly those who "stay in school" too long, by reading, studying, etc. rather than doing, have a certain lack of self confidence or they have been hindered by someone in this life who told them they weren't good enough or something. And they believed it on some level, giving away their power and not knowing how to get it back. Or even knowing that they did. By staying in school, there's a security from finding out if those cynics were right. This is another reason that doing starseed confirmations can be a turning point or catalyst. Sometimes, we need validation to overcome some negative programming and get on with it. Life here is treacherous, and there are always forces of opposite polarity. Yet the more we resist those forces, the more we give them energy, the more polarity is built. Learning to detach from that and stop the spiral is tricky. But not impossible...
Amanda Rochelle Ann Cobb said:
Oops sorry Arielle i didn't realize you needed that information. I'm a bit late getting back to you too. Port Townsend W.A. @ 12:43pm on Aug 30th of 1982. Thank you for the advise on the last comment i appreciate it. Yep always love and peace, regardless of the situation. With love your sister Amanda

I ran your chart and saw 7 Star Markings, among them, Chiron, the Teacher, is at the Mark of the Pleiades. If you are struggling in your life, it's an indication that you may not be living from your Natural State. If you'd like to talk about that, you can email me.
One Love,
Simone said:
Helloooooooooo! Please people, stop giving out personal information such as your full name, birth date and birth location online... please have some common sense!

You're quite right, Simone. Someone could be resourceful enough to use that information in a malicious way. But I would hope that they wouldn't be our members. Exploiting others carries energetic consequences, which not only stops our personal evolution, but serves to hold humanity at a lower vibration. Our purpose is to elevate. Full names are not necessary to do that.
Arielle Taylor said:
Vaddix said:
Im Pleiadean, but im capricorn:( Does it affect all pleiadeas or just scorpio and taurus?

Yes, it affects all Pleiadeans, regardless of your sign. Your sun sign may be Capricorn, but that's less than a third of your "song". All the other planets in your chart, as well as the House Cusps, may well be sitting on a Pleiadean frequency. Or you could be a Walk-In, in which case the natal chart isn't really yours, anyway. Would you like me to check?
One Love,
Sure i would love you to check. if thats not too much trouble
Thank you very much for your article, Arielle!

I have made some research the last few days and I have realized that I'm very possibly a Starseed that comes from the Pleiades. Can you give me any reference (web sites, ebooks, etc.) about pleiadians to make further investigation?

Thank you!
Vaddix said:
Arielle Taylor said:
Vaddix said:
Im Pleiadean, but im capricorn:( Does it affect all pleiadeas or just scorpio and taurus?

Yes, it affects all Pleiadeans, regardless of your sign. Your sun sign may be Capricorn, but that's less than a third of your "song". All the other planets in your chart, as well as the House Cusps, may well be sitting on a Pleiadean frequency. Or you could be a Walk-In, in which case the natal chart isn't really yours, anyway. Would you like me to check?
One Love,
Sure i would love you to check. if thats not too much trouble

Just send an email to with your birth date, time and place. I'll be glad to check on it.

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