Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Feel The Gratitude Of The Infinite...For You! By Ann Albers ... And ... The Cosmic Lattice Via Kryon ... And ... A Vision for Fulfillment

Feel The Gratitude Of The Infinite...For You! By Ann Albers

Message From God's Presence .....

I love you with a love beyond measure. I am grateful for your willingness to go beyond the dreams I once dreamt for you when you were originally created. I appreciate your creativity, your tenacity, you love, and your kindness to one another. I appreciate even your sadness, for it shows you care. I appreciate even your anger because it shows you are seeking deeper love. I appreciate every breath you take for you are giving me an experience of life in your human forms, as clearly as the cells in your own body give you the experience of life.

You, in your human form, have created celebrations of the love that we are. You have created reasons to gather and to be grateful. You have found ways to share with those in need. You have found countless ways to express my love within you for one another, and yet so seldom do you sit silently and allow yourselves to feel the love and appreciation I have for you.

Sit quietly now and ask to feel my love. Breathe deeply and open to feel the streams of our collective being flowing through you. Open your heart, simply through your intent and feel my love rising up within you. Allow yourself to feel my appreciation for you.

Ask to see yourself as I see you and you will look through the eyes of a vast and immeasurable love and see yourself as never before.

Dear embodiments of my love, as you appreciate yourselves, you are acknowledging my love within you. As you appreciate one another, you are witnessing my love in them. As you look at life and everything and everyone in it with a sense of appreciation you realize that you are cells in a body of love in which every single of one of you plays an integral part.

My appreciation for your willingness to enter the earth plane, and to explore our collective being in so many forms, knows no bounds. I treasure the celebrations you have created, because I long to allow my love to be felt and expressed through each and every one of you.

I love you. I am you. You are within me. I give thanks for the experience of our collective being.

Video - "November 22nd Full Moon Angel Card Reading— What You Need to Know This Week!" By Melanie Beckler -

Message From Ann Albers .....

Hi Everyone,

I never really though about the Divine being grateful. Somehow the idea that God would appreciate me was bigger than the beliefs I was raised with. Nonetheless, the first time I shut my eyes, sat in silence, and asked to see myself through the eyes of God, I experienced a love and appreciation so profound it brought me to tears.

I felt drawn up and behind my human self into a vast and infinite presence. I knew myself as Ann and yet so much more. I was One with a consciousness that spanned universes and felt its love for the experience of this tiny being I called "me," very much as if I could feel the deep, still ocean appreciating the dynamic experience of individuating as a wave. As "Ann" I felt embraced, treasured, and valued. It changed the way I see myself, even when I am in the depths of my own humanity.

So often I meet beautiful souls who are so hard on themselves, as I once was. We learn artificial, superficial standards of perfection and "holiness" and yet we are already perfect in our essence, already whole, in our being.

We may have an imperfect experience of love, yet we are a perfect love just having an experience.

So as we approach Thanksgiving, by all means give thanks for all you are grateful for, but also take time to sit and receive the love and appreciation of the Divine, the Angels, even our Mother Earth.

Even if no one is expressing appreciation for you at this moment, know you are valued anyway by a Presence far more vast than its individual forms.

I give thanks for you. I value you. You are the ones who motivate me to do all that I do. You are the ones I must stand in front of in all my humanity and profess our divinity. You are the ones I chose to incarnate and journey with upon this school called earth as we explore and expand our collective being...

Here are some pointers this week to help you feel the love and appreciation of those beautiful Beings that love you...

1. Ask to feel the Love and Appreciation of the Divine

Sit quietly. Breathe slowly and deeply. Imagine yourself expanding way beyond your body, up and out as if you are a genie coming out of a bottle, a presence expanding beyond the room, and even the earth itself. Imagine expanding and merging with the infinite.

Now imagine you are looking down upon the earth from the vast reaches of space and beyond, witnessing this infinite energy incarnate in your human body and personality. Sit quietly and ask to see yourself through the eyes of this Infinite Presence. Breathe. Receive the love.

2. Ask to feel the Love and Appreciation of the Angels

Sit quietly. Breathe. Open your heart. Ask one of your angels to step forward and fill you with their appreciation. As you breathe, keep imagining yourself opening the heart like a flower, to receive the sunshine. Intend to feel your angels' love and appreciation. Breathe. Receive.

3. Ask to feel the Love and Appreciation of Mother Earth

This exercise is best done outside but you can do it in your imagination.

Stand upon the earth. Feel yourself deeply connected to her through the soles of your feet. Thank her for the bounty and gifts she gives you. Tell her you wish to feel her love and appreciation for you. Shut your eyes. Breathe. Feel her energy rising up from the soles of your feet and coursing through you. Open your heart and intend to feel her appreciation for you. Breathe. Open. Feel.

