The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Experience Your Sacred Communion To Your God Light of Self By The Pleiadians Via Christine Day
The Pleiadians Message For May, 2019 .....
Beloved Ones We Greet You, There is much to celebrate on your earth plane, as a sacred juncture has been forged through the ‘Awakening of the Dove’. The blessed Christ light is active on your planet and resides alive within your sacred Hearts. The Holy Spirit is interweaving through your path.
This is your time to begin another step as you have come to a crossroad. Through this active arising light, which is within you, you are given natural access to the Higher Realms. The opening has been created and is wide open for you to engage.
This doorway is your access to your higher elements of consciousness, opening you into a communion within your resident Universe. There is a heartbeat that is birthing within you. This is like a pulse, that links you to Home and to a sacred communion to the God light of Self, which exists within the Universal realms.
Open up to your Heart and reclaim your place within this communion. Now is your time to take your place.
PROCESS: Hold your Heart, and use the Conscious breath. Let your awareness open through the space of your heart.
Blessed are you, we hold you and witness you as you enter this crossroad of transformation.
The Pleiadians
To read Christine Day's Message for May -
Video - "Pleiadian Broadcast May 2019" By Christine Day -
The Vibration Of Ascension By The Goddess Of Creation Via Shelly Dressel
Ascension is moving from one dimension to another. Ascension is moving from a place of struggle to ease. Ascension on a spiritual level is opening to your gifts and a greater alignment with your soul or source.
During this channel, the Goddess spoke of how we are empowered through our ascension process. She spoke of how we may find ourselves in situations where others try to control - but we still have the choice of how we will respond.
While in the All That Is, the Goddess showed us many of the people who have ascended off of the earth. This went back to Lemurian times and included many, many other times through the years.
We could see how ascension has taken place all around the world and each time that area would shift but the remainder of the world did not change. This time, the ascension will be permanent throughout the entire world.
This channel took place on the eve of Earth Day so Lady Gaia came forth and spoke with everyone about the earth. She said that we are an integral part of the universe and what happens out there, is reflected here; just as what happens here is reflected out there. She spoke of Gaia’s balance and the dimensions.
Jesus also came through to speak with us about ascension. He showed us how things have already changed so much since his lifetime and how each of us is now ascending into the things that he experienced in that life. He looked different to me when I saw him this time compared to other time. He was standing there with Mary Magdalene on one side and Mary Magdalene on the other.
This is a powerful channel that speaks to the changes taking place and their effect on everyone.
Nama Sika; Venia Benya; I AM the One, I AM the Whole
I greet you, beloved family. I reach out from my heart to yours. I send love, light, energy, joy, and support to you in your life. I flow this energy into and around you that it may lift you up, that it may assist you in finding the light that is most fulfilling to you.
Beloved, no matter what is going on within your life this is the opportunity for you to just take care of yourself. In your busy, busy days upon the earth, as you get distracted, sometimes the last on the list, the thing that you’re dragging along behind you is what should actually be at the forth front and that is taking care of yourself. That is, respecting yourself. It is honoring yourself and through all of that, you infuse love within you.
I invite you to take a moment and breathe deep, and as you breathe deep let that breath of energy and light go through you, let it go down into the earth and as you feel your energy connecting with Gaia, open up and feel the flow of light and the grounding energy that comes into you from Gaia, from the earth, from within this space where you go a good amount of time.
I want to suggest that you put forth an intention to understand Gaia as you support her... and then you begin to feel this flow almost as if you feel the pulsation from the heartbeat of the earth.
You allow your focus and your energy to flow further. It goes up through the top of your head. It expands out until it links with your higher self. As you connect with your higher self you begin to have that perspective that is that broader perspective of your life.
From within your higher self take a moment and clear everything out. ~ Whew~ It is always beneficial to clear out those things that you might be working on within this space so as to raise the vibration that allows for your higher self to function more fully in support of you. You allow your consciousness to stream further. It streams into the soul plane, where you align with your divinity.
As you feel yourself merge you expand even further than you did with your higher self. I invite you to feel the unconditional love of your divinity. This is you as source, your soul. Feel that flow as you merge your consciousness with you as your I AM Presence, you as your soul.
I the Goddess walk in and amongst all who are here. I reach out to embrace you in this now moment. As I embrace you, we merge shifting our energy into the All That Is. Feel the expansion; feel this presence.
You see before you many of the Angels, the light beings, the star beings. This evening there is quite a large gathering that have come to experience this vibration with you.
I ask you to take a deep breath in, move within your consciousness, ask yourself the question; am I one of the Ascended Masters who’s come back to earth for this transition? You may immediately hear an answer. I would invite you to trust it because there are millions of you upon the earth.
Gaia speaks:
Greetings, my fellow friends and family! I as Gaia have such deep love for everything that is upon the earth, trees, the animals, the flora, the oceans, the mammals, the fish everything that lives within the ocean, humanity. I create a place where all can flourish. I create a place that is ever-growing and ever-changing because that is how everything is within the universe. Nothing is stagnant. It may appear as if things are stagnant at times, however, nothing is stagnant and stands alone.
During the Ice Age, there was great transformation taking place. There was also great resting. There were other times in which the canyons were created, the mountains, through the lava; the fire and ice have created the earth.
Now is an opportunity for humanity to grow and to think about the earth, to think about how to nourish and nurture because as you consider Gaia and as you consider how to love and nurture me you are learning how to love and nurture yourself. When you speak about the things that are destroying Gaia those are the things that are destroying humanity. I’m but a reflection.
I, therefore, I’m here to say that if I know my own value, my own worth, so too I invite for you to know that about yourself. There is strength in me. There is intrinsic balance within me, just as there is strength and intrinsic balance within you.
So, all of my beloved people I invite you to close your eyes for a moment. I invite you to feel my embrace as I flow the vibration of the earth to you; the more that you are in alignment with me, the greater your ability to bring down the higher vibrations. I feel great love for everything upon and within the earth.
I am always here. I am always available. When you look at your trees or the mountains or your oceans or your lakes know that that is I, Gaia, sending out a hug and love to you from my heart to yours.
I feel great love for you.
To enjoy Shelly's full transcript as well as her video of her transmission - click on this link:
Video - "AA Ariel's Transmission - Healing The Kingdoms Of Gaia" By Steve Nobel
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