Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

It's Safe to Let Your Light Shine By Shanta Gabriel...And...Embody Your Awakened Self With Melanie Beckler...And...Keep Sending Love To Transmute The Darkness For All

It's Safe to Let Your Light Shine By Shanta Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This small but mighty message from Archangel Gabriel can help us all in our walk through the world.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week


It's Safe to Let Your Light Shine!


This is the shortest of the Gabriel Messages, and yet one of the most profound. Every time I read it, my heart is blasted with Archangelic Wisdom and Divine inspiration for an empowered
life. This is a safety affirmation that can be used at any time to bring you a sense of Grace and Protection.

My long-term mentor in Hawaii, Nancy Rubin, first introduced me to the concept of safety affirmations in 1988. They have been very helpful in making me more embodied in my physical body and the world.

For years I had never felt safe to be in my body. It really did not feel as though the Earth was
a benevolent or safe place for me to live. Even though I knew I had volunteered to be on this planet during these challenging times of awakening, throughout my life it had felt as though I was an alien species. I even began questioning the wisdom of staying in my body.

I was coached to begin saying safety affirmations. I began with, "It's safe to be in my body." That felt surprisingly good, so I started branching out. "It's safe to be who I truly am. It's safe
to speak my truth." These really started encouraging me. Then finally I received the guidance from Archangel Gabriel, "It is safe to let your Light shine!"

This was a huge revelation, because I saw that in protecting myself I did not allow the true essence of my most Divine, authentic Self to radiate into the world. It does not matter what past-life history made me feel that it was not safe to show that most vulnerable side of me. It became most important for me to shift into allowing the true radiance of Divine Light to be expressed in the world through my being.

It has taken many years to do this. I wish I could say it was an immediate turnaround. Old patterns can take some time to let go of. However, what I discovered is that when I allowed myself to reveal and express my most authentic loving nature, the happier I became.

The times we are living in require us to open up into a greater realm of awareness. We need
to remember that it is not only safe to let our Light shine, it is imperative to the evolution of consciousness on the Earth. The more Divine Light that shines into the world, the more the planet and all beings who share this world are elevated.

Divine Light carries the expression of the love and intelligence of God that we each need so urgently. In order for all to live in true Harmony and for Peace to prevail on Earth, please know that it is truly safe to let your beautiful Light shine! Here is my prayer for us all:

Divine Presence,

Thank you for assisting me to become a radiant Beacon of Divine Light in the world. May I relax into my true, most loving self and allow this Light of Pure Love to shine through me to others. May I truly know that Well-being is my only reality and that I am safe, because I am being
carried by a Love that never ends. I know in my heart that I am being held in Wings of Divine Light as I share this time with others.

Help me to be the one who has the courage to smile first. May I be willing to walk through my world with an open heart. I ask to demonstrate loving-kindness no matter who I am interacting with.

May all beings know that we are truly connected as family. May all of humanity open their hearts to allow their most Eternal, Empowered, Authentic, Divine Nature to radiate Light and Love within and around them at all times. And may we also be great receivers, acting in Trust and Wisdom, as we allow ourselves to be filled with the greatest Light the world has ever known.
So be it. Be it so. Amen.

Shanta Gabriel
October 15, 2017
The Gabriel Messages Book #36

It's safe to let your Light shine!

AA Gabriel:

Dear One,

At the very heart of you is the pure light of God. This light has the ability to change your thinking and change your outer world. It is a light which, like a flame when fanned, can fill
every cell, every fiber of your being and transform you. Fanning this flame means giving the
light within you a time of focused attention.

Your imagination holds the key to transforming your life. What you believe can be achieved. Even before you believe something is true, you can allow the possibility to be there and imagine it to be true. Wherever you focus your attention, your life-force energy will follow.


Imagine the light within you shining brightly. Give yourself a moment to inhale deeply,
and as you exhale imagine a golden light beam moving from the base of your spine into the earth. As you continue to breathe, feel this deep connection to the earth relax you and
provide a strong base within you.

Now, bring your attention to your heart center, the energy field in the middle of your chest. Imagine there is a glowing flame of light burning there. As you breathe in, this flame grows larger and brighter. As you breathe out, the light from this flame begins to fill your body.

Continue to breathe and imagine this light expanding behind your shoulders and down your back, feel it filling every organ and every cell. This is the light of pure spirit, the healing
love of God. This light fills you with the Divine presence and radiates from you in waves of love.

Now imagine this light shining from you and blessing your house, the area where you live and the planet. Imagine this loving light blessing all the people you meet today. It’s a good feeling to send light to others as well as to yourself. This light promotes healing energy in the world around you and in your own body. Peace begins within the heart of each person individually. God’s light, shining from the heart of each person on Earth, would bring peace to
the planet and transform the world.