I love you all and I wish each and every one of you a precious and beautiful Thanksgiving whether you celebrate or not, whether you are with family or alone, for in truth, we are all in this together.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Love you all!
♥ Ann

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Video - "Cosmic Gold Ray Tranmission - Absorbing 5D Gold Light Energy Into Your Heart" By Steve Nobel -


The Cosmic Lattice Via Kryon

Greetings, dear ones, I AM Kryon of magnetic service!

Oh, it is good to be back in this energy before you. This night is going to be different than the last, for in this place there are going to be changed hearts, with permission. Some of you will see for the first time what the love of God truly is, and how it "shakes hands" with the spiritual part within you that is a piece of the whole. Tonight there will be revealed some profound principles that you are ready for, and the assemblage of humans that is here is perfect to hear it.

Oh family—oh dear ones—we gather this night together, just the few of us, to feel the love of HOME.
And we say to you that some will have a difficult time for a few moments understanding that the voice you are hearing (and reading) is no longer the consciousness of my partner who has spoken to you for these many hours (during the seminar). Oh no. For now you are hearing the voice and the
consciousness of the one who loves you dearly—that being of the God-essence itself—the one who
knows all about your life—the one who loves you dearer than any in the Universe—the one who
knows the innermost secrets—the one who has no judgment around you.

Oh, listen to this: Blessed are the human beings that will sacrifice themselves as entities of the Universe and willingly come to this planet accepting the frailty of biology—hiding the magnificence of themselves and their Merkabahs, and their colours, in order to stand with other humans and try to remember who they really are. There is no greater love than this, that you would sacrifice yourselves to such a degree as to come here and make a change in the very fabric of the Universe! You heard it right. For what you do here on this planet in the journey itself will change the way things work in a place that you have no conception of.

....... We are here to reveal for the first time, some of the way things work that we have never told any group before. And it is indeed appropriate that it be revealed in this place, for the consciousness here is one of love—one of desire for knowledge—one that is serious.

And I am speaking to lightworkers that are holding their light high! I am speaking to you, dear one [reading and hearing this]. I know your heart and the purity of it. I know why you’re here. This message is for you personally, as well as for the scientists—as well as for the metaphysicians all over the world. So it is that this message will go far. Let it begin.

Video - " The Cosmic Lattice - Your Unlimited Universal Power"


We wish to tell you this night of a specific kind of energy. We wish to tell you this night of what some
of you will think of as an object, but it is not—it is a phenomenon. It is something so common that it
is around all of you, yet so mysterious that few know of it. It is the missing piece of energy that you
have been looking for so long. It is the energy of love. It is the energy of Spirit. It is the energy of the Universe and we are speaking this night of something in English that we will call "The Cosmic

I will dole out this information carefully and slowly to my partner so that you will understand
what it is and how it works. And before this meeting is finished this night you will understand how it
applies to you.

It is very common in the teaching of Kryon that we start with the big and go down to the small so that you will understand the overview and how it affects the human heart. The Cosmic Lattice, dear ones, is the common denominator of the unified energy source of the Universe. The common denominator—meaning that all things emanate from The Cosmic Lattice.

It is difficult to define this all at once, so we will tell you its many attributes slowly this night. The Cosmic Lattice is everywhere. It is throughout the Universe. Everything that you can see and everything you cannot see contains the lattice. From the smallest particles of your physics, and from the electron haze forward, The Cosmic Lattice is present.

Those of you in physics will begin to understand and recognize this principle, and it will start to make
sense as to what this lattice actually is.......

To continue reading and learn and experience more of The Cosmic Lattice and how you can make use of it in your own life - just click on this PDF link:

Video - "Experience The Levels & Dimensions Of Your Christ Consciousness"

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The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Fulfillment

We envision a world where the needs of all people everywhere are fulfilled; where our children have all the food, friends, shelter, comforts, caring and loving guidance they need in order to thrive and reach their highest calling in life; where the adults have everything they need, as well, in each and every moment, so that we are able to do what we came here to this Earth to do; and where our society - humanity, as a whole - is being given everything it needs in order to achieve its highest and greatest destiny.

All peoples everywhere have gleaned the wisdom in sharing what they have with others so that everyone can keep moving forward on their chosen path in life. In a world such as this, none are left by the wayside, all are seen as equal regardless of their differences, and a Spirit has come forth across the land that is reflected in the smiles on the faces of both the children and adults, as we are all sharing our Earthly resources freely with one another.

Indeed, we see a world where we are all being given everything we need. There is no shortage. There is only abundance in a world where we are all are fulfilled in our hearts, in our minds, in our bodies, and in our souls.

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