The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
We will never evolve if we come only from the mind (ego) it is only when we listen to the heart which is where the soul speakes to us that we will be able to evolve as the mind cannot comprehend all knowing it is not possilble,Like you I have studied on all this and read up on different view points and I now have NO more desire to do so, as I know my heart just leads me to my truth, the mind is a tool that is all, and we need to know what to feed it and the soul knows, all we have to do is trust in ourselves our feelings will tell us our truth in the now moments,If you could only feel the bliss that comes inside of you when you connect to a surportive universe and not THINK you need to control it . Evolution is not about power it is about conecting to your soul, to the all. Do you think I would be bothered doing all this that I do, if I thought it came from egos desires for attention? I have been doing this full on for over 6mths now with a passion that comes only from my heart, so that I can asist and connect to others, thus assist my own growth.It is not enough for me to have these feelings of welbeing I want everyone to have them, that is how the heart gets, that is how the plan works that is how we evolve. L&L
LilBunnyFufu said:Hello dear friends. I want to say again that there are no such things as aliens or vessels. In all the recorded history, written and oral, we have not had contact with any others besides ourselves. This is in the 5th and 7th dimension. It is good to have hopes and dreams but do not be mislead. You must focus on evolving and universal consciousness. Much love to you.
Andy I am not trying to be rude, but how will you know? There were no dates given ,and I know it will eventually happen!!I'm looking forward to the lame excuses when nothing happens.....
Using this time converter, the times come out as below. The converter compensates for Daylight savings time.
11:00:00 a.m. Friday April 10, 2009 in GMT converts to
07:00:00 a.m. Friday April 10, 2009 in US/Michigan
Daylight Saving Time is not in effect on this date/time in GMT
Daylight Saving Time is in effect on this date/time in US/Michigan
09:00:00 p.m. Friday April 10, 2009 in Australia/Brisbane converts to
11:00:00 a.m. Friday April 10, 2009 in GMT
Daylight Saving Time is not in effect on this date/time in Australia/Brisbane
Daylight Saving Time is not in effect on this date/time in GMT
----- Original Message -----
From: Blossom Goodchild
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 3:10 AM
Subject: check for daylight saving times!
Golden Rays One and All.
Regarding the forthcoming Global Visual Affect on April 10th 2009.
Please take note that daylight saving will have come into effect in ceratin countries/states. I had not taken this into account! DER!
I said that it would be 9pm EST Brisbane ... 11am GMT...... It seems the clocks will have changed ( is nothing simple????) and it will be 12noon GMT.
May I suggest that wherever you are in the world you check out what time it will be for you .... when it is 9pm for those of us in Queensland , Australia. (really easy to google).
Many thanks . Hoping this makes sense.
Much excitement is building. So many already visualising on a daily basis. It's got to be good!
Love Light Laughter and Golden Rays
Blossom Goodchild.Golden Rays One and All.
Regarding the forthcoming Global Visual Affect on April 10th 2009.
Please take note that daylight saving will have come into effect in ceratin countries/states. I had not taken this into account! DER!
I said that it would be 9pm EST Brisbane ... 11am GMT...... It seems the clocks will have changed ( is nothing simple????) and it will be 12noon GMT.
May I suggest that wherever you are in the world you check out what time it will be for you .... when it is 9pm for those of us in Queensland , Australia. (really easy to google).
Many thanks . Hoping this makes sense.
Much excitement is building. So many already visualising on a daily basis. It's got to be good!
Love Light Laughter and Golden Rays
Blossom Goodchild.
Magica said:if it is 9pm (Australian EST), April 10th what time will it be in Toronto, Canada?
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