Heaven and Earth Belong Together By Pamela Kribbe ... And... Resonate With What is True for You By Shanta Gabriel...And...Step Into The Light & Leave The Shadows Behind By David William Dolberg
I greet you all in this place of connection and simplicity. Join with me: the ground beneath your feet, the trees and the grass, the rocks and all nature around you. It is around you like an energy you absorb and that nourishes your cells. It is a place where the original Earth energy is allowed to be; where there is room for me.
There are many energies in human society which run counter to the original Earth energy. Those which run counter arise from the thought processes and attempts at taming life on Earth. Those mental energies have become so commonplace for all of you that it has become almost as a second nature. Only as a small child did you have that direct connection with what was most natural.
I ask you to now remind yourself of that direct, natural connection with your body, and not with your head. Descend with your attention deep into your body, away from your head, and go down to your heart and your abdomen. Imagine your attention as a soft white feather that slowly touches all parts of your body: your heart, your arms and hands, your abdomen, your legs and feet. Stored in your body is a reminder of simplicity and purity. The body remembers; it stores old wounds and traumas in the memory of its cells, but it also stores the primal memory of wholeness, spontaneity, and naturalness.
I ask you to now connect with this primal memory. See a child before you, the child that you once were, or just the appearance of a child who is happy and carefree and in harmony with nature. When you feel happy and carefree, you are not constantly considering whether what you do and what you feel is good, or what the ultimate effects will be, or what may happen or can go wrong. The mental power in you constantly interferes with and constrains the spontaneity that is also there and that wants to come forth from the primal source to your embodied soul.
There is a spontaneous flow in each one of you. Your body carries that flow in every cell and it contains my energy that is the energy of nature. The energy of your soul and that of nature come together in the cells of your body. But they are covered over by layers of learned ways of thinking which are fuelled by fear.
Imagine that your body cells were originally full of creative light that is connected to both the Earth and to your soul. The two energies of Heaven and Earth have no trouble finding each other; they are attracted to each other and belong together.
It is humans who have created an artificial split there. These two energies may appear to you to be higher and lower, but in your original nature that separation does not exist. They dance together, the energy of your soul and the energy of the Earth.
Try to feel that joining once again in your body. Feel the fluidity of the light that is alive in all your cells and is full of the information from an energy that can help you find your way.
The child, who I just asked you to call up in your imagination, is the Messenger of the united energies of the light of Heaven and that of Earth. Now ask this child if it has a message for you. Let that message come to you in a way that suits the child. The message does not have to be in words. It is not a mental energy that the child in you wants to send. The child's energy is very alive and tells you where you have become trapped in old habits and thoughts.
Let this child with its energy then go to a place in your body that most needs that energy, the spot where your energy has become blocked by being temporarily overcome by fear. Fear causes the mental processes to take over, which are then going to try to manage and control the mechanisms of life in order to protect you and to survive. That reaction, however, never feeds the inner child; it does not nourish the flow of life that you essentially are. It leads to complaints in your physical body or to discontent and pain in your emotional body.
Recognize the veil you have put over your self: the veil of fear, excessive thinking, distrust, maybe a lack of faith. See if you can observe that veil in your body: any gray or dark spots which grip your energy so it cannot flow freely.
Look at that dark place and become aware of who you really are. You are not your inner child, although your inner child lives within you. You are the awareness that supports the child and that makes choices, while the child within you is the feeling part. It is that part of your life that flows and desires self-realization and that needsyou– your I, the creator within you, the consciousness within you – in order for it to really come to full expression.
The child in you is like a delicate and beautiful flower who needs you to cherish it and to care for it; it needs you to understand it. You are the caregiver and the keeper for your inner child.
Life gives you this child – your spontaneity, your desires, your creativity – and you are the creator who has a choice. You can let your inner child remain veiled and be oppressed by the fears from society which overwhelm you when you are born. Or you can use the power you have to break through those fears and the excessive thinking.
Take hold of your deep power of consciousness. Consciousness is not about thinking, but is the willingness to be present completely and to not look away from your pain, away from your inner child, and to see both the gifts and the pain that are in the child.
I ask you to see your child clearly, and doing that partly dissolves the veil that surrounds you. Seeing this child revives it and awakens it; the child then feels it is allowed to be.
Feel very clearly the message of this child and feel your own protective power. You are able to distinguish between fear and love, between choking repression and real freedom and spontaneity. Allow in your own childlikeness, your own spontaneity and innocence, and everything that derives from it.
But doing this can call up anxiety in you, because you have not yet learned to trust this process. You have been told that you need to look toward the future, that you have to anticipate what can go wrong, that you cannot just go ahead and be yourself, that there are dangers threatening.
However, there is greater danger in this way of thinking. It suppresses your original creativity and makes you fear for yourself by causing a split within yourself, which is the biggest danger for people because that split can cause destructive behavior. It creates real chaos because there is no longer unity within people, there is no center.
Thinking can never help you to be centered. Your true center is in your abdomen where you are connected to me, the Earth. Feel the Earth energy that flows there. Let yourself go, and dare to trust. Life is good and wants to bring you home to yourself –trust life.
Thank you so much for giving the Presence of your Soul and The Earth and your loving attention & gratitude.
Resonate With What is True for You By Shanta Gabriel
We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom ofThe Gabriel Messagesto provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.
For our Sunday inspiration, this message from Archangel Gabriel is teaching us how to focus on what is most important in our lives.
