Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Helping to heal the Earth by emitting Solfeggio frequencies on a global scale

If you have read clinton's channeling of the earth herself on the blog posts section, the earth is currently in terrible distress from negative waves being emitted en masse by the dark cabal through speakers, beacons, and the invention that fell into the wrong hands, HAARP.

A way to alleviate her distress is by the emission of Solfeggio frequencies on a global scale.

This is the job of humans on earth, and we aren't getting any extra help. We have to save our own home!

Ideas are very welcome here. Let's all do this together.


What is HAARP and how it sounds:

Solfeggio frequencies:

Orgonite Cloudbusters and how to amplify its powers to a global scale

Meditation that may allow us to emit the S. frequencies or loving frequencies to the whole earth

Any plausible invention that can beam audio, or frequencies on a global scale.

We Need All The Help And Ideas We Can Get!

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erm... train some dolphins to sing the frequencies throught out the ocean... :)
hack the satellites
Ideas so far:

cymatics, using the visual representation of the S.frequencies like crop circles

pirate radio broadcasts (people will get headaches)

water balancing symbols:

orgone field pulser:
meditation and stones are vary important. use a petrefied wood to conect with our Earth, then a clear quartz its a progrmable stone, and an amathist that trasforms the energy. there are thousands of combinations this meirly an example. remember 3 is the magic number, i love this work
is there something we can realistically mass produce. to help get the positive frequencies out there. Like a homework lesson for everyone on this site that has the resources to make there own orgonite ad charge it with the solfieggo freiquencies? all of us can make at least ten. 10 X 332= 3320 units of orgone (each varying in strength). We could even post a do it yourself, make orgone for dummies guide.
Face your speakers to the floor (the bigger the better) and crank the volume to 11!
I agree with David "Vaddix". I had mention in the chat today that I am going to get a booklet form Wilhelm Reich's website PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTING AN ORGONE ENERGY ACCUMULATOR to build our own and maybe figure the S. frequencies to go with it!
love & light
crystalclear2313 said:
I agree with David "Vaddix". I had mention in the chat today that I am going to get a booklet form Wilhelm Reich's website PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTING AN ORGONE ENERGY ACCUMULATOR to build our own and maybe figure the S. frequencies to go with it!
love & light
you ca call me which ever name you want. david or vaddix. I just put it up cause im going to be changing my name to vaddix soon. just so people dont get confuzed. Vaddix isn't a pst life its just a nickname i got form a friend thats an annogram of david with an x added.
No problem my friend

David "Vaddix" said:
crystalclear2313 said:
I agree with David "Vaddix". I had mention in the chat today that I am going to get a booklet form Wilhelm Reich's website PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTING AN ORGONE ENERGY ACCUMULATOR to build our own and maybe figure the S. frequencies to go with it!
love & light
you ca call me which ever name you want. david or vaddix. I just put it up cause im going to be changing my name to vaddix soon. just so people dont get confuzed. Vaddix isn't a pst life its just a nickname i got form a friend thats an annogram of david with an x added.
I'm up for that. Between the lot of us, we could probably put several hundred around the planet. I was thinking as well, how about we send followup letters to Obama, asking for HAARP to be discontinued as well as the disclosure issue. Couldn't hurt.

Namaste :)

crystalclear2313 said:
I agree with David "Vaddix". I had mention in the chat today that I am going to get a booklet form Wilhelm Reich's website PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTING AN ORGONE ENERGY ACCUMULATOR to build our own and maybe figure the S. frequencies to go with it!
love & light
Hi everyone,

I think I can give all the Light Workers a solution for this and this has to be done though out the world.

The frequencies need to be transmitted in a wave form which would have to be able to pass through objects (Faraday Cage, for the highest effectiveness and these waves will have to be able to penetrate the earth as well.. even at places where there is high concentration of metallic ores which usually impedes the transmission!

For these we would have to create Scalar wave forms to be transmitted and these waves as per Nikola Tesla's research can exceed speeds of 1.5 times of that of Light!! and can pass through Faraday Cages!

A scalar potential is any static (stationary) ordering in the virtual particle flux of vacuum. A vector potential is any dynamic (nonstationary) ordering in the virtual particle flux of vacuum. So scalar potentials and vector potentials are simply different subsets of the energy domain.

An electrostatic scalar potential is any static (stationary) ordering in the virtual photon flux of vacuum.

When converting EM energy to SCALAR waves, what you are actually doing is attempting to create a subtructure in which the energy is folded in on itself in such a way that it manifests no external net effects in the manner in which our current test equipment (single stage interaction) is designed to detect, but rather, maintains all of its energy within the substructure itself (hyperspace), in other words, SCALAR WAVES.

These types of waves are quite capable of penetrating conventional forms of electromagnetic shielding (Faraday Cages) while remaining quite invisible to standard (single stage) detection methods.

There are ways in which you can create scalar waves and what i'm trying right now is to find the simplest and the easiest solution, so that anyone or everyone can make this without having any technical background on how to make this. This is the best way to propagate this process to the four corners of the earth!

GIve me a few hours and I'll see if I can find an easy solution to this. We need to use Bifilar coils for Transmission of Scalar waves. I know how to make these and can teach everyone. I have made a few of these some time ago and there are some variations in these coils and am looking for the most effective out of them for Scalar Wave Transmissions. I'll post the pictures of these for you to understand how they look.

Alternately, you can program Quartz crystals to the Solfeggio Frequencies and place them anywhere you want and these quartz crystal would be resonating to these frequencies once programmed.

Check the link below where I explained on the programming of Quartz Crystals:

Give me a few hours and I'll post a solution for the Scalar Transmission of Solfeggio Frequencies from your Music System!

You cant hear them but they would be transmitting all around you!

Love & Light,
Ravi Raju
Good luck Ravi!!

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