The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
~ galaxygirl
Video - "Judy Satori's Light Meditation From The Multi Galactic Diamond"
Soul Harmonization - Celestial & Crystal Children By Archangel Gabriel Via Natalie Glasson
AA Gabriel's Message .....
Graceful greetings I share with you now, I am Archangel Gabriel, I am an angelic representative of the Creator’s qualities of creativity, grace, tranquillity and artistic expression. I oversee souls as they enter into the Earth reality as babies and develop into children.
My work with babies and children is to preserve the purity of their soul and their soul’s mission while they adjust to the physical reality around them. With my Angelic Team, I ensure each soul attunes to their physical body and learns to express their truth through the abilities and senses of their physical body.
I, Archangel Gabriel, my Angelic Team and many other Archangels act as pillars of support for each soul from the moment they incarnate into the earthly reality, embracing the soul in the divine vibrations of the Creator. The adjustment of moving from the inner planes into the physical Earth reality can be challenging for some souls, especially if it is their first time.
It is a process of fine-tuning the spiritual senses and soul to the physical body, an alignment in many ways far greater and extraordinary than any ascension process achieved as an adult upon the Earth. We support the harmonisation of the soul with the physical body which also creates the personality and individuality of the physical body, akin to an expression of the soul.
Supporting Soul Harmonisation with the Physical Reality
If you know of a soul in the womb currently, then it is beneficial to call upon, me, Archangel Gabriel and the Archangel Gabriel Team of Angels to support the harmonisation of the soul with their physical body, surroundings and the reality they wish to embark upon during their lifetime upon the Earth.
You may also wish to activate within your soul, energies of harmonisation radiating these sacred vibrations to the soul as support for the ascension attunement and alignment they are currently moving through as they journey into the physical reality.
You may also wish to call upon my energies, Archangel Gabriel and the Archangel Gabriel Team of Angels to support the harmonisation of your soul with your physical body, surroundings, and your reality. This request can be made whatever age you are as it creates a healing within your being now, which maybe was not completed during your existence in the womb, birth, and journey as a child. For some people when the healing takes place, even as an adult it can feel like the missing piece of themselves, they have been searching for their whole life or grounding they needed to feel more at home and included on the Earth.
‘Archangel Gabriel and the Archangel Gabriel Team of Angels, I call upon your loving presence to complete and support the full harmonisation of my soul with my physical body, surroundings, and my reality. If this ascension alignment and attunement was uncompleted when I was a baby, let it be completed now.
If the harmonisation of my soul with my physical body and reality was achieved then I invite you to amplify, affirm and energies the harmonisation to support and empower my existence as a sacred soul upon the Earth, awakening any vibrations, healings or skills it is important for me to engage with now. Thank you, I open myself to receive now.’
Simply sit or lie down and receive the loving graceful energies we will share with you as we ignite a deep healing process within you.
Video - "Soul Harmonisation Celestial and Crystalline Children by Archangel Gabriel Natalie Glasson"
You may also ask for the soul to physical body harmonisation healing for any loved one whether they are a child or adult. I, Archangel Gabriel will hear your request and consult with their soul as to whether the time is appropriate for the healing to take place. If it is appropriate timing and the soul consents, we will begin the healing process, if not then it will be postponed until the timing is right.
Take a moment to imagine the shift that such a healing could create on the Earth and in the ascension process currently unfolding. More people would be able to feel and acknowledge the love radiating from their soul and the Creator.
A grounding and deeper resonance with the Earth, Mother Earth and unity with humanity would be experienced. Some may even feel that what they have been lacking or searching for their entire life is found and returned to them. This healing has the capacity to be life-changing, and can even restore a sense of purpose, meaning and fulfilment to life upon the Earth.
Why Soul Harmonisation with the Physical Reality is Important Now
Soul Harmonisations with the physical body and reality is essential now in order to raise the energy frequency of all upon the Earth, allowing more and more people to access higher dimensions and levels of ascension.