It’s safe to let your light shine. Maybe when you were a child, it did not feel safe to be
who you really were inside — innocent, trusting and filled with the light of love. But the consciousness of the people in the world is beginning to change. Now people everywhere are turning to spirituality as the only place where they can find true peace and happiness. They are longing for more sweetness and love in their lives. So the Angels say, “Fear not.” When you
shine your love light on the world, you will be a loving presence. You don’t have to say
anything. Your energy alone will have a transforming effect.

The visualization of the flame of love in your heart shining out to the people of Earth is very potent. No matter what is happening around you, keep this visualization moving through you. It takes a little practice, but it will have a healing effect even if you can’t see it. Just your willingness to imagine it is enough to create a light shining from within you. This light is that which connects you and everyone around you to the infinite power of Divine Love.

The master Jesus suggested that your light should not be hidden under a bushel.
Let your light shine forth to bless the world, every area in your life and bring the true Divine Radiance of God into the awakening of new life you are all experiencing.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel for today,

It’s safe to let your Light shine!

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
October 15, 2017
Video: "New Moon Angel Card Reading ~ Angel Messages for October 16- 22 2017"
Embody Your Awakened Self With Melanie Beckler & AA Michael
Melanie Beckler: Have you been noticing the waves of light, new activations and high
vibrational energies that continue to stream in? Continually increasing in strength, vibrancy,
and frequency?
Well… Today, I'm so excited to share with you today something to support
you in expanding your awakened heart light… Gently and effortlessly raising your vibration…
And actually, increasing the light you can carry and comprehend in this moment now…
With direct guidance and an incredible frequency transmission from Archangel Michael and your
entire team of guides and angels - this session will connect you with the incredible Solar
Crystalline Light available now…
Greetings from Archangel Michael
You are indeed, in this moment the presence of Solar Cosmic Christ Light. And more of this
photonic light and Divine frequency streams in now, to surround you fully and completely, to
uplift you, and to support you with where you are on your ascension journey… with where
you are on the path of raising your vibration. These light codes…
The Divine frequency and solar cosmic light meet you where you are right here and now.
And when you allow the light in, it serves in activating you to
an entirely new level by increasing the level of light you can carry. This supports you in
expanding your level of awareness so you can more effortlessly embody the light of your solar
crystalline awakened self… and stand in your Divine Truth...and embody your true Divine
And to support you in this now, your team of
Guides and Angels steps forward surrounding you in a circle of love, light, and frequency, so
that in this very moment you know you are safe, supported, infinitely loved and blessed.
All of these beings— who stand in the light shining with unconditional love — flow the
blessings of unconditional love, Divine presence, and awakened consciousness forth, to
support you right here and now.
And so, breathe, relax and begin to tune into the frequency which is elevating around you.
Begin to tune into the subtle vibration of love as it is raised.
You may become aware of areas where tension has been stored in your physical form, or
perhaps even thoughts or emotions. Whatever is coming up for you now, let it go.
Breathe light into areas of your physical body where you feel tense.
Breathe in love and greet any lower emotions or vibrations that emerge with love. You may
think or say to what arises “I love you. I’m here for you.” Release… And let go.
Continue to breathe and relax as your vibration lifts higher. Allow your awareness now to
focus on the area of your heart center, in the center of your chest, and let the light of your
heart illuminate with golden crystalline light. Let the light of your heart awaken and expand its
Torus energy field around you, growing more expansive, glowing brighter, circulating love and
Divine presence through your entire being.
As you breathe in, let your heart light grow more vibrant and as you exhale, let the light of
your heart naturally expand. Continue to relax, knowing that as you relax, you are able to let
more light in. As you relax, your heart is able to grow more vibrant.
And so, breathe, relax, lift in the light that is all around you and let your vibration become
elevated right here and now.
Open heart. Activated heart light.
To continue reading the transcript of Melanie's channeled message & get a free audio
download of it - just click on this link:
Let yourself enjoy this powerfully uplifting transmission from Melanie Beckler with Infinite
Blessings of Love & Light, Steven Hutchinson
Guiding you to more fully and completely… Embody Your Awakened Self!
Video: "Embody Your Awakened Self With Melanie Beckler & AA Michael"

Keep Sending Love To Transmute The Darkness For All By Blossom Goodchild

Blossom Goodchild:


Oct 14th, nine years on. Many of you have followed The Federation Of Light's channellings for all this time and some even before! If you are anything like me, you will be amazed at how far you have travelled in your Beingness since this date. My! How my thoughts and attitudes have changed. My knowledge has grown exponentially, as indeed has my vocabulary!

