Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I need to know if there's a way how I can live continuously in my present moment.

It will take only a few minutes and my mind would take me elsewhere. An event that happened, or phrases that I've heard. Generally negatively images and phrases.

I' am conscious of my thoughts and I catch them and stop them and try to change them into positive. But my ego doesn't give up. Keeps on bringing up thoughts/emotions as soon as I distract myself. It is interrupting my happniness and from living my present moment, which where I should be.

I do relaxation meditations, healthy exercises, and try to eat a balanced diet including vegetables and fruits.

What do you suggest?

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keep on going :)
I'm coping much better.

Had to try one last thing because nothing else was working and it worked as it usually does, I don't know why I didn't think about it before.

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