Soul Harmonisation also creates a greater experience of unity with self on a spiritual and physical levels as well as with all of humanity and Mother Earth. With a deeper sense of unity, a greater relationship with and acceptance of the Creator manifests.
This current period of ascension is engaging and encouraging you to recognise your intimate relationship with the Creator and the expanding process of the Creator within you, thus returning you to and reminding you of your divinity.
Another reason for the importance of Soul Harmonisation is due to the Crystalline and Celestial Souls entering into the Earth now through the birthing process. These souls carry with them the seeds, templates, wisdom, and vibrations of the Crystalline and Celestial dimensions upon the inner planes.
Through their birth and their existence upon the Earth, they will either anchor Crystalline vibrations or Celestial frequencies. Both Crystalline and Celestial energies are extremely pure, encouraging deep cleansing, detoxification, and purification for the Earth and all beings.
The souls entering the Earth now will carry the ability to cleanse, heal and awaken truth at a very advanced level. They will hold knowledge and an understanding of the Earth and the inner planes which is untainted and deeply inspirational.
Their sensitivity to the spiritual planes will mean they can act as power anchors for pure vibrations, thus accelerating the ascension of Mother Earth and all present. They will also hold an understanding of the Creator, and the Universe of the Creator with new, inspirational and beyond any form of religion, allowing much illusion to fall away within those who are present with them.
The Crystalline and Celestial Souls entering the Earth require the majority of humanity to complete their Soul Harmonisation process so that the vibration they bring forth can be received with ease. They also require the vibration of humanity to reach a certain level in order for their integration and to support their health and happiness upon the Earth.
The Soul Harmonisation process is even more valuable and important for the Crystalline and Celestial Souls entering the Earth as their vibration is so high it is more challenging for them to integrate with their physical body and reality.
The Difference Between the Crystalline and Celestial Souls
The Crystalline Souls hold the mission of cleansing, purification, dissolving illusion and amplifying the presence and manifestations of the Creator on the Earth, within their own beings and humanity.
They will bring awareness to illusions which require to be let go of, intensify the flow of the life force energy of the Creator and create the beauty of the Creator on the Earth. These souls can be very sensitive while also being very powerful, they have a love for life, for helping others and creating the love, light, and peace of the Creator wherever they go.
The Celestial Souls hold a purity and innocence that is similar to the Crystalline Souls. They too can act as powerful healers and purifiers, emanating great power. The Celestial Souls will have a gentleness to their energies and personality, a deep expression of love and a powerful sense of self.
Their purpose is to inspire, to bring forth the truth of the Creator and to ground new perceptions of truth. The Crystalline Souls are in many ways setting the scene for the Celestial Souls who will bring forth and awaken a new spiritual intelligence aligned to the Creator for many upon the Earth. This will result in powerful shifts in ascension that almost feel like new dimensions of light unfolding upon the Earth.
I, Archangel Gabriel, invite you to support the birthing of the Crystalline and Celestial Souls into the Earth now by experiencing for yourself and requesting for others the Soul Harmonisation Healing Process.
In grace and love,
More Archangel Gabriel -
Free audio download of Natalie's message -
Video - "Full Moon Equinix Angel Card Reading For The Week of March 17-23,2019" By Melanie Beckler -
Be Aware Of The Amazing Lights That You Are !
The Federation of Light Via Blossom Goodchild Message on March 1, 2019
Hello, hello, hello to you! Well, the buzz is buzzing since I put up a video last week wherein White Cloud and I can now interact on the ‘same level’. I am able to swap from me to him and have a conversation at will. He was happy to show and give proof that the veil is lifting. I would very much like to hear your take on all of that … if you would be so kind?
Welcome to you Blossom and those who are interested in that which we have to say. Indeed, we would say a ‘landmark’ has been reached with the Energies of yourself and White Cloud now merging into one on a deeper, yet … easier to connect, level.