Inside of our Beings we can feel the stirring.The Awakening call from ancient days that leads us on into unknown territory ... that seems to be so familiar.

Remember we are together in this journey and we need to encourage one another along the way.


So much is 'surfacing' now and we, as WARRIORS OF LIGHT anchor our POWER into position, in readiness for that which is to come. We can FEEL the difference although, it cannot be pinpointed.

Hang on in there people! We have come so far. Keep on keeping on until we get wherever it is we are headed!

So , here now for your pleasure and Enlightenment is my latest conversation with The Federation Of Light.

Enjoy and many thanks. 

Enjoy your weekend thouroughly.


Love, Light,Laughter & Golden Rays

Blossom G. xxx

Federation Of Light Transmission Oct 14th 2017 :

Welcome to you. I am raring to go, so let’s see what wisdom is to be shared today?

Welcome to you also, Dearest Blossom. We are certainly keen to continue our conversations with you and we are aware of a question you shall pose from a gentleman follower.

Many thanks.

The FOL (and other sources) say that the power to manifest has never been stronger or more powerful than now. However, given that our 'Higher Self' is presumably in charge, no matter what, then is it not true that as much as we consciously try and manifest (eg, trying to create a new job, attract more money, find a partner etc.), if any of these 'wishes' are not in alignment (at this time) with our 'Higher Purpose', as controlled by our 'Higher Self', then none of these manifestations will come to pass, no matter how powerfully or passionately we try to create them? If this is true, then it kinda defeats the purpose of us trying to manifest down here in 3D land, and instead we may as well just sit back and relax and follow the path prepared for us.

 We thank the gentleman for this inquiry for indeed, it is an interesting supposition. Let us explain as best we can, in that, that which one decides to ‘want next’ is simply another step along the journey of life, the journey of the soul. Its choices come and go, and it really is very much the epitome of ‘playing The Game’. Having fun and moving forward, sideways, yet, never backward.

The Higher Self wants for you the very best, as pointed out. Yet, it is also ‘happy’ for you to create anything that your Earthly self desires, because from that experience, no matter what it is, one shall expand, learn and grow.

In essence, the ‘wants and desires’ of a soul, MUST BE the ‘wants and desires’ of the Higher soul, leading on through thought, into the aspect of soul-self that resides within the body at this time.

May I interrupt here by saying that, for instance, surely the Higher Self of a soul (on Earth) who desires to kill another or many, is not keen for the Earthly aspect of the soul to do so?

Yet Blossom, it is an integral part of that soul’s journey … to eventually become in fullness who he/she is, BY travelling along any particular chosen path in order to experience themselves … in order to experience LIFE.

So, would the Higher Self be encouraging that? Surely not, Scott!

It is not a matter of encouraging. It is a matter of freedom of choice, which one was Gracefully given when volunteering and being chosen to reside upon your Planet. 

So, is the aspect of self upon Earth in control over The Higher Self?

It is one and the same. We realise it is difficult to understand.

I can feel you trying to put all this in order of ‘appearance’ so to speak. Let’s take it slow.

Many thanks to you Blossom. It is indeed so very awkward to translate into words that which will make sense of the situation.

It is one and the same because EVERYTHING IS ONE AND THE SAME! EVERYTHING is FROM/OF the ONE ENERGY that exists … Love. This you know. This we have talked about many, many, many, many times.

Yet, the Energy that IS your Higher Self is of a much greater ‘degree of Loving Pure Energy’ than that which is living and encased within the physical body in which you reside, upon the Energetic degree of Mother Earth.

Here we would like to state that it is not the Energy of Mother Earth ‘Herself’ that we are talking about, yet, the Energy that has ‘come upon it’ that we speak of.

It is this Energy that has dampened down your TRUE Energy.

Ok. So, is our Higher Self our God self?

Every part of everything is THE GOD SELF … resonating on/at different frequencies of Vibration.

Would we say that your Higher Self is of a Purer essence, because it is able to be, because … it is not residing within the dense Energies of your Planet.

So, back to the question … to manifest that which we want upon Earth is possible ( no matter what it is) because our Higher Self, although more knowledgeable from the position in which it resides … ‘allows’ us to basically have free rein, so that we can experience that which ‘we think’ is good for us.

Would you like our job, Blossom?

Actually, I often feel that what I say is often you, feeding it through me, in order to help these conversations flow.