The Gabriel Message Card for this week
Resonate with what is true for you and leave the rest.
https://gallery.mailchimp.com/f1eb1a943390480866073131e/images/d152..." width="250" class="CToWUd"/>There is so much information coming at us right now that it is difficult to take it all in. Especially my email, even if it seems really fascinating, it is often distracting me from what is essential and important for me to focus on. Learning how to resonate with what is the Truth in my heart has been an ongoing process of discovery.
I have been recently receiving the message that I need to prioritize. I have so many things that I love and am interested in, I find that I spend way too much time exploring or reading than keeping my focus on what I am working on. This means that I might even have to stop signing those important petitions that save the waters, the animals and the forests until I can complete my Inspiration message :-)
So one of the ways that I have sorted out this process is by recognizing the resonance within my heart. If I feel at all obligated to do something that is not in alignment with the resonance of my heart, I just have to leave those things aside and come back to what is most necessary.
Not only do I feel like there is too much to do, I also notice that it is not leaving as much time for rest and the nourishing activities like hiking in the forest. It is a priority for me now to slow down, breathe more deeply, and do only that which resonates with my heart. I may do only 5 of the 7 (or 180) things on my To Do List, but I will do them more consciously and with more focus of attention. That way they carry much more Love and Presence into the world. I also feel like I accomplish more when I bring my full consciousness into the project, and it helps me to enjoy the process.
I am realizing that there will always be more to do. What is essential is that I feel happy and that I am truly enjoying my life. That is what makes life more fulfilling and my work a true Joy.
Divine Presence,
Thank you for assisting me in bringing more clarity and awareness into my heart and mind. I offer all my work to the Divine Source, my Senior Partner, that guides my work to help me prioritize all that I do each day. I ask to know by resonance in my heart, beyond a shadow of a doubt, what is important for me to focus on. Thank you for showing me what will most nourish and enhance all that I am so I can bring into the world only that which serves in the greatest way.
With every action that I take, may I and all beings, become more attuned to Source energy and in alignment with our Soul's Purpose. For these and all my blessings, I say thank you, thank you, thank you. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
The Gabriel Messages #5
Resonate with what is true for you and leave the rest.
Archangel Gabriel:
Dear One,
Every day you receive wisdom and guidance from the Angels. Sometimes this guidance comes from those around you — friends, family, teachers, strangers or signs in obvious places. Sometimes this wisdom comes as an inner urging. Whenever you receive guidance, if you tune within, you will feel a resonance when it is coming from a place of truth for you. Call this your "God check." Create your own little sign that you can recognize when something is right for you. Then you have a way to really know what it is in your highest good at all times.
It is important to do this "God check" before your mental activity is engaged, because the mind creates confusion at times. It is the heart that is in tune with Infinite Intelligence. This is where you receive your truth. Many times what is in your highest good may not be the most rational of acts. You must be willing to do that which resonates deep within your heart as the most appropriate action for you to take.
The God within you knows the answers. Before you can hear them, however, it may take a little prayer you make to yourself in moments of decision, especially when you are receiving conflicting advice from many well-meaning people around you. Take the time to center into your heart, so you can know what is true for you.
One little ritual that may be helpful for you is to stop, take a deep breath, and say to yourself: "The God within me knows the truth in this situation." Take several deep breaths and continue with your life process. You will feel a resonance within yourself that is your true knowing. The more you act on this resonance, the stronger it will become. Be willing more and more to do that which your heart tells you is right for you, rather than following your rational thoughts or the suggestions of those around you.
No one knows more than you do what is truly in your highest good, when you are in that infinite connection to the Source of all life. Ask for this connection to be strong and clear.
It is very helpful to give thanks in advance for clear direction from God. This creates a frequency of energy within and around you that allows the Angels to bring you assistance. An attitude of gratitude goes a long way to bring about that which you most want in your life. Be clear about the qualities you want, such as joy, wisdom, love, prosperity, and peace. All of these qualities represent the energy of the universe that is always available to you. You must ask for them directly in order to receive them. You also need to keep bringing your focus of attention back to what you want, rather than focusing on what you don’t want in your life.
So the steps we are suggesting in order to bring about a higher level of order in your life are:
Stop, breathe, ask, give thanks, and then be willing to receive on a level you have never believed possible. Allow the universal energy of the Archangels to work in your life.
When you come from this high level of intention, you will begin to sense within you the resonance of your highest truth. And from this place comes Divine Right Action.
Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:
Resonate with what is true for you and leave the rest.
Step Into The Light & Leave The Shadows Behind By David William Dolberg
A friend of mine commented to me today of the doubts he has of his own abilities to overcome his struggles. I see him clearly as a capable person, a man imbued with caring and compassion for others, as well as a brilliance for problem solving. I counseled him to look into the mirror to see the man I see in him, and that I believed in him. I know there are plenty of others who likewise see him as amazing as he truly is.
In photography, the way that light is cast upon a subject defines an image that will be taken. If a single light is shone from the side, half the face is brightly illuminated, but the other side bears a dark shadow in contrast. Add more light sources, one from each side, one above, and you'll see a face in full brilliance, all shadows pushed aside.
I understand that when we see ourselves, it may not always be in the light of day when all is sunny and bright. Sometimes we catch a glimpse of ourselves in times of dim light or even darkness. The lack of light can distort the impression we have of ourselves, and single sided perspectives can cause us to see a frightful perception instead of our true selves and our genuine worth. Darkness deceives the eye as well as the heart.
If you see yourself as distorted and dim when you look in the mirror, perhaps it's time to choose more good people who are bright lights for the soul, ones who can surround you from every angle, shine the light of love and encouragement, so that when you see yourself in their reflection, you'll see one illuminated by the possibilities, the strength and potential, and all the capability in the world.
Step into the light of those who understand your true worth, and leave the shadows behind you where they belong.