We have spoken so much of Higher Energies coming into your Planet and the difference this is making … not just to your Planet yet, to ALL things in and of it.
When you think of a veil lifting, the imagery that is ‘imagined’ is that of a mist … and that which lies beyond the mist is now becoming more visible as the veil thins.
Would we be so bold as to say that therein lies your new world that we have also spoken of often.
As this veil lifts … it shows the pathway into the Higher Vibrations. One cannot only see it more clearly, yet FEEL it also. It is as if you have ‘arrived’ and are able to see for yourselves that which lies across the Bridge.
Such ‘Spectacular Events’ are about to bring themselves out into the open … because your world is ready now.
Yes, I have to say I was expecting quite a few nasty comments regarding my sanity. Yet, only three have expressed their negative opinions, compared to the hundreds that felt so uplifted by it.
Because all those who experienced your transition Blossom … connected with the Truth of WHO THEY ARE. They KNOW that this too is very much something that ALL are capable of.
That which White Cloud spoke of … regarding not being put on a pedestal, was an imperative part of his speech.
There is no difference between us. It is simply that you volunteered and were chosen to … come to / be upon/ experience … the shift from the ground up!
Yet, somewhere along the way, certain parts of your ‘activational’ components were either blocked off or shut down by methods that were both cunning and crude. Yet, may we say … PART OF THE GAME.
Your position upon Earth … AND YOU KNEW THIS WHEN YOU CAME … was to ‘see your way through this’ and bring the fullness of Light back into the soul from the Earthly aspect that you reside in … and now Dearest Ones… after such a long period of waiting, can you now … can you now … see/feel … that you have accomplished this?
Once you accept … as you are doing through this very kind of proof … that YOU ‘ARE’ THE HIGHER LIGHT OF LOVE … then that is the vital necessity that you need to know. Once that is absorbed, understood and ingrained within your KNOWINGNESS … ONCE THAT IS CONFIRMED BY YOU … then it is ALL SYSTEMS GO!
The difference THAT KNOWING shall make to you and your Planet and the very Vibration that you reside within … will be lifting all that is, through the rafters!
Prepare for take-off … as you would say.
And KNOW too, that within this acceptance … it shall continue to move at such a rate because the understanding of ‘how this all works’ will become a natural way of Being.
Dearest souls … we are so very excited about this.
I know! My fingers can’t type quick enough. So, would you say that the next step is to KNOW from deep within that the veil is lifting?
Indeed and it is not a difficult step to make. Blossom, you have the ‘Way-shower’ experience under your belt, in order to allow others to KNOW that they too can connect up with the Higher Light of who they are.
It does not mean that every soul is going to start channelling in … ‘tongues/voices’ … for your world would be seen to go a little crazy if this was the case. Yet, it DOES mean that the still small voice within … is not going to be so still anymore … neither is it to be so small.
TRUST in your FEELINGS of these new Energies coming through and connecting with you.
It is the TRUSTING OF THE FEELING that will lead you. If your feeling is not accompanied by Joy then do not Trust it. If you feel uncertain because that which is ‘coming through’ does not feel to be … in/as/through/of Love then ‘switch off’.
We say this in order to ‘protect’ one’s service, Dearest friends. There are those who still choose to ‘play havoc’ with one’s senses and confuse. Yet, this is only possible when one’s intention is not … coming from/for the … Highest Good … more so, the desire to ‘be somebody’ … if that makes sense to you?
Yes, it does. Yet, those that wish to ‘play havoc’ are not coming through the veil are they? Surely, that which is … can only be of the Higher Lighted Vibration?
This is our point, entirely. Keep check on how it FEELS … then you shall KNOW where it is coming from.
This is not spoken of in any way to be confronting. Yet, just to be made aware of checking in with the self at all times as to HOW YOU FEEL.
In these coming days, as predicted … more and more Light shall pour through … enabling more and more spectacular displays to be presented. That which is to be … shown/known … will be coming through at such a rate that it shall knock your socks off.
