Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I AM the Holy Breath of God Sustaining Mother Earth’s NEW Solar Reality By Patricia Cota-Robles




I AM the Holy Breath of God Sustaining Mother Earth’s NEW Solar Reality By Patricia Cota-Robles
Today, we have been given a powerful Visualization that will assist us in comprehending what is occurring now through our Holy Breath in this New Solar Reality. Initially this Visualization may seem complicated, but with a little practice you will become familiar with it step by step. Once you are familiar with what is occurring with every INBREATH and OUTBREATH you can just Breathe normally and ask your I AM Presence to take over the multidimensional control of this Breathing process.
As you focus on this Visualization KNOW this is both a wondrous opportunity and a tremendous responsibility that we are being Trusted with by our Father-Mother God. This Gift from On High is stated in the 1st person so that each of us will KNOW that every word is referring to us personally and collectively.  And we begin:
I AM the Holy Breath of God Sustaining Mother Earth’s NEW Solar Reality By Patricia Cota-Robles
I AM my Divine Self and I AM One with Father/Mother/God.  My Divine Self is also One with the I AM Presence of every human being, & Humanity’s Collective I AM Presences now merge into One Luminous I AM Presence which is cradling Mother Earth and my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies within the Divinity of Its Unified Heart Flame.
My individual I Am Presence now expands into a Luminous Being of Light that is cradling the collective I AM Presence of ALL Humanity, Mother Earth and my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies within Its Immortal Victorious Threefold Heart Flame. 
Now, the Heart Flame in my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies is pulsating in the Heart of Mother Earth, and in the Unified Heart Flame of all Humanity in our collective I AM Presence.
And the greatly expanded Heart Flame in MY Luminous I AM Presence are all three merging into One Glorious Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame. Now, with every Holy Breath I take, this Trinity of God’s Infinite Light is bathing Mother Earth and sustaining her in the vibrational frequencies of her NEW Solar Reality.
My 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies are pulsating within the scintillating Flame of the Immaculate Concept that is blazing in the Crystalline Lotus Blossom in the newly Ascended Heart of Mother Earth. 
Breath by Breath, I AM Consciously aware that Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth are now Breathing in unison with me as I affirm:
I AM INBREATHING through my newly merged Immortal Victorious Threefold Heart Flame the highest frequencies of God’s Divinely Intelligent Prana and Life Force that I AM capable of assimilating.
This Holy Breath Ascends into my spiritual brain centers and my physical brain structure Restoring, Renewing and Resurrecting every facet of my brain to its full Divine Potential.
 My Holy INBREATH now Ascends through the fully open Crown Chakras in my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies, and in Humanity’s Collective I AM Presence and in MY expanded Luminous I AM Presence into the very Heart of my Father-Mother God. Instantaneously, my Holy INBREATH absorbs all of the Infinite Light in the Heart of God.
Now, on my OUTBREATH this Infinite Light descends back through the Crown Chakras of my Luminous I AM Presence, Humanity’s Collective I AM Presence and my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies, into my newly merged Threefold Heart Flame.
As I continue my OUTBREATH, the Infinite Light I absorbed within the Heart of God now flows through my Heart Chakra into Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System of Comprehensive Divine Love Blessing every facet of Life belonging to or serving Mother Earth.
I AM now Consciously aware that with every INBREATH and OUTBREATH my Father-Mother God’s Infinite Light and Comprehensive Divine Love are now Creating the foundation for the tangible manifestation of the patterns of perfection for Mother Earth’s NEW SOLAR REALITY.
As I continue this Living Breathing Activity of Light day by day, with every Breath I take, my I AM Presence will take control and perpetually Consecrate my thoughts, feelings, words and actions with Loving Gratitude for my Gift of Life and the selfless service my Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light serving the evolutions of Earth are rendering to Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth.  And so it is Beloved I AM That I AM !
You can find Patricia Cota-Robles full message that this was taken from by clicking on this link:
Video - I Am The Bridge To Freedom Connecting Heaven To Earth



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