Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hello everybody, I thought it will be nice to read how do you say "Merry Christmas" in your own language.

Merry christmas in Spanish is "Feliz Navidad"

By the way, I wish all of you around the globe to have a great Christmas! Enjoy the holidays!!!

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I say Merry Christmas :P
Vodka Kerst to you too Tony :P

Tony said:
Vrolijk kerst :-)
German: Wundershöne Weihnachten Frohe Weihnachten
Dutch: prettige kerstdagen/ fijne kerstdagen
In Dutch language........Prettige kerstdagen

So to you all a Merry Christmas...
Portugal - Feliz Natal
In slovenia = Vesel Božič
In french we say! JOYEUX NOEL..
in Brazil we say: Feliz Natal!

Merry Christmas/Feliz Natal to everyone!
In Italian Buon Natale
In Spain: " Feliz Navidad ",
but I live in the Balearic islands in the Mediterranean sea where peple speak Mallorquín...
and they said: "Bon Nadal Molt d'anys"
Maitaki said:
In Spain: " Feliz Navidad ",
but I live in the Balearic islands in the Mediterranean sea where peple speak Mallorquín...
and they said: "Bon Nadal Molt d'anys"

But that is a song right? Feliz Navidad???
Poland - Wesolych Swiat

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