Dare I say … hold on to your hats?
And your socks!
Humour levels have improved greatly since first communications!
We have a good teacher.
Dearest souls …This new way shall enable you to shine your Light with much more intensity. You shall no longer have the struggles that have ‘befallen’ you of old.
THE MORE YOU RECOGNISE THIS LIGHT THAT YOU ARE … the Higher in Vibration you become, for lower vibrations cannot reside within this frequency.
Hence, again … the speed now, in which this change shall emerge, shall be exponential.
Some people have asked if I shall be able to do the same with you, as I am now able to do with White Cloud. How would you respond to that?
We would say that for now … this would not be happening. There is a difference between the connection with you and White Cloud … compared to we/us that are known as THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT.
Although, in the past, we have spoken through you and indeed, we shall again … it is not to be so (for a while ) that communication … can be /would be … of this new way … this new … adventure/endeavour … that is now emerging between the two of you.
So, is it the two of us … or just the one? Many have thought I was White Cloud all along and therefore, this is a natural progression. White Cloud has said the same. I cannot yet feel comfortable with that. Not yet. I have known ‘him’ for twenty years, to be ‘individualised’ from me and wherever this adventure is leading … I guess I will become more accepting of its journey as I travel it. So, two of us or one?
Yet, we shall make you more comfortable by saying that which you know … that which you ALL know … there is only ONE.
That which you are accessing Blossom and bringing into the Vibration of your Planet, is simply a HIGHER Vibration than the one you are used to.
It is not the HIGHEST VIBRATION THERE IS … that would blow you apart. Yet, it is a Higher degree of LOVE that is now accessible.
ALL OF IT … ALL OF IT THAT IS … IS ONE ENERGY. At this … stage /position … of The Game playing out on your Planet, there ‘appears’ to be such a separation of this One Energy. Yet, the more one connects and allows the Higher frequencies ‘in’ … the more one shall connect with the ‘differences’ in Vibration within ALL THAT IS.
One will ‘home in on’ the Vibration of the trees and hear their amazing stories. One shall do the same with your oceans and your fishes and your blades of grass and even, would we say … one shall hear the talk of the very air that you breathe.
This is not far-fetched in ways of behaving when one aligns themselves with these Higher Energies … and the Higher one allows themselves to be in acceptance of their TRUTH … the Higher and Higher they shall rise … and the greater LOVE that flows through from the LOVE LIGHT SOURCE ITSELF shall become a DIVINE experience with every breath.
THE HIGHEST SOURCE ENERGY THAT IS … is willing you to find your way back home … to FEEL ONCE AGAIN the heartfelt Gratitude of BEING … LOVE.
Oh, Dearest Brightest Energy Souls … many of you have been awakened for a long period of time … many of you have been so close to giving up and giving in … yet now … the proof of ALL we have spoken of shall flood your Planet with our TRUTH … that many have often doubted.
Due to exhaustion and expectation not being fulfilled …
Yet, we do not judge your doubt for we are not OF your Planet. All we could do is continue to encourage you when you felt you had taken your last step.
BE AWARE OF LIGHT GLIMPSES all around your vision.
BE AWARE of the smallest of signs coupled with the largest … that are to present themselves to let you KNOW AS PROOF … THE CHANGE HAS BEGUN.
BE AWARE OF THE AMAZING LIGHTS YOU ARE and allow that Light to shine upon those who still sleep.
Through your Love and example, they shall lift their lids and rub their eyes … knowing they have been in a deep, deep sleep … and they are coming out of the strangest of dreams.
BE THERE for those souls, Dearest Ones. For you are the ones to tell them the stories of what has been and where one is heading.
And may we always remain humble, in order to serve and receive. In Gratitude, in Loving service … I AM.
The video spoken of can be found here .
The audio for this channeling will be posted below shortly.
Video - "The Ultra Violet Fire & Grace Elohim Meditation" By Steve Nobel
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