For, we are One and the same! Again, we shall revert back to that which we have said many times before … in that, if it be the case that ‘nothing matters’ … which is so … then ALL and EVERYTHING is just another experience, no matter HOW /WHAT /WHY /WHEN it takes place … it  is just LIFE unfolding throughout EVERY conceivable possibility.


KNOW THAT YOU WILL BE WATCHED OVER, and if it be so that a job /partner/ home/ etc. is not the best of that desire that is awaiting you, a way will be found ‘Universally’ to divert the circumstances, in order for one to then walk into the Highest Good of that same intention.

I’m a little confused. So, the Higher Self IS in control of what is best for us?

No. The Higher self WANTS what is best for you, in that which you have asked for. The best of the best … depending on YOUR beliefs of what CAN come to you … and as you well know … this takes place through the Vibrational KNOWING that, that which you ask for shall be received.

I know this is ‘way out there’, and Lord alone knows why I am going down this dodgy avenue, yet, does that then mean that The Higher Self will find the best way for a soul to kill another, if that is their intention?

What it means Blossom is that the Higher Self will present a circumstance to that soul … IF that is the way a soul wishes to walk.

Yet, what about the poor soul that is wiped out? Surely that is not on their list of ‘Things to do today’.  1. Get killed! (I know the answer here, yet, I am feeding you this to assist those who don’t. With respect.)

The soul who is to be ‘wiped out’ as you put it, has already agreed with the soul who is to do the deed that this is to take place. One would say, it is an honorary position. In that, by offering oneself up in this way, they are assisting not just the soul who is to take the action, yet many, many who are affected by such action. 

Although I knew this … it sure is a sacrifice is it not?

It all depends on how you look upon sacrifice. Life continues on forever and ever, whether or not you are ‘dead or alive’ upon your particular Planet!

It is interesting how these conversations travel in many directions. So, because I have no idea really where we are at, at this point in the conversation, I would like to add another question if I may?


It seems that many are still struggling with what are termed as ‘Ascension symptoms’. Is forgetfulness, short term memory loss, one of them?

Yes, only in that the rewiring that is occurring within your ‘every part of Being’ is being upgraded. Little, inconsequential activities can be dismissed, whilst such VAST CHANGES are taking place on so many levels.

Another wrote in to say that you had mentioned that the next three to four months will bring a Lightness in and things would be effortless. Yet, many are still feeling such a heaviness of Being. Is everyone feeling this way still, or just some?

Dearest souls, the releasing and letting go of ‘old’ can be quick and painless or slow and painful, depending on, once again … the soul’s journey … the soul’s attitude.

This is one of the reasons being played out. There are those who are choosing ‘underneath it all’ to hang on to the old, besides the fact that are so very keen to let go of it. It is a surrendering of self to the new … and is acted out in many different ways.

We suggest for those who feel they are ready to let go, yet, are still experiencing the old, that they are transmuting now, not for themselves - but for everyone, for this Energy that is ‘hanging around’ is also in need of either dispersing altogether, or changing into Light.


Many may also be experiencing ‘symptoms’ of thoughts that are estranged from that which they know themselves to be. This too, is an example of ‘releasing and transmuting’ FOR THE WHOLE.

Part of the reason you came. To do this FOR THE WHOLE.

Did you not come down to Planet Earth to move her up into the TRUTH of Herself?


You do not JUST have the ONE JOB of seeing yourself through into this Higher position.

YOU ARE ONE… and therefore, you are serving FOR THE WHOLE and this involves ‘taking on board’  … ailments and negative thoughts of others  … just for a split second, in order to recognise them for what they are and then ridding the Earth of them with that recognition … and allowing them to pass on through in the KNOWING you have either transformed or released them … for The Highest Good of all.

So, Dearest Ones, if you look upon this heaviness of mind, body and soul in this way … then you can give thanks for them ‘coming to you’, so that you can work your magic and do what has to be done, without it ‘getting a grip’ … so to speak.

Once you KNOW this is the case … it can be resolved in the blink of an eye … and if it should take longer than that ... then recognise that the particular experience presented is in need of more Love being sent ‘through it’, rather than feel defeated by it.

Well, I think that will be very helpful to many. Thank you so much.

The pleasure is all ours.

 Oh no, it’s not. So much of it is mine also, and those who are blessed to read your messages.

We are ONE. To finish we would add, that when we spoke of things in the next three or four months becoming Lighter and Brighter … we mean what we say. You will find this particular shift to BE A SHIFT WITH A LIFT!

Lovin’ ya style Crocodile! In Love and thanks. As always, an honour to serve.

Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY!

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is

Video: Sacred Sound To Help You Relax & Experience Happiness & Divine Freedom"


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